

ドロップとXP: パンツをはいているすべての冒険者のXP獲得とドロップ率が50%アップ。

2 弓兵ブウォークのパンツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブリューメン・ティンクトリアスのラボでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 コアラネズミのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナ村において、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると15%の確率で素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 プチ・ダークマント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 盗賊およびダーク職人とのバトルでXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パーマフロスト港でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 野生シャシャの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 栗の木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 暗黒の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ジュヒリッターのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 邪悪の森のはずれのモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 プレスピックのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アルマ・クレイドルでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 カジトリゴーストの貝殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 蘭ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

7 わた抜き川ハゼ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ミス・カナシイの祝福: ミス・カナシイがアマクナ村の噴水の側でブサイクになりたい冒険者を待っている。彼女の祝福を受けると一時的にクロコダイルに変身(バトル時には解除される)。続く15バトルで力+50、ダメージ+10。

4 クロコダイルのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 巨大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 青エイ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブラクマールのネズミ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 毒入りサリヴァ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴターキーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアストゥルーブのスーラム神の像の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ルウルネット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 下水モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 下水シャーマンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 村の外に生息するフリゴストの生き物から猟師が収集する肉の量が150%アップ。

1 ペングィンの身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 下水モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 下水管理人の足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 木こりのクラフト時に10%の確率で素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 丈夫な木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールのはずれにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

5 カラスの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリー・キーホロのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 トリの排泄器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキー・ボーナス: ドラゴターキーによってもたらされるボーナスが100%アップ。

4 ドラゴ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 拷問死者の墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ドラウグシャファーの顎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: オーツ麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷のフィールド・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 伝説のゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ブラクマールへの道のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バッドボーイのタトゥー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キムボー天幕でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ムーペットの詰め物 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スチームクラックラーの心臓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: コバルトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 コバルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 積雪の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 バズータの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ゴッボール・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

9 ゴッボールの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スフォキアにおいて、職人のクラフト時に15%の確率で素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 砂ダンジョンの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 氷結の湖のモンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 デブペングィンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 木こり(全レベル)の木の伐採量が100%アップ。

1 カシワの板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ地下道でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

4 黒ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムコイン: コロッシュウムコインの獲得量が100%アップ。

1 スクラッチシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: コアラックでのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドク・アラコの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: サカイ平原と積雪の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 サプールの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: マツユキソウの収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

5 マツユキソウ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アイボリー・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 ドラゴターキーの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 靴職人のクラフト時に10%の確率で素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 トフサンダル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はブラクマールの門の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ブラクマール」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 鉱石(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

8 オウギナックのあご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ポーカス平原でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 ポーカスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ノエル・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 真っ赤なノエルラッピング用紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 クラヴイカ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: すべてのダンジョンで、チャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 小枝のグレート剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノエル・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 雪片 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ポルコスのテリトリーにおいて、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 アルミニット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ボンタ墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 するどい歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 海賊船と漂流島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 水夫の結び目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: とり肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 とり肉 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノエル・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 アニス入りケーキの橇 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がノエルのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けると、素材やその他のアイテムが手に入る。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ロイヤルペングィンの穴でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 シャーマン・ペングィンのヒゲの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノエル・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

1 チョコレート製のプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノエル島の港、ランド、タイガにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ライ麦と米の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ライ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 暗黒の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ダーク・ジュッヒーの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 食べ物を作る職業(パン屋、肉屋、魚屋)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

8 ナゲット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス&上位モンスター: 上位モンスターが現れるスピードが200%アップ。素材(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

4 黄金ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パン屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 オーツ麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オトマイアーチ・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 スパロのスカーフ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: グラスフック・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ウルバロのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: イチイの木とバンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

12 イチイの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村のパン屋の作業所側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ワビットの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 森の動物でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 砂ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ビーチ・タオル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ボンタで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 聖なる剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: エメラルド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドップル・トレーニングのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドップルの鏡 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銀の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 銀 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 氷結の湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 チビペングィンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クレバスガラスでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 黄泉スノーフォックスのくるぶし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 腐敗ピート泥炭坑でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 家族の遺品 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アラックロクモとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 アラックロクモの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 リカン鱸 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 異分子パンダとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 パンドラの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ボンタのネズミ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ぴょんぴょんノミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 邪悪の森のはずれにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 ぐぅぐぅブルグのボトル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 暗黒の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ワーガレットの包葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 虫の身肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

5 虫の身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 短気ダークツリッターのつぼみ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 原始的墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 墓堀りコアラックのけい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 武器鍛冶師(ダガー、剣、ハンマー、シャベル、斧)のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のグレートハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フロステイズの収穫量が150%アップ。(農夫)

10 フロステイズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のネズミ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 卯ネズミの尻尾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッボールの一画でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 暗黒の森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 クーサのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ワイルドミント の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


あふれんばかりのバイタリティ: HPの回復が300%アップ(バトル外)。食べ物によるヒーリングが100%アップ。

4 上質ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ゴッボールでのドロップとXP: ゴッブモスとゴブクールを含めたゴッボール系の生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのもも肉ロースト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 漁師がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

6 川ハゼの切り身 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: グラスフックでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冷淡ブロックハードの奥歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キュウコン洞窟でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 草ヘビの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スカラリーフ平原において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 精神のプチリング を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノリフィス島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 パンドルム・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: トネリコの木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

30 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニガーとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 カニガーの爪 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの突起 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷結の湖でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ママペングィンの産毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズ・プレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ポシェットをドロップする。使用するとカーニバル・ドーナツを入手できるかトゥーマッチトフに変身してしまう。

8 イェビ・フリッター ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銅鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


愛の経験値: ヴァカレンタインの呪いにかかると、XP獲得が100%アップ。

5 シゲカックス・パッションフルーツ味 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ヒーリングの枝の葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ハンターのクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虫の身肉 (保存食) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キノコのドロップ率が75%アップ。

11 キノコ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリッター・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

5 ツリッターの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚の収穫量が100%アップ。(全レベルの漁師)

5 コネコ魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ツリー・キーホロの幹のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 荒廃した村、ギスグールでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

8 ブウォークビール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: カニアの野山で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの深い地下道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 トフのくちばし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノリフィス島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 レパード・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 ミノスキートの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ワビットのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ワビットのもも肉 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン植物とムーンの亀のドロップ率が75%アップ。

8 コココナッツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ブラクマールにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に15%素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 スピリチュアル・ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 苦悩の地獄谷でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冒険者の頭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: シデの木と ダーク・バンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

3 シデの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 化石の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 フィスチュリナのツボ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ムーン海賊のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ポンイツデウ・バンド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 茫然ネズミの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンディカゼの隠れ家でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 移り気パンディカゼのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ワビット島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 ワビットの手 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ホップの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: インディゴ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 ドラゴターキーのミルク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 底無し泥炭坑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ドロモップの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 漁師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 わた抜きパン粉まぶし魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


力がモノ言う経験値: ダンジョンボスのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゴールド玉ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 5つ葉クローバー の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 5つ葉クローバー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 平原イノシシのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 平原イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゾス玩具 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サント・ポトリックの祝福: アイリ・シュコフィがアマクナ村の宿屋で冒険者を待っている。彼の祝福を受けると一時的にビュルビヌーズになり(バトル開始で元に戻る)、強化柱(続く15バトルで耐性ボーナス5%+10)を得る。

1 エメラルド石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 武器と武器セットを作る職業(武器鍛冶師、武器職人、宝石細工師、靴職人、仕立て屋、盾鍛冶師)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 ピーチクハミング・ハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: マンガン鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

15 マンガン鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: サカイの古い炭鉱のダインジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ドリラの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴッボールでのXP獲得が150%アップ。

6 ゴッボールの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 平原クラックラーのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 尖った石のかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 木(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: カニアの野山において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 大麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: スノーフォックスの洞窟でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 魔法スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ベアーバリアンの巣でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キリ・ベアーバリアンの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: イモ虫の身の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 イモ虫の身 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 氷のフィールド・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゴッブモス戦士のツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アルマ・クレイドルにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 監視パイレーツの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キッツーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ナエの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はゾバル寺院の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

4 白ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海洋生物でのドロップとXP: 海洋生物(ビーチ・モンスター、カニ、サンゴリアン、サンゴガニ、ムーンの亀、グリカン、巨大クラヴイカ)とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 冷たい液体 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 小魚(川)と小魚(海)の収穫量が125%アップ。(漁師)

4 蟹カマ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノリフィス島でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 妖怪ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 盾鍛冶師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 ゴッボール盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クラックラー・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 クラックラー黄金歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: エルトゥネッグ森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 大麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 大麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーンの亀とムーン植物とのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 緑の空っぽ甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 スカラトスの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 紅ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 トネリコ飼い葉桶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カニア湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

9 ココ・ブロップのかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンダーラ・ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 パンディカゼ・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 黒檀とカリプトスの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

8 カリプトスの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 霧の天幕モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ゾスのパイプ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: よろず屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

1 トネリコ・スラッパー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アストゥルーブ、アストゥルーブのフィールド、アストゥルーブの森において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 焼きクラヴイカ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゼリー半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 いちごゼリー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: トリドー山・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 甘美ベアーバリアンのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 金の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 金 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フューダーラ境界線でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 魔法ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: ミニヨン川とマドレスタム港で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

2 エディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 底無し泥炭坑モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: クラックラー山でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 クラックラーの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ミュゾーの収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ミュゾー ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストとカマ: すべてのクエストでカマ獲得量が100%アップ。

2 不審なポーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールへの道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 カニガーの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 坑夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 水晶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ピウィのドロップ率が75%アップ。

4 赤ピウィの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 植物 の収穫量が100%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


妖精クラフト: 華の火を作るたびに、華の火がもう一つできる確率が25%アップし、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。また魔術師ブウォークを倒すと爆発カプセルを2倍多く入手できる。

2 爆発カプセル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

1 マシュモグの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 樹皮ツリッターの切り株 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オニのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

1 オニの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 草平原のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ムファファのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ボンブーとオリヴィオレットとメイプルの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

15 メイプルウッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 村や氷のフィールドにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 虫コロッケ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ城の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

10 ジャガイモ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


自然の保護者: 収獲中に自然の保護者が現れる確率が5倍アップ。

1 小さな収穫者のカバン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: ターコイズ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 小枝のグレートシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スカラリーフ平原でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 緑スカラリーフの甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: モルトの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 モルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スケンクの隠れ家でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

1 エメラルドによるスケンクのサイン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アストゥルーブで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 鉄ダガー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ゴッボウルをドロップし、アイテムを使用するとゴッボゴムを入手できる。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 植物で素材の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: モーピー王のドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 モーピー王の布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: パンダーラの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 キュウコンフロール花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: スズとケイ酸塩の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 スズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナの森の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

1 カロット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 仕立て屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 紫マント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: スノーフォックスの洞窟のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 妖怪スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 パーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: フィールド・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

3 野生ひまわりの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ツリー・キーホロ群葉とのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のゴッボール飼育場でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: パン屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

10 どっしりパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: フリゴストの村で収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

2 野生シャシャ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カリプトスの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 森林コアラックの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

7 黄金ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 化石の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラマニータのひだ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ビーチ・モンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

5 カニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: マドレスタム港において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 わた抜きぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 鍛冶師ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 争いの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


献身的なパーセプター: すべてのエリアでパーセプタードロップ率が200%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 坑夫が収穫する鉱石の量が100%アップ。(全レベル)

1 金の塊 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


フリゴストでのドロップ: ハルブルグ伯とその手下、そしてその生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ゴーマンの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スノーフォックスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 神スノーフォックスの前歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パンダーラの森でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キュウコンバンブーの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フルイェスク蘭の収穫量が150%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 フルイェスク蘭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アーモンド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 ドラゴターキーの背びれ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン・ビーチでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 コココストロー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: 村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 アイスステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ洞くつでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 マシュ・リューメの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: よろず屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 フィールドの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ワイルドチェリーの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

12 ワイルドチェリーの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ドラゴンエッグ村のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 サファイア・ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 大キュウコンのドロップ率が150%アップ。ブラザ大キュウコンは本ボーナスの対象にはなりません。

2 大キュウコンの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 フライング・ドラゴンエッグの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ヌフーのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ヌフー皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 小麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


料金割引: ザアップ、銀行、マーケットの手数料が50%割引される。

2 マリーン・ホタテ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: サンゴビーチにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 サンゴガニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロ群葉のドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フィールド植物でのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

4 邪悪たんぽぽの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: シドモート泥地で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンダーラ村のクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 木こりの盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 巨大クラヴイカの巣窟でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 クラヴイカの古い吸盤 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ツリッターの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

7 ツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ゴッブリーのもも肉とゴッボールのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのゴッボールのもも肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

4 ゴッブリーのもも肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノトロール島でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

3 サラマンデリシャの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クロコダイルボスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルボスのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アマクナの森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

6 イノシシの牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 錬金術師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

7 ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アマクナの森の村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

10 アマクナパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ダンジョンのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

1 オイナリ・ナクワの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

8 マス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴブクールと洞窟ゴッボールとのバトルで、XP獲得が200%アップ。

8 ゴブクール・ウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 収獲の職業のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 トネリコの板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: プラム・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 エコ弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ボーキサイトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 ボーキサイト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 アトミスティックの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムXP獲得: コロッシュウムでのバトルによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ブロークン・チェーン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師によるドラゴ肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのドラゴ肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

3 ドラゴ肉*** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ウルカニア・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドロ(老年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの野原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 邪悪たんぽぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ゴッボールの一画でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ヘスク洞窟でのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 サンゴリアンの尾てい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 農夫が収穫した穀物の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

1 野生ひまわり油 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゾス村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゾス貴石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 村・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゲリカンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


熱狂ペット: ペットとマウンティリエによるボーナスが100%アップ。

10 イェビ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ハコヤナギ、聖なるバンブー、ケヤキの伐採量が200%アップ。 (木こり)

1 ケヤキの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブタタイプの生き物のチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 ブロッツ関の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンの森でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 リスモスのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 肉屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 塩イモ虫 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 積雪の森とサカイ平原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スタッバの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ダイゴロウの住処でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ネレ皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


お化け屋敷でのドロップとXP: お化け屋敷でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 ヴァンパイアの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ウルカニア・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 パウダー(成年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: エーデルワイスとパンダ草の種の収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 エーデルワイス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トフタイプの生き物のドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 トフのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はボンタの門の南で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ボンタ」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ウルカニア・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 灰(熟年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: フリゴストの魚の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 アイスフィッシュ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アストゥルーブの岩場でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 日焼けクリーム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ロイヤル虹色ブロップの巣窟のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 きりかぶブロップの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ボンタでのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 頑固ネコブーツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 穀物の収穫量が100%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: すべての種類のドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノリフィス島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソリョ・ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーン島カンニボールでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ジャヴのヤリの切っ先 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ウルカニア・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 たまり水(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: アマクナの森で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


次々あふれる星: すべてのゾーンにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(30分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

2 星のまぶた を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 敏捷スナッパーとのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 侵入者の腕章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ブロンズの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 ブロンズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 農夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 ホップ粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ポーカス平原のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 ピゲットの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ウルカニアの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スモーク(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師による豚ロースの収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべての豚ロースに対して有効です。(猟師)

4 豚ロース を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トリドー山でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 無気力ベアーバリアンの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブウォーカー・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ママ・ブウォークのおでき を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: インガルッセの田畑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 野生ひまわりの花びら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アルマ・クレイドル・モンスターでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ハーピイレーツのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: クルミの伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 クルミの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブロップ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 プロッシュルームの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴン・ピッグ迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

1 ドルガン・アチョーの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナの森のクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 ゴマの種パン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 魅惑の湖でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 釣り師コアラックの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: すべての職業で、XP獲得が50%アップ。

4 老齢ポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの花の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: グラスフックのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップする。

2 野蛮ブロックハードのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 バンブートの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カラス卿の書庫でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 カラスギツネの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 モフェッタの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 平均的な大きさをした魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 ぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 羊飼いポーカスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 壊れた三叉槍 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黒壇ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ドラゴンエッグ戦士の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ボンタとブラクマール: ボンタとブラクマールに関するクエストの報酬はカマと経験値100%アップ。さらに、イリザエル・アーチとクータン・ダンジョンで経験値とドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 スペクトル炎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 リネン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 化石の森モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ツリー・チュロスの樹皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 宝石細工師のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虹ネックレス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷のフィールドでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゴッブリーモスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブルース・ブルジュールの開拓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 マシュマシュのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スカラ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

4 シャファーの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海賊モンスターでのXPボーナス: 海賊モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 クルミの木の板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: カニガー、クロコダイル、コアラックがドロップする肉の量が125%アップ。

3 カニガー肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ブラクマールで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 ヴォロムの斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: フューダーラ境界線でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 レパードの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 草平原モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 キリブリスのダウン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 田舎エリアにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 木こりの手斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クロコダイルとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ドロミットと黒曜石の採掘量が175%アップ。(坑夫)

3 黒曜石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ファイアーホックス・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 妖怪ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ミノトロール迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 パタパタの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オトマイ・アーチのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バーブロッサのシャツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: キムボー天幕のダンジョンでのパーセプターのドロップ率が300%アップ。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンダーラ・ゴーストとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 魔法ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: カシワの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 カシワの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 小枝のグレート弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アマクナのザアップ(ミリクルスター)エリアでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

3 プレスピピック を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 魚屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 カニカマ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ティンリル・ラボ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 フロラモールのおしべ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ダークツリッターの森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

1 ダークツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師(全レベル)の肉の収集量が100%アップ。

4 ミュゾー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ファイアーホックスとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

4 ソリョ・ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黄金ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 わた抜きエディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストXP獲得: クエストによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 バンブートの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

4 ススックモーの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーのXP: ドラゴターキーのXP獲得が200%アップ。

3 ドラゴ肉ステーキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の花 の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クーリッチュ洞窟・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 ゴブクールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンの森エリアにおいて、収集職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 イモ虫の身 (保存食) ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ゾスの燻煙器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 魚(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。(漁師)

3 カワカマス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 黒ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 肉屋のクラフト量が25%アップ。

4 加工ハム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: タイネラでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 トフの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: シドモート泥地において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

4 カラスの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 鉄鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンの森のモンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 スミロモスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ワビット・ダンジョンでのバトルXP獲得が125%アップ。

5 ワビットの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のグレートステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 麻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スノーフォックスのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ソリョ・スノーフォックスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 積雪の森のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 グラッパの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がトリクオアトリットのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けるとアロウィン・キャンディーが手に入るか、プチ・パンプキンコウモリに変身してしまう。

4 魔導師ブウォークのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップとXP: モンスターとのバトルで、パンツを装備しているすべての冒険者のXP獲得とドロップ率が50%アップ。

2 弓兵ブウォークのパンツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブリューメン・ティンクトリアスのラボ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 コアラネズミのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナ村において、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 プチ・ダークマント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 盗賊およびダーク職人とのバトルでXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パーマフロスト港でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 野生シャシャの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 栗の木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 暗黒の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ジュヒリッターのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 邪悪の森のはずれのモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 プレスピックのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アルマ・クレイドルでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 カジトリゴーストの貝殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 蘭ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

7 わた抜き川ハゼ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ミス・カナシイの祝福: ミス・カナシイがアマクナ村の噴水の側でブサイクになりたい冒険者を待っている。彼女の祝福を受けると一時的にクロコダイルに変身(バトル時に元に戻る)。続く15バトルで力+50、ダメージ+10。

4 クロコダイルのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 巨大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 青エイ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブラクマールのネズミ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 毒入りサリヴァ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴターキーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアストゥルーブのスーラム神の像の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ルウルネット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 下水モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 下水シャーマンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 村の外に生息するフリゴストの生き物から猟師が収集する肉の量が150%アップ。

1 ペングィンの身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 下水モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 下水管理人の足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 木こりのクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 丈夫な木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールのはずれにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

5 カラスの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリー・キーホロのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 トリの排泄器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼のしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 拷問死者の墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ドラウグシャファーの顎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: オーツ麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッブモスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 伝説のゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ブラクマールへの道のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バッドボーイのタトゥー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キムボー天幕・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ムーペットの詰め物 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキー・ボーナス: ドラゴターキーによってもたらされるボーナスが100%アップ。

4 ドラゴ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: コバルトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 コバルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 積雪の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 バズータの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ゴッボール・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

9 ゴッボールの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スフォキアにおいて、職人のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 砂ダンジョンの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ペングィンとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 デブペングィンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 木こり(全レベル)の木の伐採量が100%アップ。

1 カシワの板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ地下道でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

4 黒ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムコイン: コロッシュウムコインの獲得量が100%アップ。

1 スクラッチシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: コアラックでのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドク・アラコの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: サカイ平原と積雪の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 サプールの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: マツユキソウの収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

5 マツユキソウ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アイボリー・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 ドラゴターキーの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 靴職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 トフサンダル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はブラクマールの門の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ブラクマール」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 鉱石(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

8 オウギナックのあご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ポーカス平原でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 ポーカスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ノエル・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 真っ赤なノエルラッピング用紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 クラヴイカ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: すべてのダンジョンで、チャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 小枝のグレート剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノエル・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 雪片 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ポルコスのテリトリーにおいて、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 アルミニット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ボンタ墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 するどい歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 海賊船と漂流島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 水夫の結び目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: とり肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 とり肉 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノエル・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 アニス入りケーキの橇 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がノエルのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けると、素材やその他のアイテムが手に入る。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ロイヤルペングィンの穴でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 シャーマン・ペングィンのヒゲの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノエル・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

1 チョコレート製のプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノエル島の港、ランド、タイガにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ライ麦と米の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ライ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 暗黒の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ダーク・ジュッヒーの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 食べ物を作る職業(パン屋、肉屋、よろず屋、魚屋)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

8 ナゲット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス&上位モンスター: 上位モンスターが現れるスピードが200%アップ。素材(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

4 黄金ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パン屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 オーツ麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オトマイアーチ・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 スパロのスカーフ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: グラスフック・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ウルバロのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: イチイの木とバンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

12 イチイの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村のパン屋の作業所側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ワビットの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 森の動物でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 砂ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ビーチ・タオル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ボンタで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 聖なる剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: エメラルド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドップル・トレーニングのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドップルの鏡 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銀の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 銀 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 氷結の湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 チビペングィンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クレバスガラスでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 黄泉スノーフォックスのくるぶし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 腐敗ピート泥炭坑でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 家族の遺品 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アラックロクモとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 アラックロクモの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 リカン鱸 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 異分子パンダとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 パンドラの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ボンタのネズミ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ぴょんぴょんノミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 邪悪の森のはずれにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 ぐぅぐぅブルグのボトル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 暗黒の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ワーガレットの包葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 虫の身肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

5 虫の身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 短気ダークツリッターのつぼみ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 原始的墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 墓堀りコアラックのけい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 武器鍛冶師(ダガー、剣、ハンマー、シャベル、斧)のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のグレートハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フロステイズの収穫量が150%アップ。(農夫)

10 フロステイズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のネズミ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 卯ネズミの尻尾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッボールの一画でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 暗黒の森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 クーサのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ワイルドミント の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


あふれんばかりのバイタリティ: HPの回復が300%アップ(バトル外)。食べ物によるヒーリングが100%アップ。

4 上質ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ゴッボールでのドロップとXP: ゴッブモスとゴブクールを含めたゴッボール系の生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのもも肉ロースト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 魚屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

6 川ハゼの切り身 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: グラスフックでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冷淡ブロックハードの奥歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キュウコン洞窟のダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 草ヘビの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スカラリーフ平原において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 精神のプチリング を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノリフィス島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 パンドルム・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: トネリコの木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

30 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニガーとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 カニガーの爪 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの突起 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷結の湖でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ママペングィンの産毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 嫌われ狼でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銅鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


愛の経験値: ヴァカレンタインの呪いにかかると、モンスターとのバトルでXP獲得が100%アップ。

5 シゲカックス・パッションフルーツ味 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ヒーリングの枝の葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 猟師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虫の身肉 (保存食) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キノコのドロップ率が75%アップ。

11 キノコ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリッター・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

5 ツリッターの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚の収穫量が100%アップ。(全レベルの漁師)

5 コネコ魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ツリー・キーホロの幹のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 荒廃した村、ギスグールでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

8 ブウォークビール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: カニアの野山で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの深い地下道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 トフのくちばし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノリフィス島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 レパード・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 ミノスキートの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ワビットのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ワビットのもも肉 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン植物とムーンの亀のドロップ率が75%アップ。

8 コココナッツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ブラクマールにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に15%素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 スピリチュアル・ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 苦悩の地獄谷でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冒険者の頭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: シデの木と ダーク・バンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

3 シデの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズ・プレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ポシェットをドロップする。使用するとカーニバル・ドーナツを入手できるかトゥーマッチトフに変装できる。

8 イェビ・フリッター ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ムーン海賊のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ポンイツデウ・バンド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 茫然ネズミの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンディカゼの隠れ家のダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 移り気パンディカゼのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ワビット島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 ワビットの手 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ホップの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: インディゴ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 ドラゴターキーのミルク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 底無し泥炭坑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ドロモップの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 漁師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 わた抜きパン粉まぶし魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


力がモノ言う経験値: ダンジョンボスのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゴールド玉ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 5つ葉クローバー の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 5つ葉クローバー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 平原イノシシのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 平原イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゾス玩具 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サント・ポトリックの祝福: アイリ・シュコフィがアマクナ村の宿屋で冒険者を待っている。彼の祝福を受けると一時的にビュルビヌーズになり(バトル開始で元に戻る)、強化柱(続く15バトルで耐性ボーナス5%+10)を得る。

1 エメラルド石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 武器と武器セットを作る職業(武器鍛冶師、武器職人、宝石細工師、靴職人、仕立て屋、盾鍛冶師)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 ピーチクハミング・ハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: マンガン鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

15 マンガン鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: サカイの古い炭鉱のダインジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ドリラの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴッボールでのXP獲得が150%アップ。

6 ゴッボールの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 平原クラックラーのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 尖った石のかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 木(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: カニアの野山において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 大麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: スノーフォックスの洞窟でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 魔法スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ベアーバリアンの巣でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キリ・ベアーバリアンの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: イモ虫の身の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 イモ虫の身 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ゴッブモスのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゴッブモス戦士のツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アルマ・クレイドルにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 監視パイレーツの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キッツーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ナエの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: イモ虫ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 エメラルド・イモ虫の歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海洋生物でのドロップとXP: 海洋生物(ビーチ・モンスター、カニ、サンゴリアン、サンゴガニ、ムーンの亀、グリカン、巨大クラヴイカ)とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 冷たい液体 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 小魚(川)と小魚(海)の収穫量が125%アップ。(漁師)

4 蟹カマ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノリフィス島でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 妖怪ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 盾鍛冶師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 ゴッボール盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クラックラー・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 クラックラー黄金歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: エルトゥネッグ森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 大麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 大麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーンの亀とムーン植物とのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 緑の空っぽ甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 スカラトスの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 紅ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 トネリコ飼い葉桶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カニア湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

9 ココ・ブロップのかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンダーラ・ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 パンディカゼ・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 黒檀とカリプトスの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

8 カリプトスの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 霧の天幕モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ゾスのパイプ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: よろず屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

1 トネリコ・スラッパー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アストゥルーブ、アストゥルーブのフィールド、アストゥルーブの森において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 焼きクラヴイカ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゼリー半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 いちごゼリー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ベアーバリアンのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 甘美ベアーバリアンのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 金の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 金 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はゾバル寺院の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

4 白ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: ミニヨン川とマドレスタム港で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

2 エディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 底無し泥炭坑モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: クラックラー山でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 クラックラーの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ミュゾーの収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ミュゾー ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストとカマ: すべてのクエストでカマ獲得量が100%アップ。

2 不審なポーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールへの道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 カニガーの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 坑夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 水晶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ピウィのドロップ率が75%アップ。

4 赤ピウィの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 植物 の収穫量が100%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


妖精クラフト: 華の火を作るたびに、華の火がもう一つできる確率が25%アップし、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。また魔術師ブウォークを倒すと爆発カプセルを2倍多く入手できる。

2 爆発カプセル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

1 マシュモグの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 樹皮ツリッターの切り株 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オニのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

1 オニの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 草平原のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ムファファのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ボンブーとオリヴィオレットとメイプルの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

15 メイプルウッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 村や氷のフィールドにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 虫コロッケ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ城の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

10 ジャガイモ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ワイルド・キャニオンでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 医療用石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: ターコイズ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 小枝のグレートシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スカラリーフ平原でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 緑スカラリーフの甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: モルトの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 モルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スケンクの隠れ家でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

1 エメラルドのためのスケンクによるサイン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アストゥルーブで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 鉄ダガー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ゴッボウルをドロップし、アイテムを使用するとゴッボゴムを入手できる。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 植物で素材の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: モーピー王のドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 モーピー王の布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: パンダーラの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 キュウコンフロール花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: スズとケイ酸塩の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 スズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 寺院のドップルとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 石炭紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 仕立て屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 紫マント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: スノーフォックスの洞窟のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 妖怪スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 パーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: フィールド・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

3 野生ひまわりの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ツリー・キーホロ群葉とのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のゴッボール飼育場でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: パン屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

10 どっしりパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: フリゴストの村で収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

2 野生シャシャ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


自然の保護者: 収獲中に自然の保護者が現れる確率が5倍アップ。

1 小さな収穫者のカバン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

7 黄金ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 化石の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラマニータのひだ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ビーチ・モンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

5 カニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: マドレスタム港において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 わた抜きぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 鍛冶師ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 争いの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


献身的なパーセプター: すべてのエリアでパーセプタードロップ率が200%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 坑夫が収穫する鉱石の量が100%アップ。(全レベル)

1 金の塊 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


フリゴストでのドロップ: ハルブルグ伯とその手下、そしてその生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ゴーマンの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スノーフォックスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 神スノーフォックスの前歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パンダーラの森でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キュウコンバンブーの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナの森の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

1 カロット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アーモンド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 ドラゴターキーの背びれ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン・ビーチでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 コココストロー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: 村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 アイスステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ洞くつでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 マシュ・リューメの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: よろず屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 フィールドの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ワイルドチェリーの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

12 ワイルドチェリーの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ドラゴンエッグ村のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 サファイア・ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 大キュウコンのドロップ率が150%アップ。ブラザ大キュウコンは本ボーナスの対象にはなりません。

2 大キュウコンの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 フライング・ドラゴンエッグの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ヌフーのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ヌフー皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 小麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


料金割引: ザアップ、銀行、マーケットの手数料が50%割引される。

2 マリーン・ホタテ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: サンゴビーチにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 サンゴガニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロ群葉のドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フィールド植物でのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

4 邪悪たんぽぽの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: シドモート泥地で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンダーラ村でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 木こりの盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 巨大クラヴイカの巣窟でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 クラヴイカの古い吸盤 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ツリッターの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

7 ツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ゴッブリーのもも肉とゴッボールのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのゴッボールのもも肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

4 ゴッブリーのもも肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノトロール島でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

3 サラマンデリシャの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クロコダイルボスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルボスのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アマクナの森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

6 イノシシの牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 錬金術師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

7 ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アマクナの森の村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

10 アマクナパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ダンジョンのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

1 オイナリ・ナクワの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

8 マス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴブクールと洞窟ゴッボールとのバトルで、XP獲得が200%アップ。

8 ゴブクール・ウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 収獲の職業のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 トネリコの板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: プラム・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 エコ弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ボーキサイトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 ボーキサイト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 氷のフィールドのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 アトミスティックの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムXP獲得: コロッシュウムでのバトルによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ブロークン・チェーン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師によるドラゴ肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのドラゴ肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

3 ドラゴ肉*** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ウルカニア・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドロ(老年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの野原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 邪悪たんぽぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ゴッボールの一画でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ヘスク洞窟でのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 サンゴリアンの尾てい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 農夫が収穫した穀物の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

1 野生ひまわり油 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゾス村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゾス貴石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 村・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゲリカンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


熱狂ペット: ペットとマウンティリエによるボーナスが100%アップ。

10 イェビ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ハコヤナギ、聖なるバンブー、ケヤキの伐採量が200%アップ。 (木こり)

1 ケヤキの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブタタイプの生き物のチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 ブロッツ関の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンの森でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 リスモスのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 肉屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 塩イモ虫 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 積雪の森とサカイ平原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スタッバの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ダイゴロウの住処でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ネレ皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


お化け屋敷でのドロップとXP: お化け屋敷でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 ヴァンパイアの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ウルカニア・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 パウダー(成年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: エーデルワイスとパンダ草の種の収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 エーデルワイス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トフタイプの生き物のドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 トフのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はボンタの門の南で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ボンタ」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ウルカニア・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 灰(熟年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: フリゴストの魚の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 アイスフィッシュ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アストゥルーブの岩場でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 日焼けクリーム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ロイヤル虹色ブロップの巣窟のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 きりかぶブロップの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ボンタでのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 頑固ネコブーツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 穀物の収穫量が100%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: すべての種類のドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノリフィス島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソリョ・ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーン島カンニボールでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ジャヴのヤリの切っ先 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ウルカニア・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 たまり水(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: アマクナの森で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


次々あふれる星: すべてのゾーンにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(30分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

2 星のまぶた を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 敏捷スナッパーとのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 侵入者の腕章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ブロンズの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 ブロンズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 農夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 ホップ粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ポーカス平原のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 ピゲットの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ウルカニアの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スモーク(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師による豚ロースの収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべての豚ロースに対して有効です。(猟師)

4 豚ロース を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トリドー山でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 無気力ベアーバリアンの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブウォーカー・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ママ・ブウォークのおでき を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: インガルッセの田畑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 野生ひまわりの花びら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アルマ・クレイドル・モンスターでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ハーピイレーツのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: クルミの伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 クルミの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブロップ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 プロッシュルームの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴン・ピッグ迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

1 ドルガン・アチョーの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナの森のクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 ゴマの種パン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 魅惑の湖でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 釣り師コアラックの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: すべての職業で、XP獲得が50%アップ。

4 老齢ポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの花の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: グラスフックのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップする。

2 野蛮ブロックハードのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 バンブートの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カラス卿の書庫でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 カラスギツネの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 モフェッタの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 平均的な大きさをした魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 ぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 羊飼いポーカスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 壊れた三叉槍 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黒壇ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ドラゴンエッグ戦士の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ボンタとブラクマール: ボンタとブラクマールに関するクエストの報酬はカマと経験値100%アップ。さらに、イリザエル・アーチとクータン・ダンジョンで経験値とドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 スペクトル炎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 リネン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 化石の森モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ツリー・チュロスの樹皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 宝石細工師のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虹ネックレス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷のフィールドでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゴッブリーモスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブルース・ブルジュールの開拓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 マシュマシュのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スカラ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

4 シャファーの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海賊モンスターでのXPボーナス: 海賊モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 クルミの木の板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: カニガー、クロコダイル、コアラックがドロップする肉の量が125%アップ。

3 カニガー肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ブラクマールで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 ヴォロムの斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: フューダーラ境界線でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 レパードの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 草平原モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 キリブリスのダウン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 田舎エリアにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 木こりの手斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クロコダイルとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ドロミットと黒曜石の採掘量が175%アップ。(坑夫)

3 黒曜石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ファイアーホックス・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 妖怪ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ミノトロール迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 パタパタの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オトマイ・アーチのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バーブロッサのシャツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: キムボー天幕のダンジョンでのパーセプターのドロップ率が300%アップ。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンダーラ・ゴーストとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 魔法ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: カシワの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 カシワの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 小枝のグレート弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アマクナのザアップ(ミリクルスター)エリアでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

3 プレスピピック を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 魚屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 カニカマ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ティンリル・ラボ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 フロラモールのおしべ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ダークツリッターの森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

1 ダークツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師(全レベル)の肉の収集量が100%アップ。

4 ミュゾー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ファイアーホックスとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

4 ソリョ・ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黄金ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 わた抜きエディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストXP獲得: クエストによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 バンブートの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーのXP: ドラゴターキーのXP獲得が200%アップ。

3 ドラゴ肉ステーキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 邪悪の森でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

7 邪悪トフの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の花 の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クーリッチュ洞窟・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 ゴブクールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンの森エリアにおいて、収集職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 イモ虫の身 (保存食) ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ゾスの燻煙器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 魚(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。(漁師)

3 カワカマス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 黒ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 肉屋のクラフト量が25%アップ。

4 加工ハム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: タイネラでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 トフの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: シドモート泥地において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

4 カラスの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 鉄鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンの森のモンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 スミロモスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ワビット・ダンジョンでのバトルXP獲得が125%アップ。

5 ワビットの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のグレートステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 麻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スノーフォックスのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ソリョ・スノーフォックスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 積雪の森のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 グラッパの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がトリクオアトリットのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けるとアロウィン・キャンディーが手に入るか、プチ・パンプキンコウモリに変身してしまう。

4 魔導師ブウォークのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップとXP: モンスターとのバトルで、パンツを装備しているすべての冒険者のXP獲得とドロップ率が50%アップ。

2 弓兵ブウォークのパンツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブリューメン・ティンクトリアスのラボ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 コアラネズミのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナ村において、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 プチ・ダークマント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 盗賊およびダーク職人とのバトルでXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パーマフロスト港でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 野生シャシャの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 栗の木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 暗黒の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ジュヒリッターのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 邪悪の森のはずれのモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 プレスピックのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アルマ・クレイドルでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 カジトリゴーストの貝殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 蘭ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

7 わた抜き川ハゼ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ミス・カナシイの祝福: ミス・カナシイがアマクナ村の噴水の側でブサイクになりたい冒険者を待っている。彼女の祝福を受けると一時的にクロコダイルに変身(バトル時に元に戻る)。続く15バトルで力+50、ダメージ+10。

4 クロコダイルのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 巨大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 青エイ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブラクマールのネズミ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 毒入りサリヴァ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴターキーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアストゥルーブのスーラム神の像の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ルウルネット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 下水モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 下水シャーマンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 村の外に生息するフリゴストの生き物から猟師が収集する肉の量が150%アップ。

1 ペングィンの身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 下水モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 下水管理人の足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 木こりのクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 丈夫な木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールのはずれにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

5 カラスの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリー・キーホロのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 トリの排泄器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼のしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 拷問死者の墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ドラウグシャファーの顎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: オーツ麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッブモスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 伝説のゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ブラクマールへの道のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バッドボーイのタトゥー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキー・ボーナス: ドラゴターキーによってもたらされるボーナスが100%アップ。

4 ドラゴ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スチームクラックラーの心臓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: コバルトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 コバルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 積雪の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 バズータの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ゴッボール・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

9 ゴッボールの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スフォキアにおいて、職人のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 砂ダンジョンの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ペングィンとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 デブペングィンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 木こり(全レベル)の木の伐採量が100%アップ。

1 カシワの板 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ地下道でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

4 黒ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムコイン: コロッシュウムコインの獲得量が100%アップ。

1 スクラッチシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: コアラックでのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドク・アラコの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: サカイ平原と積雪の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 サプールの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: マツユキソウの収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

5 マツユキソウ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アイボリー・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 ドラゴターキーの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 靴職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 トフサンダル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はブラクマールの門の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ブラクマール」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 鉱石(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

8 オウギナックのあご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ポーカス平原でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 ポーカスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ノエル・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 真っ赤なノエルラッピング用紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 クラヴイカ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: すべてのダンジョンで、チャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 小枝のグレート剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノエル・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 雪片 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ポルコスのテリトリーにおいて、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 アルミニット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ボンタ墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 するどい歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 海賊船と漂流島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 水夫の結び目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: とり肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 とり肉 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノエル・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 アニス入りケーキの橇 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がノエルのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けると、素材やその他のアイテムが手に入る。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ロイヤルペングィンの穴でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 シャーマン・ペングィンのヒゲの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノエル・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

1 チョコレート製のプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノエル島の港、ランド、タイガにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ライ麦と米の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ライ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 暗黒の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ダーク・ジュッヒーの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 食べ物を作る職業(パン屋、肉屋、よろず屋、魚屋)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

8 ナゲット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス&上位モンスター: 上位モンスターが現れるスピードが200%アップ。素材(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

4 黄金ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パン屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 オーツ麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オトマイアーチ・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 スパロのスカーフ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: グラスフック・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ウルバロのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: イチイの木とバンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

12 イチイの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村のパン屋の作業所側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ワビットの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 森の動物でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 砂ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ビーチ・タオル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ボンタで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 聖なる剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: エメラルド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドップル・トレーニングのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドップルの鏡 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銀の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 銀 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 氷結の湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 チビペングィンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クレバスガラスでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 黄泉スノーフォックスのくるぶし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 腐敗ピート泥炭坑でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 家族の遺品 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アラックロクモとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 アラックロクモの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 リカン鱸 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 異分子パンダとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 パンドラの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ボンタのネズミ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ぴょんぴょんノミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 邪悪の森のはずれにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 ぐぅぐぅブルグのボトル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 暗黒の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ワーガレットの包葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 虫の身肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

5 虫の身肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 短気ダークツリッターのつぼみ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 原始的墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 墓堀りコアラックのけい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 武器鍛冶師(ダガー、剣、ハンマー、シャベル、斧)のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のグレートハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フロステイズの収穫量が150%アップ。(農夫)

10 フロステイズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のネズミ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 卯ネズミの尻尾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッボールの一画でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 暗黒の森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 クーサのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ワイルドミント の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


あふれんばかりのバイタリティ: HPの回復が300%アップ(バトル外)。食べ物によるヒーリングが100%アップ。

4 上質ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ゴッボールでのドロップとXP: ゴッブモスとゴブクールを含めたゴッボール系の生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのもも肉ロースト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 魚屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

6 川ハゼの切り身 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: グラスフックでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冷淡ブロックハードの奥歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キュウコン洞窟のダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 草ヘビの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スカラリーフ平原において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 精神のプチリング を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノリフィス島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 パンドルム・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: トネリコの木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

30 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニガーとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 カニガーの爪 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの突起 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷結の湖でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ママペングィンの産毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 嫌われ狼でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銅鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


愛の経験値: ヴァカレンタインの呪いにかかると、モンスターとのバトルでXP獲得が100%アップ。

5 シゲカックス・パッションフルーツ味 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ヒーリングの枝の葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 猟師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虫の身肉 (保存食) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズ・プレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ポシェットをドロップする。使用するとカーニバル・ドーナツを入手できるかトゥーマッチトフに変装できる。

8 イェビ・フリッター ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリッター・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

5 ツリッターの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚の収穫量が100%アップ。(全レベルの漁師)

5 コネコ魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ツリー・キーホロの幹のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 荒廃した村、ギスグールでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

8 ブウォークビール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: カニアの野山で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの深い地下道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 トフのくちばし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノリフィス島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 レパード・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 ミノスキートの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ワビットのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ワビットのもも肉 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン植物とムーンの亀のドロップ率が75%アップ。

8 コココナッツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ブラクマールにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に15%素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 スピリチュアル・ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 苦悩の地獄谷でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冒険者の頭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: シデの木と ダーク・バンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

3 シデの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 化石の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 フィスチュリナのツボ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ムーン海賊のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ポンイツデウ・バンド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 茫然ネズミの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンディカゼの隠れ家のダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 移り気パンディカゼのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ワビット島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 ワビットの手 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ホップの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: インディゴ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 ドラゴターキーのミルク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 底無し泥炭坑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ドロモップの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 漁師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 わた抜きパン粉まぶし魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


力がモノ言う経験値: ダンジョンボスのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゴールド玉ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 5つ葉クローバー の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 5つ葉クローバー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 平原イノシシのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 平原イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゾス玩具 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サント・ポトリックの祝福: アイリ・シュコフィがアマクナ村の宿屋で冒険者を待っている。彼の祝福を受けると一時的にビュルビヌーズになり(バトル開始で元に戻る)、強化柱(続く15バトルで耐性ボーナス5%+10)を得る。

1 エメラルド石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 武器と武器セットを作る職業(武器鍛冶師、武器職人、宝石細工師、靴職人、仕立て屋、盾鍛冶師)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 ピーチクハミング・ハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: マンガン鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

15 マンガン鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: サカイの古い炭鉱のダインジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ドリラの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴッボールでのXP獲得が150%アップ。

6 ゴッボールの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 平原クラックラーのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 尖った石のかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 木(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: カニアの野山において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

10 大麦粉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: スノーフォックスの洞窟でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 魔法スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ベアーバリアンの巣でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キリ・ベアーバリアンの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: イモ虫の身の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 イモ虫の身 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ゴッブモスのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゴッブモス戦士のツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アルマ・クレイドルにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 監視パイレーツの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キッツーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ナエの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: イモ虫ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 エメラルド・イモ虫の歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海洋生物でのドロップとXP: 海洋生物(ビーチ・モンスター、カニ、サンゴリアン、サンゴガニ、ムーンの亀、グリカン、巨大クラヴイカ)とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 冷たい液体 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 小魚(川)と小魚(海)の収穫量が125%アップ。(漁師)

4 蟹カマ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノリフィス島でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 妖怪ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 盾鍛冶師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 ゴッボール盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はゾバル寺院の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

4 白ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: エルトゥネッグ森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 大麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 大麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーンの亀とムーン植物とのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 緑の空っぽ甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 スカラトスの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 紅ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 トネリコ飼い葉桶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カニア湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

9 ココ・ブロップのかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンダーラ・ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 パンディカゼ・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 黒檀とカリプトスの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

8 カリプトスの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 霧の天幕モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ゾスのパイプ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: よろず屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

1 トネリコ・スラッパー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アストゥルーブ、アストゥルーブのフィールド、アストゥルーブの森において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 焼きクラヴイカ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゼリー半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 いちごゼリー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ベアーバリアンのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 甘美ベアーバリアンのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 金の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 金 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フューダーラ境界線でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 魔法ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: ミニヨン川とマドレスタム港で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

2 エディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 底無し泥炭坑モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: クラックラー山でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 クラックラーの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ミュゾーの収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 ミュゾー ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストとカマ: すべてのクエストでカマ獲得量が100%アップ。

2 不審なポーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールへの道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 カニガーの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 坑夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 水晶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ピウィのドロップ率が75%アップ。

4 赤ピウィの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 植物 の収穫量が100%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


妖精クラフト: 華の火を作るたびに、華の火がもう一つできる確率が25%アップし、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。また魔術師ブウォークを倒すと爆発カプセルを2倍多く入手できる。

2 爆発カプセル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

1 マシュモグの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 樹皮ツリッターの切り株 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オニのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

1 オニの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 草平原のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ムファファのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ボンブーとオリヴィオレットとメイプルの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

15 メイプルウッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 村や氷のフィールドにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 虫コロッケ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ城の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

10 ジャガイモ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ワイルド・キャニオンでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 医療用石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: ターコイズ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 小枝のグレートシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スカラリーフ平原でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 緑スカラリーフの甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: モルトの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 モルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スケンクの隠れ家でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

1 エメラルドのためのスケンクによるサイン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


自然の保護者: 収獲中に自然の保護者が現れる確率が5倍アップ。

1 小さな収穫者のカバン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ゴッボウルをドロップし、アイテムを使用するとゴッボゴムを入手できる。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 植物で素材の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: モーピー王のドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 モーピー王の布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: パンダーラの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 キュウコンフロール花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: スズとケイ酸塩の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 スズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 寺院のドップルとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 石炭紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 仕立て屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 紫マント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: スノーフォックスの洞窟のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 妖怪スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 パーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: フィールド・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

3 野生ひまわりの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナの森の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

1 カロット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のゴッボール飼育場でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: パン屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

10 どっしりパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: フリゴストの村で収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

2 野生シャシャ肉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カリプトスの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 森林コアラックの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

7 黄金ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 化石の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラマニータのひだ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ビーチ・モンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

5 カニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: マドレスタム港において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 わた抜きぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 鍛冶師ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 争いの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


献身的なパーセプター: すべてのエリアでパーセプタードロップ率が200%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 坑夫が収穫する鉱石の量が100%アップ。(全レベル)

1 金の塊 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


フリゴストでのドロップ: ハルブルグ伯とその手下、そしてその生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ゴーマンの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スノーフォックスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 神スノーフォックスの前歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パンダーラの森でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キュウコンバンブーの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フルイェスク蘭の収穫量が150%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 フルイェスク蘭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アーモンド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 ドラゴターキーの背びれ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン・ビーチでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 コココストロー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: 村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 アイスステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ洞くつでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 マシュ・リューメの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: よろず屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 フィールドの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ワイルドチェリーの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

12 ワイルドチェリーの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ドラゴンエッグ村のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 サファイア・ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 大キュウコンのドロップ率が150%アップ。ブラザ大キュウコンは本ボーナスの対象にはなりません。

2 大キュウコンの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 フライング・ドラゴンエッグの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ヌフーのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ヌフー皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 小麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


料金割引: ザアップ、銀行、マーケットの手数料が50%割引される。

2 マリーン・ホタテ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: サンゴビーチにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 サンゴガニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロ群葉のドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フィールド植物でのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

4 邪悪たんぽぽの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: シドモート泥地で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンダーラ村でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 木こりの盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 巨大クラヴイカの巣窟でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 クラヴイカの古い吸盤 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ツリッターの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

7 ツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ゴッブリーのもも肉とゴッボールのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのゴッボールのもも肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

4 ゴッボールのもも肉 *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノトロール島でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

3 サラマンデリシャの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クロコダイルボスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルボスのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アマクナの森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

6 イノシシの牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 錬金術師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

7 ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アマクナの森の村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ダンジョンのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

1 オイナリ・ナクワの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

8 マス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴブクールと洞窟ゴッボールとのバトルで、XP獲得が200%アップ。

8 ゴブクール・ウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 収獲の職業のXP獲得が50%アップ。

20 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: プラム・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 一流エコ弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ボーキサイトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 ボーキサイト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 氷のフィールドのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 アトミスティックの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムXP獲得: コロッシュウムでのバトルによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ブロークン・チェーン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師によるドラゴ肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのドラゴ肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

3 ドラゴ肉*** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ウルカニア・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドロ(老年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの野原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 邪悪たんぽぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ゴッボールの一画でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ヘスク洞窟でのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 サンゴリアンの尾てい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 農夫が収穫した穀物の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

1 野生ひまわり油 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゾス村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゾス貴石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 村・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゲリカンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


熱狂ペット: ペットとマウンティリエによるボーナスが100%アップ。

10 イェビ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ハコヤナギ、聖なるバンブー、ケヤキの伐採量が200%アップ。 (木こり)

1 ケヤキの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブタタイプの生き物のチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 ブロッツ関の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンの森でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 リスモスのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 肉屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 塩イモ虫 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 積雪の森とサカイ平原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スタッバの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ダイゴロウの住処でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ネレ皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


お化け屋敷でのドロップとXP: お化け屋敷でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 ヴァンパイアの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ウルカニア・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 パウダー(成年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: エーデルワイスとパンダ草の種の収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 エーデルワイス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トフタイプの生き物のドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 トフのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はボンタの門の南で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ボンタ」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ウルカニア・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 灰(熟年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: フリゴストの魚の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 アイスフィッシュ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アストゥルーブの岩場でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 日焼けクリーム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ロイヤル虹色ブロップの巣窟のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 きりかぶブロップの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ボンタでのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 頑固ネコブーツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 穀物の収穫量が100%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: すべての種類のドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノリフィス島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソリョ・ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーン島カンニボールでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ジャヴのヤリの切っ先 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ウルカニア・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 たまり水(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: アマクナの森で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


次々あふれる星: すべてのゾーンにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(30分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

2 星のまぶた を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 敏捷スナッパーとのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 侵入者の腕章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ブロンズの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 ブロンズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 農夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ポーカス平原のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 ピゲットの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ウルカニアの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スモーク(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師による豚ロースの収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべての豚ロースに対して有効です。(猟師)

4 豚ロース *** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トリドー山でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 無気力ベアーバリアンの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブウォーカー・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ママ・ブウォークのおでき を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: インガルッセの田畑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 野生ひまわりの花びら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アルマ・クレイドル・モンスターでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ハーピイレーツのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: クルミの伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 クルミの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブロップ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 プロッシュルームの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴン・ピッグ迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

1 ドルガン・アチョーの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナの森のクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 ゴマの種パン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 魅惑の湖でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 釣り師コアラックの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: すべての職業で、XP獲得が50%アップ。

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの花の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: グラスフックのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップする。

2 野蛮ブロックハードのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 バンブートの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カラス卿の書庫でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 カラスギツネの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 モフェッタの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 平均的な大きさをした魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 ぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 羊飼いポーカスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 壊れた三叉槍 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黒壇ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ドラゴンエッグ戦士の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ボンタとブラクマール: ボンタとブラクマールに関するクエストの報酬はカマと経験値100%アップ。さらに、イリザエル・アーチとクータン・ダンジョンで経験値とドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 スペクトル炎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 リネン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 化石の森モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ツリー・チュロスの樹皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 宝石細工師のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 虹ネックレス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷のフィールドでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゴッブリーモスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブルース・ブルジュールの開拓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 マシュマシュのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スカラ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

4 シャファーの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海賊モンスターでのXPボーナス: 海賊モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

20 クルミの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: カニガー、クロコダイル、コアラックがドロップする肉の量が125%アップ。

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ブラクマールで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 ヴォロムの斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: フューダーラ境界線でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 レパードの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 草平原モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 キリブリスのダウン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 田舎エリアにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 木こりの手斧 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クロコダイルとのバトルで、XP獲得が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ドロミットと黒曜石の採掘量が175%アップ。(坑夫)

3 黒曜石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ファイアーホックス・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 妖怪ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ミノトロール迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 パタパタの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: オトマイ・アーチのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 バーブロッサのシャツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: キムボー天幕のダンジョンでのパーセプターのドロップ率が300%アップ。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンダーラ・ゴーストとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 魔法ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: カシワの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 カシワの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 小枝のパワフル弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アマクナのザアップ(ミリクルスター)エリアでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

3 プレスピピック を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 魚屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 カニカマ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ティンリル・ラボ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 フロラモールのおしべ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ダークツリッターの森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

1 ダークツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師(全レベル)の肉の収集量が100%アップ。

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ファイアーホックスとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

4 ソリョ・ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 黄金ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 エディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアー・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストXP獲得: クエストによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 バンブートの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

4 ススックモーの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 邪悪の森でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

7 邪悪トフの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の花 の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クーリッチュ洞窟・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 ゴブクールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンの森エリアにおいて、収集職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ゾスの燻煙器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 魚(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。(漁師)

3 カワカマス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 黒ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 肉屋のクラフト量が25%アップ。

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: タイネラでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

7 トフの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: シドモート泥地において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

4 カラスの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 鉄鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンの森のモンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 スミロモスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ワビット・ダンジョンでのバトルXP獲得が125%アップ。

5 ワビットの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のパワフルステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 麻の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 麻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スノーフォックスのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ソリョ・スノーフォックスの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 積雪の森のモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 グラッパの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がトリクオアトリットのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けるとアロウィン・キャンディーが手に入るか、プチ・パンプキンコウモリに変身してしまう。

4 魔導師ブウォークのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップとXP: モンスターとのバトルで、パンツを装備しているすべての冒険者のXP獲得とドロップ率が50%アップ。

2 弓兵ブウォークのパンツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブリューメン・ティンクトリアスのラボ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

9 コアラネズミのヒゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナ村において、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 グレート・ダークマント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 盗賊およびダーク職人とのバトルでXP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パーマフロスト港でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 野生シャシャの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 栗の木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 暗黒の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ジュヒリッターのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 邪悪の森のはずれのモンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 プレスピックのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: アルマ・クレイドルでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 カジトリゴーストの貝殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 蘭ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

7 川ハゼ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ミス・カナシイの祝福: ミス・カナシイがアマクナ村の噴水の側でブサイクになりたい冒険者を待っている。彼女の祝福を受けると一時的にクロコダイルに変身(バトル時に元に戻る)。続く15バトルで力+50、ダメージ+10。

4 クロコダイルのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 巨大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 青エイ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブラクマールのネズミ・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 毒入りサリヴァ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴターキーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

1 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアストゥルーブのスーラム神の像の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ルウルネット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 下水モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 下水シャーマンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 村の外に生息するフリゴストの生き物から猟師が収集する肉の量が150%アップ。

1 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 下水モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 下水管理人の足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 木こりのクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 丈夫な木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールのはずれにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

5 カラスの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリー・キーホロのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 トリの排泄器 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼のしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 拷問死者の墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ドラウグシャファーの顎 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: オーツ麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッブモスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 伝説のゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキー・ボーナス: ドラゴターキーによってもたらされるボーナスが100%アップ。

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キムボー天幕・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ムーペットの詰め物 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スチームクラックラーの心臓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: コバルトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 コバルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 積雪の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 バズータの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ゴッボール・ダンジョンでのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

9 ゴッボールの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スフォキアにおいて、職人のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 砂ダンジョンの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ペングィンとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 デブペングィンの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 木こり(全レベル)の木の伐採量が100%アップ。

20 カシワの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ地下道でのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

4 黒ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムコイン: コロッシュウムコインの獲得量が100%アップ。

1 パワフル・スクラッチシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: コアラックでのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドク・アラコの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: サカイ平原と積雪の森でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 サプールの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: マツユキソウの収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

5 マツユキソウ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アイボリー・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 ドラゴターキーの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 靴職人のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 トフサンダル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はブラクマールの門の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ブラクマール」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 鉱石(全タイプ)が現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カニダエ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

8 オウギナックのあご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ポーカス平原でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 ポーカスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ノエル・モンスターとバトルすると、追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 真っ赤なノエルラッピング用紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(海)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 クラヴイカ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: すべてのダンジョンで、チャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 小枝のパワフル剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノエル・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 雪片 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ポルコスのテリトリーにおいて、収集職業、制作職業ともに、クラフトをすると素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 アルミニット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ボンタ墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 するどい歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 海賊船と漂流島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 水夫の結び目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: とり肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノエル・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 アニス入りケーキの橇 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスター達がノエルのサプライズプレゼントをドロップする。開けると、素材やその他のアイテムが手に入る。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ロイヤルペングィンの穴でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 シャーマン・ペングィンのヒゲの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノエル・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

1 チョコレート製のプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノエル島の港、ランド、タイガにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 ノエルプレゼント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ライ麦と米の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ライ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 暗黒の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ダーク・ジュッヒーの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 食べ物を作る職業(パン屋、肉屋、よろず屋、魚屋)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

8 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス&上位モンスター: 上位モンスターが現れるスピードが200%アップ。素材(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

4 黄金ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パン屋のクラフト時に素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オトマイアーチ・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 スパロのスカーフ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: グラスフック・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ウルバロのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: イチイの木とバンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

12 イチイの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ村のパン屋の作業所側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

2 ワビットの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 森の動物でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 砂ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ビーチ・タオル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: ボンタで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 聖なるパワフル剣 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: エメラルド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーの翼 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドップル・トレーニングのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドップルの鏡 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銀の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 銀 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 氷結の湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 チビペングィンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クレバスガラスでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 黄泉スノーフォックスのくるぶし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 腐敗ピート泥炭坑でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 家族の遺品 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アラックロクモとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 アラックロクモの足 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

2 リカン鱸 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 異分子パンダとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 パンドラの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ボンタのネズミ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ぴょんぴょんノミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 邪悪の森のはずれにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 ぐぅぐぅブルグのボトル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 暗黒の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 ワーガレットの包葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 虫の身肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

5 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 短気ダークツリッターのつぼみ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 原始的墓地でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 墓堀りコアラックのけい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 武器鍛冶師(ダガー、剣、ハンマー、シャベル、斧)のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 小枝のパワフルハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フロステイズの収穫量が150%アップ。(農夫)

10 フロステイズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のネズミ・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 卯ネズミの尻尾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゴッボールの一画でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 暗黒の森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 クーサのガク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ワイルドミント の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


あふれんばかりのバイタリティ: HPの回復が300%アップ(バトル外)。食べ物によるヒーリングが100%アップ。

4 上質ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ゴッボールでのドロップとXP: ゴッブモスとゴブクールを含めたゴッボール系の生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

6 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: 魚屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

6 川ハゼの切り身 ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: グラスフックでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冷淡ブロックハードの奥歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キュウコン洞窟のダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 草ヘビの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: スカラリーフ平原において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 精神のパワフルリング を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ノリフィス島において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 パンドルム・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: トネリコの木の伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

30 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズ・プレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ポシェットをドロップする。使用するとカーニバル・ドーナツを入手できるかトゥーマッチトフに変装できる。

8 イェビ・フリッター ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 野生オレンジ・ドラゴターキーの突起 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 氷結の湖でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ママペングィンの産毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 嫌われ狼でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 銅鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 銅鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


愛の経験値: ヴァカレンタインの呪いにかかると、モンスターとのバトルでXP獲得が100%アップ。

5 シゲカックス・パッションフルーツ味 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ソフトカシワ・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ヒーリングの枝の葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 猟師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キノコのドロップ率が75%アップ。

11 キノコ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ツリッター・ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

5 ツリッターの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚の収穫量が100%アップ。(全レベルの漁師)

5 コネコ魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ツリー・キーホロの幹のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 エアー・ピココの背中 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 荒廃した村、ギスグールでのXP獲得が100%アップ。

8 ブウォークビール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ドラゴンエッグ聖域でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: カニアの野山で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

20 オーツ麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの深い地下道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 トフのくちばし を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ノリフィス島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 レパード・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

3 ミノスキートの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ワビットのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン植物とムーンの亀のドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 コココナッツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップとXP: モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が100%アップ。すべての職業で、XP獲得が50%アップ。

2 競泳用ヒレ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ブラクマールにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に15%素材を節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 スピリチュアル・ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 苦悩の地獄谷でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 冒険者の頭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: シデの木と ダーク・バンブーの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

3 シデの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 化石の森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 フィスチュリナのツボ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ムーン海賊のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ポンイツデウ・バンド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 茫然ネズミの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンディカゼの隠れ家のダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

2 移り気パンディカゼのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ワビット島でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが150%アップ。

7 ワビットの手 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: ホップの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: インディゴ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 ドラゴターキーのミルク を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 底無し泥炭坑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ドロモップの歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 漁師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 パン粉まぶし魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


力がモノ言う経験値: ダンジョンボスのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゴールド玉ロッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 5つ葉クローバー の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

15 5つ葉クローバー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 平原イノシシのドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 平原イノシシの鼻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゾス村でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ゾス玩具 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サント・ポトリックの祝福: アイリ・シュコフィがアマクナ村の宿屋で冒険者を待っている。彼の祝福を受けると一時的にビュルビヌーズになり(バトル開始で元に戻る)、強化柱(続く15バトルで耐性ボーナス5%+10)を得る。

1 エメラルド石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 武器と武器セットを作る職業(武器鍛冶師、武器職人、宝石細工師、靴職人、仕立て屋、盾鍛冶師)のXP獲得が50%アップ。

1 ピーチクハミング・ハンマー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: マンガン鉱石の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

15 マンガン鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: サカイの古い炭鉱のダインジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ドリラの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴッボールでのXP獲得が150%アップ。

6 ゴッボールの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 平原クラックラーのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 尖った石のかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 木(全タイプ)の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

20 栗の木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: カニアの野山において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

20 大麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: スノーフォックスの洞窟でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 魔法スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ベアーバリアンの巣でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キリ・ベアーバリアンの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はゾバル寺院の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

4 白ドラゴンエッグのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ゴッブモスのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゴッブモス戦士のツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アルマ・クレイドルにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 監視パイレーツの布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: キッツーのドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ナエの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: イモ虫ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 エメラルド・イモ虫の歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


海洋生物でのドロップとXP: 海洋生物(ビーチ・モンスター、カニ、サンゴリアン、サンゴガニ、ムーンの亀、グリカン、巨大クラヴイカ)とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 冷たい液体 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 小魚(川)と小魚(海)の収穫量が125%アップ。(漁師)

4 蟹カマ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ノリフィス島でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 妖怪ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 盾鍛冶師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 ゴッボール盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: クラックラー・ダンジョンでのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 クラックラー黄金歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: エルトゥネッグ森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

7 嫌われ狼の毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 大麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 大麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーンの亀とムーン植物とのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 緑の空っぽ甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 スカラトスの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: 紅ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 トネリコ飼い葉桶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カニア湖において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

9 ココ・ブロップのかけら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: パンダーラ・ゴーストのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 パンディカゼ・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: 黒檀とカリプトスの木の伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

8 カリプトスの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 霧の天幕モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 ゾスのパイプ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: よろず屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

1 トネリコ・スラッパー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アストゥルーブ、アストゥルーブのフィールド、アストゥルーブの森において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

2 焼きクラヴイカ ** を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゼリー半島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 いちごゼリー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ベアーバリアンのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 甘美ベアーバリアンのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 金の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 金 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フューダーラ境界線でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

3 魔法ファイアーホックスの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノトロール迷宮の中心でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: ミニヨン川とマドレスタム港で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

2 エディエム鯉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 底無し泥炭坑モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ウアッシングの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: クラックラー山でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 クラックラーの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ミュゾーの収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クエストとカマ: すべてのクエストでカマ獲得量が100%アップ。

2 不審なポーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ブラクマールへの道において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 カニガーの耳 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 坑夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 水晶 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ピウィのドロップ率が75%アップ。

4 赤ピウィの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 植物 の収穫量が100%アップ。(錬金術師)

20 麻の花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


妖精クラフト: 華の火を作るたびに、華の火がもう一つできる確率が25%アップし、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。また魔術師ブウォークを倒すと爆発カプセルを2倍多く入手できる。

2 爆発カプセル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

1 マシュモグの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 樹皮ツリッターの切り株 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オニのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

1 オニの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


自然の保護者: 収獲中に自然の保護者が現れる確率が5倍アップ。

1 小さな収穫者のカバン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ボンブーとオリヴィオレットとメイプルの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

15 メイプルウッド を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 村や氷のフィールドにおいて、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナ城の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

10 ジャガイモ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ワイルド・キャニオンでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 医療用石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: ターコイズ・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

3 小枝のパワフルシャベル を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スカラリーフ平原でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 緑スカラリーフの甲羅 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: モルトの収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

20 モルト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: スケンクの隠れ家でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

1 エメラルドのためのスケンクによるサイン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アストゥルーブで制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 鉄のパワフルダガー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


サプライズプレゼント: モンスターがサプライズ・ゴッボウルをドロップし、アイテムを使用するとゴッボゴムを入手できる。

11 ゴッボールウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はアマクナの森の噴水の側で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

1 カロット を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: モーピー王のドロップ率が150%アップ。

2 モーピー王の布 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: パンダーラの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

3 キュウコンフロール花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: スズとケイ酸塩の採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

12 スズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 寺院のドップルとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 石炭紙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 仕立て屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 紫マント を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: スノーフォックスの洞窟のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 妖怪スノーフォックスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 大魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

12 パーチ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: フィールド・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

3 野生ひまわりの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ツリー・キーホロ群葉とのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: アマクナ城のゴッボール飼育場でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

6 ゴッボールのツノ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフト量アップ: パン屋がアイテム作成時に、もう一つアイテムを作る可能性が25%アップ。

10 どっしりパン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: フリゴストの村で収穫量が125%アップ。(猟師)

2 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: カリプトスの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 森林コアラックの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

7 黄金ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 化石の森でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ドラマニータのひだ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ビーチ・モンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

5 カニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: マドレスタム港において、制作職業のクラフト時に素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

15 ぴかぴかイワシ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 鍛冶師ダンジョンでチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 争いの種 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


献身的なパーセプター: すべてのエリアでパーセプタードロップ率が200%アップ。

2 ニセモノ王家の印章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: 坑夫が収穫する鉱石の量が100%アップ。(全レベル)

10 金 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


フリゴストでのドロップ: ハルブルグ伯とその手下、そしてその生き物とのバトルで、XP獲得とドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ゴーマンの目 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: スノーフォックスとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 神スノーフォックスの前歯 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: パンダーラの森でチャレンジに成功すると、ボーナスが200%アップ。

2 キュウコンバンブーの芽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: フルイェスク蘭の収穫量が150%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 フルイェスク蘭 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: アーモンド・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

5 ドラゴターキーの背びれ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ムーン・ビーチでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 コココストロー を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: 村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 パワフル・アイスステッキ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: キノコ洞くつでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

1 マシュ・リューメの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: よろず屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 フィールドの鍵 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ワイルドチェリーの伐採量が125%アップ。 (木こり)

12 ワイルドチェリーの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ドラゴンエッグ村のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

7 サファイア・ドラゴンエッグの殻 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 大キュウコンのドロップ率が150%アップ。ブラザ大キュウコンは本ボーナスの対象にはなりません。

2 大キュウコンの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 フライング・ドラゴンエッグの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ヌフーのチャレンジボーナスが250%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ヌフー皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 小麦の収穫量が125%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


料金割引: ザアップ、銀行、マーケットの手数料が50%割引される。

2 マリーン・ホタテ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: サンゴビーチにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(15分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 サンゴガニのハサミ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ツリー・キーホロ群葉のドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 メットマイマイの唾液 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: フィールド植物でのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

4 邪悪たんぽぽの舌 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: シドモート泥地で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

40 鉄鉱石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: パンダーラ村でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

1 木こりの盾 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: 巨大クラヴイカの巣窟でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 クラヴイカの古い吸盤 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ツリッターの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

7 ツリッターの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: ゴッブリーのもも肉とゴッボールのもも肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのゴッボールのもも肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ミノトロール島でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

3 サラマンデリシャの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: クロコダイルボスのドロップ率が150%アップ。

4 クロコダイルボスのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: アマクナの森のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

6 イノシシの牙 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 錬金術師のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

7 ミニヒーリングポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


上質なアイテム: アマクナの森の村で制作されるアイテムのクオリティーがアップ。

2 ゴマの種パン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: オイナリ・ダンジョンのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

1 オイナリ・ナクワの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: 魚(川)の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

40 コネコ魚 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソルファタラのカス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ゴブクールと洞窟ゴッボールとのバトルで、XP獲得が200%アップ。

8 ゴブクール・ウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: 収獲の職業のXP獲得が50%アップ。

20 トネリコの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: プラム・ドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

1 一流エコ弓 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ボーキサイトの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

10 ボーキサイト を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: 氷のフィールドのチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 ゴッブモスウール を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: オロニグリッド・ティアーでのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 アトミスティックの石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


コロッシュウムXP獲得: コロッシュウムでのバトルによるXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 ブロークン・チェーン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師によるドラゴ肉の収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべてのドラゴ肉に対して有効です。(猟師)

3 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ウルカニア・モンスターのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ドロ(老年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: アストゥルーブの野原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

4 邪悪たんぽぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ゴッボールの一画でのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

5 木の削りくずポーション を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ヘスク洞窟でのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 サンゴリアンの尾てい骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: 農夫が収穫した穀物の現れるスピードが100%アップ。

1 野生ひまわり油 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ゾス村でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ゾス貴石 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: 村・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 ゲリカンの羽 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


熱狂ペット: ペットとマウンティリエによるボーナスが100%アップ。

40 イェビ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: ハコヤナギ、聖なるバンブー、ケヤキの伐採量が200%アップ。 (木こり)

1 ケヤキの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ブタタイプの生き物のチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

1 ブロッツ関の皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: パンの森でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 リスモスのしっぽ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 肉屋のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

8 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: 積雪の森とサカイ平原において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スタッバの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ダイゴロウの住処でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

5 オイナリ・ネレ皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


お化け屋敷でのドロップとXP: お化け屋敷でのドロップ率が125%アップ。

4 ヴァンパイアの血 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ウルカニア・モンスターとのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 パウダー(成年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: エーデルワイスとパンダ草の種の収穫量が175%アップ。(錬金術師)

10 エーデルワイス を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トフタイプの生き物のドロップ率が75%アップ。

5 トフのたまご を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


繰り返し可能なクエスト: 今日はボンタの門の南で、繰り返し可能なスペシャルクエストを受けることができる(レベル10から)。貢物のクエストとの関連はありません。

3 シティ・ポーション「ボンタ」 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: ウルカニア・モンスターのモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

2 灰(熟年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


大漁: フリゴストの魚の収穫量が150%アップ。(漁師)

3 アイスフィッシュ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アストゥルーブの岩場でのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 日焼けクリーム を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ロイヤル虹色ブロップの巣窟のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

2 きりかぶブロップの根 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: ボンタでのクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

4 頑固ネコブーツ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: 穀物の収穫量が100%アップ。(農夫)

40 小麦 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドラゴターキーの飼育: すべての種類のドラゴターキーの赤ちゃんが1匹多く生まれるようになる。

2 黄金ドラゴターキーのトゲ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ノリフィス島でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 ソリョ・ファイアーホックス・ゴーストの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ムーン島カンニボールでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ジャヴのヤリの切っ先 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ウルカニア・モンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップ。

2 たまり水(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


素材ボーナス: アマクナの森で素材の現れるスピードが150%アップ。

15 ワイルドミントの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


次々あふれる星: すべてのゾーンにおいて、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(30分ごとに1つ現われるようになる)。

2 星のまぶた を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 敏捷スナッパーとのバトルで、XP獲得が100%アップ。

2 侵入者の腕章 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな鉱石: ブロンズの採掘量が150%アップ。(坑夫)

20 ブロンズ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ミノスのドロップ率が75%アップ。

2 ミノキッド角 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: 農夫のクラフト時に、素材を10%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

20 ホップ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: ポーカス平原のチャレンジボーナスが200%アップ。

3 ピゲットの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ウルカニアの森において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(10分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

2 スモーク(幼年) を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな食材: 猟師による豚ロースの収穫量が125%アップ。本ボーナスはすべての豚ロースに対して有効です。(猟師)

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: トリドー山でのドロップ率が100%アップ。

2 無気力ベアーバリアンの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: ブウォーカー・ダンジョンでのバトルで、XP獲得が125%アップ。

2 ママ・ブウォークのおでき を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


追加チャレンジ: インガルッセの田畑のモンスターとバトルすると追加チャレンジに挑戦できる。

3 野生ひまわりの花びら を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


パーセプター・ボーナス: ドラゴンエッグ・ダンジョンでのパーセプタードロップ率が300%アップ。

2 ドラゴステスの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: アルマ・クレイドル・モンスターでのバトルで、XP獲得が75%アップ。

2 ハーピイレーツのうろこ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな木材: クルミの伐採量が150%アップ。 (木こり)

20 クルミの木 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ブロップ・ダンジョンでのドロップ率が125%アップ。

2 プロッシュルームの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


星の速度がアップ: ドラゴン・ピッグ迷宮において、モンスターグループの星の増える速度がアップ(5分ごとに1つ現れるようになる)。

1 ドルガン・アチョーの皮 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


クラフトボーナス: アマクナの森のクラフト時に、素材を15%節約(一部のアイテムが使われずにアイテムリストに残ります)。

3 ゴマの種パン を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: 魅惑の湖でのXP獲得が100%アップ。

2 釣り師コアラックの骨 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


職業経験値: すべての職業で、XP獲得が50%アップ。

4 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


豊かな収穫: リネンの花の収穫量が125%アップ。(錬金術師)

40 リネンの花 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


チャレンジ・ボーナス: グラスフックのモンスターのチャレンジボーナスが150%アップする。

2 野蛮ブロックハードのツメ を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


ドロップ: ニュートラル・パンダーラでのドロップ率が100%アップ。

4 バンブートの葉 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


XP獲得: カラス卿の書庫でのXP獲得が125%アップ。

1 カラスギツネの毛 を集めて テオドラン・アックスに捧げる。


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Shaman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Jeffarctor: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

7 Boowolf Tail


Offering for Angy: Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

2 Draugur Chafer Jaw


Offering for Vanderivz: Bonuses awarded by mounts are increased by 100%.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Lateralus: The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mastogob Wool


Offering for Uicuic: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

2 Bad Boy Tattoo


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Steam Crackler Heart


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

9 Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sand Dungeon Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Black Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Ouginak Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Golden Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%.

3 Pandora Hair


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Jumpy Flea


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Grass Snake Skin


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Pandulum Ghost Bone


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boowolf Canine


Offering for Edyxo: The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Copper


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Tehego: Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Ground Meat


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Kanabal: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kanabal Find 2 Leopardo Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

2 Leopardo Ghost Bone


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Jonat: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Jonat Find 1 Sacred Staff and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

1 Sacred Staff


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Darkchy: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates. Quest: Offering for Darkchy Find 2 Hazwonarm Headband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

2 Hazwonarm Headband


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (weaponsmiths and carvers, jewellers, shoemakers, tailors and shieldsmiths) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Kitsou Nae Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%.

5 Kitsou Nae Skin


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Azra: Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove). Quest: Offering for Azra Find 2 Glacial Fluid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

2 Glacial Fluid


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fish (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Typlanet: Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Typlanet Find 2 Gobball Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shield smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

2 Gobball Shield


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Road to Brakmar area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowolf Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowolf Hair


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Mobbib: The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mobbib Find 2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 White Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

4 White Dreggon Egg


Offering for Sehb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sehb Find 2 Strawberry Jelly and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

2 Strawberry Jelly


Offering for Duc: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians. Quest: Offering for Duc Find 2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duc DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians.

2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail


Offering for Tchoub: The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tchoub Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchoub DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Gold


Offering for Viti: Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viti Find 3 Maho Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viti DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%.

3 Maho Firefoux Hair


Offering for Scheik: The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Scheik Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Scheik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Sylfaen: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas. Quest: Offering for Sylfaen Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylfaen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Katelruz: Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Katelruz Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katelruz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Lakha: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area. Quest: Offering for Lakha Find 2 Crackler Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lakha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area.

2 Crackler Stone


Offering for Rakrevei: The quantity of Stale Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Rakrevei Find 3 Stale Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rakrevei DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Muzzles harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Muzzle.

3 Stale Meat


Offering for Fako: Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests. Quest: Offering for Fako Find 2 Suspicious Pouch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fako DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quests and kamas Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests.

2 Suspicious Pouch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Rocky Roads area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Proff Find 3 Foxfyter Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Proff DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Road to Brakmar area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

3 Foxfyter Ear


Offering for Shinkarre: Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Shinkarre Find 1 Crystal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shinkarre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Crystal


Offering for Mylka: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mylka Find 4 Red Piwi Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mylka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%.

4 Red Piwi Feather


Offering for Franek: The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Franek Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Sage


Offering for Esthoma: For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled. Quest: Offering for Esthoma Find 2 Explosive Capsule and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Esthoma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Fairy factory For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled.

2 Explosive Capsule


Offering for Gymcitro: Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Gymcitro Find 1 Mushmunch Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gymcitro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Mushmunch Tongue


Offering for Rikku: The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikku Find 2 Light Treeckler Stump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Light Treeckler Stump


Offering for Malava: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis. Quest: Offering for Malava Find 1 Oni Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Malava DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis.

1 Oni Blood


Offering for Bo: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area. Quest: Offering for Bo Find 2 Mufafah Moustache and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area.

2 Mufafah Moustache


Offering for Bipup: The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bipup Find 15 Maple Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bipup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

15 Maple Wood


Offering for Azkatraz: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas. Quest: Offering for Azkatraz Find 5 Meatball and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azkatraz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas.

5 Meatball


Offering for Bigg: A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Bigg Find 10 Potatoes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bigg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

10 Potatoes


Offering for Bern: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bern Find 2 Medicinal Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bern DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%.

2 Medicinal Stone


Offering for Loumi: All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Loumi Find 3 Twiggy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Loumi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Twiggy Shovel


Offering for Duanaf: Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duanaf Find 1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duanaf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%.

1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace


Offering for Zebdara: The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zebdara Find 20 Malt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zebdara DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Malt


Offering for Todeb: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon. Quest: Offering for Todeb Find 1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todeb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon.

1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph


Offering for Emil: The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased. Quest: Offering for Emil Find 2 Smithy Daggers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased.

2 Smithy Daggers


Offering for Nell: Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours. Quest: Offering for Nell Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nell DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Ku: Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Ku Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

40 Nettles


Offering for Kham: The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kham Find 2 Mopy King Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kham DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%.

2 Mopy King Fabric


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Kevlatahmu Find 3 Bulbiflor Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kevlatahmu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Bulbiflor Flower


Offering for Tyrben: The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tyrben Find 12 Tin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tyrben DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Tin


Offering for Jember: Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Jember Find 2 Carbon Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jember DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%.

2 Carbon Paper


Offering for Ntamak: Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ntamak Find 1 Purple Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ntamak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Purple Cloak


Offering for Krisegis: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area. Quest: Offering for Krisegis Find 2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisegis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area.

2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Osebo: The quantity of Perch, Monkfish, Lard Bass, and Tench harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Osebo Find 12 Perch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Osebo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

12 Perch


Offering for Daza: The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Daza Find 3 Wild Sunflower Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Daza DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%.

3 Wild Sunflower Seed


Offering for Alikindoy: The resource protectors are 5 times more likely to appear during harvesting activities than usual. Quest: Offering for Alikindoy Find 1 Small Harvester Bag and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyfani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%.

1 Small Harvester Bag


Offering for Taelstrom: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area. Quest: Offering for Taelstrom Find 6 Gobball Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Taelstrom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area.

6 Gobball Horn


Offering for Milides: For each item crafted, Farmers have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Milides Find 10 Solid Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milides DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, bakers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

10 Solid Bread


Offering for Izmar: The quantity of Blood-Soaked Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Izmar Find 2 Blood-Soaked Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Izmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters from creatures native to Frigost Village is increased by 125%.

2 Blood-Soaked Meat


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ani Find 2 Koalak Forester Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Koalak Forester Hair


Offering for Xandra: Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Xandra Find 7 Golden Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xandra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%.

7 Golden Dreggon Shell


Offering for Tiny: The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tiny Find 2 Dramanita Gill and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Dramanita Gill


Offering for Namyknof: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family. Quest: Offering for Namyknof Find 5 Crab Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namyknof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family.

5 Crab Pincer


Offering for Elgero: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area. Quest: Offering for Elgero Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elgero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mikart: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mikart Find 2 Seed of Contention and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon.

2 Seed of Contention


Offering for Martero: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas. Quest: Offering for Martero Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Martero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Zealous Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Toun: A special repeatable quest is available today to the east of the Lumberjacks' Workshop in Amakna Forest. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Toun Find 1 Cawwot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%.

1 Cawwot


Offering for Mendelia: The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mendelia Find 2 Harrogant Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mendelia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Frigostian loot The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%.

2 Harrogant Eye


Offering for Halden: Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Halden Find 2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Halden DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%.

2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor


Offering for Tigibon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area. Quest: Offering for Tigibon Find 2 Bulbamboo Shoot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tigibon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area.

2 Bulbamboo Shoot


Offering for Verol: The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Verol Find 10 Freyesque Orchid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Verol DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%.

10 Freyesque Orchid


Offering for Jibejan: All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jibejan Find 5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jibejan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Teluomaj: The chances of obtaining loot in the Turtle Beach area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Teluomaj Find 2 Kokostraw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teluomaj DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Moon Beach area are increased by 100%.

2 Kokostraw


Offering for Aazimar: The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased. Quest: Offering for Aazimar Find 2 Ice Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aazimar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased.

2 Ice Wand


Offering for Blou: Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Blou Find 1 Mush Rhume Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%.

1 Mush Rhume Slobber


Offering for Yaka: Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Yaka Find 1 Field Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Field Dungeon Key


Offering for Bek: The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bek Find 12 Cherry Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

12 Cherry Wood


Offering for Pytch: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area. Quest: Offering for Pytch Find 7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pytch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area.

7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell


Offering for Seyroth: The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count. Quest: Offering for Seyroth Find 2 Bulbig Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyroth DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count.

2 Bulbig Root


Offering for Redfis: Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Redfis Find 2 Flying Dreggon Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Redfis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Flying Dreggon Skin


Offering for Lim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus. Quest: Offering for Lim Find 5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus.

5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin


Offering for Grut: The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Grut Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Atsu: The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%. Quest: Offering for Atsu Find 2 Marine Conch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Slashed prices The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%.

2 Marine Conch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Gnat Find 2 Craboral Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gnat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Craboral Pincer


Offering for Hellmut: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Hellmut Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hellmut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Azrou: Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Azrou Find 4 Scarecro Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azrou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%.

4 Scarecro Tongue


Offering for Oopah: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Oopah Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oopah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area.

40 Iron


Offering for Bouliks: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Pandala Village and the surrounding area. Quest: Offering for Bouliks Find 1 Lumberjack Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouliks DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area.

1 Lumberjack Shield


Offering for Ansoh: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Ansoh Find 2 Old Kralove Sucker and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansoh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Old Kralove Sucker


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Arak-hai Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ikoan Find 7 Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ikoan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Treechnid Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

7 Treechnid Root


Offering for Poch: The quantity of Contaminated Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Poch Find 4 Contaminated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Gobbly Legs and Gobball Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Gobball Leg.

4 Contaminated Meat


Offering for Lamarilu: Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lamarilu Find 3 Manderisha Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lamarilu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%.

3 Manderisha Skin


Offering for Rems: The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rems Find 4 Crocodyl Chief Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rems DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Chief Scale


Offering for Yanouchk: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Yanouchk Find 6 Boar Tusk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yanouchk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area.

6 Boar Tusk


Offering for Sirdal: Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Sirdal Find 7 Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sirdal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

7 Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Eiwech: The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased. Quest: Offering for Eiwech Find 2 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eiwech DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased.

2 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Alaokit: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Alaokit Find 1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alaokit DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon.

1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair


Offering for Poupik: The quantity of Kittenfish, Ediem Carp, Pike, and Eel harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Poupik Find 40 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

40 Kittenfish


Offering for Lazura: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lazura Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lazura DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Unkn: Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Unkn Find 8 Gobkool Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Unkn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%.

8 Gobkool Wool


Offering for Blid: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions. Quest: Offering for Blid Find 20 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions.

20 Ash Wood


Offering for Jihelair: All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jihelair Find 1 Eco Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jihelair DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Eco Bow


Offering for Oskerine: The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Oskerine Find 10 Bauxite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oskerine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Bauxite


Offering for Pasqueoz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area. Quest: Offering for Pasqueoz Find 2 Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pasqueoz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area.

2 Mastogob Wool


Offering for Klernodie: Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Klernodie Find 2 Atomystique Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Klernodie DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%.

2 Atomystique Stone


Offering for Zuart: Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Zuart Find 2 Broken Chains and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zuart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossium experience Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

2 Broken Chains


Offering for Bouilli: The quantity of Marbled Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bouilli Find 3 Marbled Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouilli DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Dragomeat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Dragomeat.

3 Marbled Meat


Offering for Okajin: The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Okajin Find 2 Venerable Mud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Okajin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mud


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Luzbel Find 4 Evil Dandelion Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Luzbel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Evil Dandelion Flower


Offering for Titi: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area. Quest: Offering for Titi Find 5 Shrubstrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Titi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area.

5 Shrubstrate


Offering for Alucard: Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Alucard Find 2 Coralator Coccyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alucard DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%.

2 Coralator Coccyx


Offering for Gurvamon: Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Gurvamon Find 1 Wild Sunflower Oil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gurvamon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

1 Wild Sunflower Oil


Offering for Alhera: The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Alhera Find 2 Precious Zoth Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alhera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Precious Zoth Stone


Offering for Tholank: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Tholank Find 2 Gullipop Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tholank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters.

2 Gullipop Feather


Offering for Kaoly: Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kaoly Find 40 Grawn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kaoly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Pets with pep Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%.

40 Grawn


Offering for Xan: The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Xan Find 1 Elm Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%.

1 Elm Wood


Offering for Anulideven: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family. Quest: Offering for Anulideven Find 1 Blodz Uker Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Anulideven DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family.

1 Blodz Uker Skin


Offering for Lokhaan: Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lokhaan Find 2 Cromagmunk Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lokhaan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%.

2 Cromagmunk Tail


Offering for Benka: Hunters have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Benka Find 8 Astrubian Fritter and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Butchers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Astrubian Fritter


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Nobozil Find 2 Stabba Fibula and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nobozil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Stabba Fibula


Offering for Olileb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Olileb Find 5 Kitsou Nere Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olileb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%.

5 Kitsou Nere Skin


Offering for Aleb: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon. Quest: Offering for Aleb Find 4 Vampire Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aleb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and XP in the Haunted House Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon.

4 Vampire Blood


Offering for Krisdanh: Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdanh Find 2 Novice Powder and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdanh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Novice Powder


Offering for Jycedus: The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Jycedus Find 10 Edelweiss and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jycedus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

10 Edelweiss


Offering for Po: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Po Find 5 Tofu Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Po DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%.

5 Tofu Egg


Offering for Puliblak: A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Puliblak Find 3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Puliblak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Ansha: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ansha Find 2 Mature Ashes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters.

2 Mature Ashes


Offering for Meda: The quantity of Icefish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Meda Find 3 Icefish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meda DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of Frigostian fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

3 Icefish


Offering for Ju: Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ju Find 2 Suntan Lotion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%.

2 Suntan Lotion


Offering for Dramon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dramon Find 2 Trunkiblop Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dramon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon.

2 Trunkiblop Root


Offering for Zeg: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta. Quest: Offering for Zeg Find 4 Mulish Cat's Boots and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zeg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta.

4 Mulish Cat's Boots


Offering for Tix: The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tix Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Rigamix: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Rigamix Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rigamix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Matgap: The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Matgap Find 2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Matgap DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%.

2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Sab: Experience gained by fighting Moon Kanniballs is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Sab Find 2 Kanniballs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sab DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon Island Kanniballs is increased by 75%.

2 Kanniballs


Offering for Ouchim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ouchim Find 2 Juvenile Puddle and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ouchim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters.

2 Juvenile Puddle


Offering for Margarou: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area. Quest: Offering for Margarou Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Margarou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area.

15 Wild Mint


one star will appear every 30 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes. Quest: Offering for Orreip Find 2 Starfish Eyelid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orreip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Shooting stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes.

2 Starfish Eyelid


Offering for Lortecaps: Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lortecaps Find 2 Poacher's Armband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lortecaps DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%.

2 Poacher's Armband


Offering for Marjul: The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marjul Find 20 Bronze and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marjul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Bronze


Offering for Ynniw: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Ynniw Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ynniw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Pilserpus: Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pilserpus Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pilserpus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Hop


Offering for Gridoo: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area. Quest: Offering for Gridoo Find 3 Piglet Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gridoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area.

3 Piglet Leather


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Theomak Find 2 Juvenile Smoke and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Theomak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Juvenile Smoke


Offering for Pierdem: The quantity of Mineral Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Pierdem Find 4 Mineral Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierdem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Pork Loin harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Pork Loin.

4 Mineral Meat


Offering for Guiboun: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guiboun Find 2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guiboun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%.

2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair


Offering for Mikala: Experience gained in the Bworker's Cave is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Mikala Find 2 Mama Bwork Boil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bworker Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Mama Bwork Boil


Offering for Lolzeolf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area. Quest: Offering for Lolzeolf Find 3 Wild Sunflower Petal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lolzeolf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area.

3 Wild Sunflower Petal


Offering for Fizzi: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Fizzi Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fizzi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Talentyre: Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Talentyre Find 2 Harpy Pirate Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Talentyre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Harpy Pirate Scale


Offering for Noon: The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Noon Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Noon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Dyw: The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dyw Find 2 Blopshroom Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dyw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Blopshroom Flower


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for So Find 1 Dorgan Ation Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest So DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

1 Dorgan Ation Skin


Offering for Bitkyo: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Bitkyo Find 3 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bitkyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area.

3 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Manoush: Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Manoush Find 2 Fisheralak Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Manoush DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%.

2 Fisheralak Bone


Offering for Ancestrotek: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions. Quest: Offering for Ancestrotek Find 4 Potion of Old Age and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ancestrotek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions.

4 Potion of Old Age


Offering for Vikotoru: The quantity of Nettles harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Vikotoru Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vikotoru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Flax Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

40 Nettles


Offering for Lorko: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters. Quest: Offering for Lorko Find 2 Bestial Brockhard Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters.

2 Bestial Brockhard Claw


Offering for Lucimay: The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lucimay Find 4 Bambooto Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucimay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%.

4 Bambooto Leaf


Offering for Zouzo: Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zouzo Find 1 Crowfox Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zouzo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%.

1 Crowfox Hair


Offering for Cherop: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters. Quest: Offering for Cherop Find 2 Mofette Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cherop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters.

2 Mofette Stone


Offering for Davut: The quantity of Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine, Kralove, and Grey Sea Bream harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Davut Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mud: The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Mud Find 2 Broken Trident and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mud DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%.

2 Broken Trident


Offering for Mau: All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Mau Find 1 Almond Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mau DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Almond Dragoturkey Wing


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Xa Find 2 Dreggon Warrior Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xa DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Dreggon Warrior Skin


Offering for Grugin: The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Grugin Find 2 Spectral Flame and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grugin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Bonta and Brakmar The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Spectral Flame


Offering for Yukin: The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yukin Find 20 Flax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yukin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Flax


Offering for Farod: Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Farod Find 2 Treecherous Bark and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Farod DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Treecherous Bark


Offering for Makss: Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Makss Find 3 Rainbow Necklace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Makss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Rainbow Necklace


Offering for Laturb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Laturb Find 2 Mastogobbly Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laturb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%.

2 Mastogobbly Ear


Offering for Nosruo: Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Nosruo Find 7 Mush Mush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nosruo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%.

7 Mush Mush Thorn


Offering for Guidys: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Guidys Find 4 Chafer Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guidys DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon.

4 Chafer Bone


Offering for Olvido: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates. Quest: Offering for Olvido Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olvido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from pirates Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Nido: The quantity of Fresh Meat picked up by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nido Find 3 Fresh Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by Kaniger, Crocodyl and Koalak hunters is increased by 125%.

3 Fresh Meat


Offering for Bodirom: The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased. Quest: Offering for Bodirom Find 2 Vor'Om Axe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bodirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased.

2 Vor'Om Axe


Offering for Djuuma: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area. Quest: Offering for Djuuma Find 3 Leopardo Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area.

3 Leopardo Hair


Offering for Foluk: The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Foluk Find 2 Kilibriss Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foluk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Kilibriss Down


Offering for Emp: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area. Quest: Offering for Emp Find 4 Lumberjack Hatchet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area.

4 Lumberjack Hatchet


Offering for Franho: Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Franho Find 4 Crocodyl Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Teeth


Offering for Nufrank: The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Nufrank Find 21 Obsidian and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nufrank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%.

21 Obsidian


Offering for Wasaru: The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Wasaru Find 4 Yokai Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wasaru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Yokai Firefoux Hair


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Sad Find 3 Quetsnakiatl Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Quetsnakiatl Feather


Offering for Dethoama: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area. Quest: Offering for Dethoama Find 2 Barbrossa's Shirt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dethoama DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area.

2 Barbrossa's Shirt


Offering for Sulp: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon. Quest: Offering for Sulp Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sulp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Moomoo: Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Moomoo Find 2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moomoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%.

2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Kosal: The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kosal Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kosal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Chik: A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Chik Find 3 Twiggy Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Chik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Twiggy Bow


Offering for Juju: The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Juju Find 3 Prespic Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Juju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%.

3 Prespic Peak


Offering for Ounirom: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ounirom Find 3 Crab Stick and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ounirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishmongers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Crab Stick


Offering for Ketzakwet: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ketzakwet Find 2 Floramor Stamen and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ketzakwet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon.

2 Floramor Stamen


Offering for Krunsh: Experience gained in the Dark Forest is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krunsh Find 1 Dark Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krunsh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Treechnid Forest is increased by 100%.

1 Dark Treechnid Root


Offering for Kroketh: The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kroketh Find 4 Oozing Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kroketh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%.

4 Oozing Meat


Offering for Takeza: Experience gained by mounts is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Takeza Find 3 Cottage Pie with Onion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nitsougnal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux.

3 Cottage Pie with Onion


Offering for Benjo: All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Benjo Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Emattera: The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Emattera Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emattera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Diakollec: All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Diakollec Find 3 Bambooto Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Diakollec DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quest experience All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%.

3 Bambooto Wood


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Astirout Find 4 Araknawa Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marke DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Araknawa Leg


Offering for Eylen: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Eylen Find 7 Evil Tofu Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eylen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area.

7 Evil Tofu Wing


Offering for Dnegeleht: The quantity of Sage harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dnegeleht Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dnegeleht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Hemp Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

20 Sage


Offering for Kuri: The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kuri Find 9 Gobkool Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kuri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Gobkool Horn


Offering for Yaloop: Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area. Quest: Offering for Yaloop Find 3 Rotten Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaloop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area.

3 Rotten Meat


Offering for Fry: Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Fry Find 2 Zoth Smoke Machine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fry DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%.

2 Zoth Smoke Machine


Offering for Zellina: Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Zellina Find 15 Pike and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zellina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

15 Pike


Offering for Sephy: The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sephy Find 7 Black Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sephy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%.

7 Black Dreggon Shell


Offering for Baba: The quantity of items crafted by Hunters is increased by 25% Quest: Offering for Baba Find 4 Countrywoman Pan Fry and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Baba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line The quantity of items crafted by butchers is increased by 25%

4 Countrywoman Pan Fry


Offering for Viviantho: Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viviantho Find 7 Tofu Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viviantho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%.

7 Tofu Feather


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Patawaii Find 4 Crovus Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Patawaii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Crovus Feather


Offering for Sili: The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Sili Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sili DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

40 Iron


Offering for Rikoo: The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikoo Find 2 Sabredon Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Sabredon Hair


Offering for Capt: Experience gained in the Wa Wabbit's Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Capt Find 5 Wabbit Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Capt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wabbit Dungeon is increased by 125%.

5 Wabbit Teeth


Offering for Coyo: Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Coyo Find 3 Twiggy Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Coyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Wand


Offering for Fredocigam: The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fredocigam Find 20 Hemp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fredocigam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hemp


Offering for Tchokun: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux. Quest: Offering for Tchokun Find 2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchokun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux.

2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear


Offering for Macugny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area. Quest: Offering for Macugny Find 2 Grabba Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Macugny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area.

2 Grabba Skin


Offering for Asid: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin. Quest: Offering for Asid Find 4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Asid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin.

4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair


Offering for Mitomiel: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar. Quest: Offering for Mitomiel Find 2 Bwork Archer Briefs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mitomiel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience in pants Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar.

2 Bwork Archer Briefs


Offering for Nikodeus: The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's Laboratory dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nikodeus Find 9 Kolerat Whiskers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nikodeus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's Laboratory dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Kolerat Whiskers


Offering for Miloune: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area. Quest: Offering for Miloune Find 1 Dark Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Miloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area.

1 Dark Cloak


Offering for Kacinka: Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kacinka Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kacinka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Mathru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area. Quest: Offering for Mathru Find 2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mathru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area.

2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair


Offering for Hito: The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Hito Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hito DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Pouki: Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Pouki Find 2 Barkritter Calyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pouki DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%.

2 Barkritter Calyx


Offering for Poup: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Poup Find 2 Prespic Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

2 Prespic Tail


Offering for Tilapiatsu: The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tilapiatsu Find 2 Yuara Pirate Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tilapiatsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%.

2 Yuara Pirate Shell


Offering for Otoul: All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Otoul Find 28 Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Otoul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

28 Gudgeon


Offering for Namsporp: Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Namsporp Find 4 Crocodyl Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namsporp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Our Miss Triste blessing Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights).

4 Crocodyl Scale


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Jacoula Find 18 Blue Ray and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jacoula DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dek Find 2 Poisonous Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Flouky Find 1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Flouky DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Reniator Find 2 Leurnettes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reniator DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mustasly Find 2 Grossewer Shaman Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mustasly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Shaman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Messikriss Find 1 Macerated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Messikriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by hunters from Frigost monsters who live outside the Village is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters. Quest: Offering for Annbonny Find 2 Sewer Keeper Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Annbonny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Waro Find 3 Timber Substrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Waro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Julo Find 5 Crobak Foot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Julo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters. Quest: Offering for Munir Find 2 Cheeken Cloaca and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Munir DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Jeffarctor: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Moowolf Lair. Quest: Offering for Jeffarctor Find 7 Boowolf Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jeffarctor DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

7 Boowolf Tail


Offering for Vanderivz: Bonuses awarded by mounts are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Vanderivz Find 4 Rancid Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Angy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Fafah: The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fafah Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fafah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Oats


Offering for Lateralus: The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Lateralus Find 2 Venerable Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lateralus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mastogob Wool


Offering for Uicuic: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Uicuic Find 2 Bad Boy Tattoo and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Uicuic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

2 Bad Boy Tattoo


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tinyrus Find 2 Moopet Stuffing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tinyrus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Troyle Find 2 Steam Crackler Heart and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troyle DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Steam Crackler Heart


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Eltux Find 20 Cobalt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Inooni Find 2 Buzta Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inooni DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ezimuos Find 9 Gobball Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ezimuos DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

9 Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area. Quest: Offering for Tiris Find 1 Sand Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sand Dungeon Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Edacsak Find 2 Pingwobble Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edacsak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eltruteht Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltruteht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area. Quest: Offering for Ologar Find 4 Black Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ologar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Black Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Adam Find 1 Scratchy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Adam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossokens The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kountar Find 2 Dok Alako Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kountar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Moko Find 2 Asploda Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Ingmar Find 5 Snowdrop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ingmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Foya Find 3 Dragoturkey Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foya DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Bovjouski Find 1 Tofu Sandals and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bovjouski DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Mig Find 3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mig DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Sept Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sept DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Moowolf Lair area is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Jason Find 8 Macian Chops and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jason DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Macian Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eboren Find 4 Lousy Pig Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eboren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Lucyvan Find 2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucyvan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ryf Find 15 Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ryf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons. Quest: Offering for Sebsokk Find 3 Twiggy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebsokk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Reivax Find 2 Snowflake and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reivax DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area. Quest: Offering for Benjak Find 1 Aluminite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Grug Find 3 Pointed Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grug DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bonta Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Maxares Find 2 Sailor Knot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maxares DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Math Find 4 Tender Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Math DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Bird Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Bird Meat.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Milivar Find 1 Gingerbread Sleigh and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milivar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items. Quest: Offering for Simsof Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Simsof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fhenris Find 2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fhenris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Korri Find 1 Chocolate Gift Package and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Korri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ediva Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ediva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Cocoyuyu Find 20 Rye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cocoyuyu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Dari Find 2 Dark Treeckler Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dari DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist). Quest: Offering for Aisk Find 8 Lemon Papillote and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aisk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (baker, butcher, handyman and fishmonger).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Mazic Find 4 Golden Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mazic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources and archmonsters Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Golden Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Arouz Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Arouz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Bakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Orage Find 2 Sparo's Scarf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orage DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Thomahon Find 2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Thomahon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ling Find 12 Yew Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ling DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Sebklav Find 2 Wo Wabbit Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebklav DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals. Quest: Offering for Yvad Find 7 Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yvad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Leszak Find 2 Beach Towel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Leszak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased. Quest: Offering for Stun Find 2 Holy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Stun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Troma Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ashvey Find 2 Dopple Mirror and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ashvey DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rojers Find 12 Silver and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rojers DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Katlestyn Find 2 Pingwinkle Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katlestyn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guigui Find 2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guigui DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Poupline Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupline DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Bubba Find 2 Family Relic and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bubba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family. Quest: Offering for Kia Find 7 Arachnee Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Yecetu Find 14 Lard Bass and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yecetu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eskarina Find 3 Pandora Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eskarina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%.

3 Pandora Hair


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Inkola Find 2 Jumpy Flea and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inkola DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Jumpy Flea


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Magikow Find 1 Bottle of Greedoburg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Magikow DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Danizzal Find 2 Warguerite Bract and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Danizzal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kestra Find 5 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kestra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Insect Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Insect Flesh.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing. Quest: Offering for Shiva Find 2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shiva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Dungeon.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Billfer Find 2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Billfer DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pierrock Find 3 Twiggy Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierrock DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Weaponsmiths (daggers, swords, hammers, shovels and axes) save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Maribri Find 10 Frosteez and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maribri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Koppapi Find 2 Ratter Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Koppapi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krala Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Lorf Find 2 Gwass Sepal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Teskirf Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teskirf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual. Quest: Offering for Tolgnas Find 4 Superior Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tolgnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Full of life Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools. Quest: Offering for Ruevas Find 6 Meat Roulade and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ruevas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from Gobballs Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Marke Find 6 Sliced Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elibah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, fishmongers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eritem Find 2 Icy Brockhard Molar and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eritem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Val Find 4 Grass Snake Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Val DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Grass Snake Skin


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area. Quest: Offering for Misdup Find 8 Wisdom Ring and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Misdup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Kimykay Find 2 Pandulum Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimykay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Pandulum Ghost Bone


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Eramas Find 30 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eramas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kilistin Find 4 Kaniger Nail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kilistin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Meash Find 5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meash DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bazukana Find 2 Mama Pingwin Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bazukana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family. Quest: Offering for Karlita Find 7 Boogranny Canine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karlita DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boogranny Canine


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edyxo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duf Find 5 Passion Shigekax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: In the pink Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Guss Find 2 Healing Branch Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Soft Oak Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Tehego: Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tehego Find 3 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tehego DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Ground Meat


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eidnas Find 11 Mushroom and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eidnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain. Quest: Offering for Amirniana Find 5 Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Amirniana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Treechnid Dungeon.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Karat Find 25 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area. Quest: Offering for Atog Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atog DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bii Find 8 Bwork Beer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Kanabal: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kanabal Find 2 Leopardo Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

2 Leopardo Ghost Bone


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Tidihef: The chances of obtaining loot from Moon Beach Monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Tidihef Find 2 Kokokonut and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

2 Kokokonut


Offering for Jonat: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Jonat Find 1 Sacred Staff and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

1 Sacred Staff


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Darkchy: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates. Quest: Offering for Darkchy Find 2 Hazwonarm Headband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

2 Hazwonarm Headband


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (weaponsmiths and carvers, jewellers, shoemakers, tailors and shieldsmiths) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Kitsou Nae Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%.

5 Kitsou Nae Skin


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 White Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

4 White Dreggon Egg


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fishSea (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Typlanet: Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Typlanet Find 2 Gobball Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shield smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

2 Gobball Shield


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Howling Heights area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowonoké Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowonoké Hairs


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Mobbib: The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mobbib Find 2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Favarez: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest. Quest: Offering for Favarez Find 2 Grilled Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

2 Grilled Kralove


Offering for Sehb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sehb Find 2 Strawberry Jelly and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

2 Strawberry Jelly


Offering for Duc: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians. Quest: Offering for Duc Find 2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duc DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians.

2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail


Offering for Tchoub: The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tchoub Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchoub DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Gold


Offering for Viti: Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viti Find 3 Maho Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viti DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%.

3 Maho Firefoux Hair


Offering for Scheik: The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Scheik Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Scheik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Sylfaen: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas. Quest: Offering for Sylfaen Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylfaen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Katelruz: Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Katelruz Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katelruz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Lakha: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area. Quest: Offering for Lakha Find 2 Crackler Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lakha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area.

2 Crackler Stone


Offering for Rakrevei: The quantity of Stale Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Rakrevei Find 3 Stale Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rakrevei DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Muzzles harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Muzzle.

3 Stale Meat


Offering for Fako: Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests. Quest: Offering for Fako Find 2 Suspicious Pouch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fako DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quests and kamas Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests.

2 Suspicious Pouch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Rocky Roads area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Proff Find 3 Foxfyter Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Proff DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Road to Brakmar area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

3 Foxfyter Ear


Offering for Shinkarre: Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Shinkarre Find 1 Crystal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shinkarre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Crystal


Offering for Mylka: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mylka Find 4 Red Piwi Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mylka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%.

4 Red Piwi Feather


Offering for Franek: The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Franek Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Sage


Offering for Esthoma: For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled. Quest: Offering for Esthoma Find 2 Explosive Capsule and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Esthoma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Fairy factory For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled.

2 Explosive Capsule


Offering for Gymcitro: Experienced gained in the Temple of the Great Ougaa is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Gymcitro Find 1 Mushmunch Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gymcitro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Mushmunch Tongue


Offering for Rikku: The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikku Find 2 Light Treeckler Stump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Light Treeckler Stump


Offering for Malava: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis. Quest: Offering for Malava Find 1 Oni Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Malava DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis.

1 Oni Blood


Offering for Bo: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area. Quest: Offering for Bo Find 2 Mufafah Moustache and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area.

2 Mufafah Moustache


Offering for Bipup: The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bipup Find 15 Maple Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bipup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

15 Maple Wood


Offering for Azkatraz: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas. Quest: Offering for Azkatraz Find 5 Meatball and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azkatraz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas.

5 Meatball


Offering for Bigg: A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Bigg Find 10 Potatoes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bigg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

10 Potatoes


Offering for Bern: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bern Find 2 Medicinal Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bern DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%.

2 Medicinal Stone


Offering for Alikindoy: The resource protectors are 5 times more likely to appear during harvesting activities than usual. Quest: Offering for Alikindoy Find 1 Small Harvester Bag and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Loumi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Small Harvester Bag


Offering for Duanaf: Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duanaf Find 1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duanaf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%.

1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace


Offering for Zebdara: The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zebdara Find 20 Malt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zebdara DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Malt


Offering for Todeb: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon. Quest: Offering for Todeb Find 1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todeb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon.

1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph


Offering for Emil: The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased. Quest: Offering for Emil Find 2 Smithy Daggers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased.

2 Smithy Daggers


Offering for Nell: Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours. Quest: Offering for Nell Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nell DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Ku: Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Ku Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

40 Nettles


Offering for Kham: The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kham Find 2 Mopy King Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kham DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%.

2 Mopy King Fabric


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Kevlatahmu Find 3 Bulbiflor Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kevlatahmu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Bulbiflor Flower


Offering for Tyrben: The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tyrben Find 12 Tin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tyrben DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Tin


Offering for Jember: Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Jember Find 2 Carbon Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jember DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%.

2 Carbon Paper


Offering for Toun: A special repeatable quest is available today to the east of the Lumberjacks' Workshop in Amakna Forest. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Toun Find 1 Cawwot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ntamak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Cawwot


Offering for Krisegis: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area. Quest: Offering for Krisegis Find 2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisegis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area.

2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Osebo: The quantity of Perch, Monkfish, Lard Bass, and Tench harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Osebo Find 12 Perch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Osebo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

12 Perch


Offering for Daza: The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Daza Find 3 Sunflower Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Daza DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%.

3 Sunflower Seed


Offering for Seyfani: Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Seyfani Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyfani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Taelstrom: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area. Quest: Offering for Taelstrom Find 6 Gobbly Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Taelstrom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area.

6 Gobbly Horn


Offering for Milides: For each item crafted, Farmers have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Milides Find 10 Solid Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milides DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, bakers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

10 Solid Bread


Offering for Izmar: The quantity of Blood-Soaked Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Izmar Find 2 Blood-Soaked Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Izmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters from creatures native to Frigost Village is increased by 125%.

2 Blood-Soaked Meat


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ani Find 2 Koalak Forester Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Koalak Forester Hair


Offering for Xandra: Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Xandra Find 7 Golden Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xandra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%.

7 Golden Dreggon Shell


Offering for Tiny: The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tiny Find 2 Dramanita Gill and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Dramanita Gill


Offering for Namyknof: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach Monsters family. Quest: Offering for Namyknof Find 5 Crab Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namyknof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family.

5 Crab Pincer


Offering for Elgero: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area. Quest: Offering for Elgero Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elgero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mikart: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mikart Find 2 Seed of Contention and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon.

2 Seed of Contention


Offering for Martero: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas. Quest: Offering for Martero Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Martero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Zealous Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Aris: The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Aris Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%.

10 Gold


Offering for Mendelia: The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mendelia Find 2 Harrogant Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mendelia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Frigostian loot The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%.

2 Harrogant Eye


Offering for Halden: Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Halden Find 2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Halden DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%.

2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor


Offering for Tigibon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area. Quest: Offering for Tigibon Find 2 Bulbamboo Shoot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tigibon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area.

2 Bulbamboo Shoot


Offering for Verol: The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Verol Find 10 Freyesque Orchid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Verol DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%.

10 Freyesque Orchid


Offering for Jibejan: All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jibejan Find 5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jibejan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Teluomaj: The chances of obtaining loot in the Turtle Beach area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Teluomaj Find 2 Kokostraw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teluomaj DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Moon Beach area are increased by 100%.

2 Kokostraw


Offering for Aazimar: The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased. Quest: Offering for Aazimar Find 2 Ice Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aazimar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased.

2 Ice Wand


Offering for Blou: Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Blou Find 1 Mush Rhume Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%.

1 Mush Rhume Slobber


Offering for Yaka: Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Yaka Find 1 Field Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Field Dungeon Key


Offering for Bek: The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bek Find 12 Cherry Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

12 Cherry Wood


Offering for Pytch: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area. Quest: Offering for Pytch Find 7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pytch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area.

7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell


Offering for Seyroth: The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count. Quest: Offering for Seyroth Find 2 Bulbig Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyroth DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count.

2 Bulbig Root


Offering for Redfis: Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Redfis Find 2 Flying Dreggon Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Redfis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Flying Dreggon Skin


Offering for Lim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus. Quest: Offering for Lim Find 5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus.

5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin


Offering for Grut: The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Grut Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Atsu: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Magik Riktus family are increased by 50%. An extra challenge is generated and bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 75% against creatures in the Magik Riktus family. Quest: Offering for Atsu Find 2 Marine Conch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Slashed prices The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%.

2 Marine Conch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Gnat Find 2 Craboral Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gnat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Craboral Pincer


Offering for Hellmut: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Hellmut Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hellmut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Azrou: Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Azrou Find 4 Scarecro Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azrou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%.

4 Scarecro Tongue


Offering for Oopah: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Oopah Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oopah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area.

40 Iron


Offering for Bouliks: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Pandala Village and the surrounding area. Quest: Offering for Bouliks Find 1 Lumberjack Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouliks DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area.

1 Lumberjack Shield


Offering for Ansoh: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Ansoh Find 2 Old Kralove Sucker and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansoh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Old Kralove Sucker


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Arak-hai Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ikoan Find 7 Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ikoan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Treechnid Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

7 Treechnid Root


Offering for Poch: The quantity of Contaminated Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Poch Find 4 Contaminated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Gobbly Legs and Gobball Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Gobball Leg.

4 Contaminated Meat


Offering for Lamarilu: Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lamarilu Find 3 Manderisha Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lamarilu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%.

3 Manderisha Skin


Offering for Rems: The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rems Find 4 Crocodyl Chief Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rems DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Chief Scale


Offering for Yanouchk: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Yanouchk Find 6 Boar Tusk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yanouchk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area.

6 Boar Tusk


Offering for Sirdal: Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Sirdal Find 7 Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sirdal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

7 Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Eiwech: The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased. Quest: Offering for Eiwech Find 2 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eiwech DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased.

2 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Alaokit: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Alaokit Find 1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alaokit DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon.

1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair


Offering for Poupik: The quantity of Kittenfish, Ediem Carp, Pike andEel harvested by Fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Poupik Find 40 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

40 Kittenfish


Offering for Lazura: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lazura Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lazura DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Unkn: Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Unkn Find 8 Gobkool Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Unkn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%.

8 Gobkool Wool


Offering for Blid: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions. Quest: Offering for Blid Find 20 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions.

20 Ash Wood


Offering for Jihelair: All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jihelair Find 1 Eco Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jihelair DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Eco Bow


Offering for Oskerine: The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Oskerine Find 10 Bauxite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oskerine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Bauxite


Offering for Pasqueoz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area. Quest: Offering for Pasqueoz Find 2 Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pasqueoz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area.

2 Mastogob Wool


Offering for Klernodie: Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Klernodie Find 2 Atomystique Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Klernodie DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%.

2 Atomystique Stone


Offering for Zuart: Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Zuart Find 2 Broken Chains and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zuart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossium experience Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

2 Broken Chains


Offering for Bouilli: The quantity of Marbled Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bouilli Find 3 Marbled Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouilli DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Dragomeat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Dragomeat.

3 Marbled Meat


Offering for Okajin: The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Okajin Find 2 Venerable Mud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Okajin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mud


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Luzbel Find 4 Evil Dandelion Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Luzbel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Evil Dandelion Flower


Offering for Titi: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area. Quest: Offering for Titi Find 5 Shrubstrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Titi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area.

5 Shrubstrate


Offering for Alucard: Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Alucard Find 2 Coralator Coccyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alucard DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%.

2 Coralator Coccyx


Offering for Gurvamon: Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Gurvamon Find 1 Wild Sunflower Oil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gurvamon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

1 Wild Sunflower Oil


Offering for Alhera: The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Alhera Find 2 Precious Zoth Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alhera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Precious Zoth Stone


Offering for Tholank: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Tholank Find 2 Gullipop Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tholank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters.

2 Gullipop Feather


Offering for Kaoly: Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kaoly Find 40 Grawn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kaoly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Pets with pep Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%.

40 Grawn


Offering for Xan: The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Xan Find 1 Elm Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%.

1 Elm Wood


Offering for Anulideven: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family. Quest: Offering for Anulideven Find 1 Blodz Uker Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Anulideven DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family.

1 Blodz Uker Skin


Offering for Lokhaan: Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lokhaan Find 2 Cromagmunk Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lokhaan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%.

2 Cromagmunk Tail


Offering for Benka: Hunters have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Benka Find 8 Astrubian Fritter and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Butchers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Astrubian Fritter


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Nobozil Find 2 Stabba Fibula and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nobozil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Stabba Fibula


Offering for Olileb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Olileb Find 5 Kitsou Nere Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olileb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%.

5 Kitsou Nere Skin


Offering for Aleb: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon. Quest: Offering for Aleb Find 4 Vampire Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aleb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and XP in the Haunted House Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon.

4 Vampire Blood


Offering for Krisdanh: Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdanh Find 2 Novice Powder and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdanh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Novice Powder


Offering for Jycedus: The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Jycedus Find 10 Edelweiss and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jycedus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

10 Edelweiss


Offering for Po: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Po Find 5 Tofu Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Po DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%.

5 Tofu Egg


Offering for Puliblak: A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Puliblak Find 3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Puliblak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Ansha: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ansha Find 2 Mature Ashes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters.

2 Mature Ashes


Offering for Meda: The quantity of Icefish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Meda Find 3 Icefish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meda DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of Frigostian fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

3 Icefish


Offering for Ju: Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ju Find 2 Suntan Lotion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%.

2 Suntan Lotion


Offering for Dramon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dramon Find 2 Trunkiblop Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dramon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon.

2 Trunkiblop Root


Offering for Zeg: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta. Quest: Offering for Zeg Find 4 Mulish Cat's Boots and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zeg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta.

4 Mulish Cat's Boots


Offering for Tix: The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tix Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Rigamix: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Rigamix Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rigamix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Matgap: The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Matgap Find 2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Matgap DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%.

2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Sab: Experience gained by fighting Moon Kanniballs is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Sab Find 2 Kanniballs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sab DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon Island Kanniballs is increased by 75%.

2 Kanniballs


Offering for Ouchim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ouchim Find 2 Juvenile Puddle and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ouchim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters.

2 Juvenile Puddle


Offering for Margarou: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area. Quest: Offering for Margarou Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Margarou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area.

15 Wild Mint


one star will appear every 30 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes. Quest: Offering for Orreip Find 2 Starfish Eyelid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orreip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Shooting stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes.

2 Starfish Eyelid


Offering for Lortecaps: Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lortecaps Find 2 Poacher's Armband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lortecaps DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%.

2 Poacher's Armband


Offering for Marjul: The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marjul Find 20 Bronze and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marjul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Bronze


Offering for Ynniw: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Ynniw Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ynniw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Pilserpus: Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pilserpus Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pilserpus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Hop


Offering for Gridoo: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area. Quest: Offering for Gridoo Find 3 Piglet Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gridoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area.

3 Piglet Leather


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Theomak Find 2 Juvenile Smoke and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Theomak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Juvenile Smoke


Offering for Pierdem: The quantity of Mineral Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Pierdem Find 4 Mineral Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierdem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Pork Loin harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Pork Loin.

4 Mineral Meat


Offering for Guiboun: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guiboun Find 2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guiboun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%.

2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair


Offering for Mikala: Experience gained in the Bworker's Cave is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Mikala Find 2 Mama Bwork Boil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bworker Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Mama Bwork Boil


Offering for Lolzeolf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area. Quest: Offering for Lolzeolf Find 3 Mutant Tofu Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lolzeolf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area.

3 Mutant Tofu Tooth


Offering for Fizzi: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Fizzi Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fizzi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Talentyre: Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Talentyre Find 2 Harpy Pirate Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Talentyre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Harpy Pirate Scale


Offering for Noon: The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Noon Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Noon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Dyw: The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dyw Find 2 Blopshroom Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dyw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Blopshroom Flower


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for So Find 1 Dorgan Ation Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest So DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

1 Dorgan Ation Skin


Offering for Bitkyo: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Bitkyo Find 3 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bitkyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area.

3 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Manoush: Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Manoush Find 2 Fisheralak Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Manoush DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%.

2 Fisheralak Bone


Offering for Ancestrotek: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions. Quest: Offering for Ancestrotek Find 4 Potion of Old Age and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ancestrotek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions.

4 Potion of Old Age


Offering for Vikotoru: The quantity of Nettles harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Vikotoru Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vikotoru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Flax Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

40 Nettles


Offering for Lorko: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters. Quest: Offering for Lorko Find 2 Bestial Brockhard Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters.

2 Bestial Brockhard Claw


Offering for Lucimay: The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lucimay Find 4 Bambooto Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucimay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%.

4 Bambooto Leaf


Offering for Zouzo: Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zouzo Find 1 Crowfox Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zouzo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%.

1 Crowfox Hair


Offering for Cherop: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters. Quest: Offering for Cherop Find 2 Mofette Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cherop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters.

2 Mofette Stone


Offering for Davut: The quantity of Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine, Kralove, and Grey Sea Bream harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Davut Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mud: The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Mud Find 2 Broken Trident and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mud DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%.

2 Broken Trident


Offering for Mau: All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Mau Find 1 Almond Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mau DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Almond Dragoturkey Wing


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Xa Find 2 Dreggon Warrior Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xa DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Dreggon Warrior Skin


Offering for Grugin: The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Grugin Find 2 Spectral Flame and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grugin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Bonta and Brakmar The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Spectral Flame


Offering for Yukin: The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yukin Find 20 Flax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yukin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Flax


Offering for Farod: Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Farod Find 2 Treecherous Bark and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Farod DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Treecherous Bark


Offering for Makss: Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Makss Find 3 Rainbow Necklace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Makss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Rainbow Necklace


Offering for Laturb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Laturb Find 2 Mastogobbly Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laturb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%.

2 Mastogobbly Ear


Offering for Nosruo: Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Nosruo Find 7 Mush Mush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nosruo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%.

7 Mush Mush Thorn


Offering for Guidys: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Guidys Find 4 Chafer Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guidys DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon.

4 Chafer Bone


Offering for Olvido: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates. Quest: Offering for Olvido Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olvido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from pirates Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Nido: The quantity of Fresh Meat picked up by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nido Find 3 Fresh Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by Kaniger, Crocodyl and Koalak hunters is increased by 125%.

3 Fresh Meat


Offering for Bodirom: The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased. Quest: Offering for Bodirom Find 2 Vor'Om Axe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bodirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased.

2 Vor'Om Axe


Offering for Djuuma: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area. Quest: Offering for Djuuma Find 3 Leopardo Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area.

3 Leopardo Hair


Offering for Foluk: The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Foluk Find 2 Kilibriss Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foluk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Kilibriss Down


Offering for Emp: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area. Quest: Offering for Emp Find 4 Lumberjack Hatchet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area.

4 Lumberjack Hatchet


Offering for Franho: Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Franho Find 4 Crocodyl Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Teeth


Offering for Nufrank: The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Nufrank Find 21 Obsidian and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nufrank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%.

21 Obsidian


Offering for Wasaru: The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Wasaru Find 4 Yokai Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wasaru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Yokai Firefoux Hair


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Sad Find 3 Quetsnakiatl Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Quetsnakiatl Feather


Offering for Dethoama: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area. Quest: Offering for Dethoama Find 2 Barbrossa's Shirt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dethoama DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area.

2 Barbrossa's Shirt


Offering for Sulp: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon. Quest: Offering for Sulp Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sulp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Moomoo: Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Moomoo Find 2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moomoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%.

2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Kosal: The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kosal Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kosal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Chik: A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Chik Find 3 Twiggy Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Chik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Twiggy Bow


Offering for Juju: The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Juju Find 3 Prespic Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Juju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%.

3 Prespic Peak


Offering for Ounirom: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ounirom Find 3 Crab Stick and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ounirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishmongers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Crab Stick


Offering for Ketzakwet: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ketzakwet Find 2 Floramor Stamen and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ketzakwet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon.

2 Floramor Stamen


Offering for Krunsh: Experience gained in the Dark Forest is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krunsh Find 1 Dark Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krunsh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Treechnid Forest is increased by 100%.

1 Dark Treechnid Root


Offering for Takeza: Experience gained by mounts is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Takeza Find 3 Cottage Pie with Onion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kroketh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%.

3 Cottage Pie with Onion


Offering for Nitsougnal: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux. Quest: Offering for Nitsougnal Find 4 Soryo Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nitsougnal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux.

4 Soryo Firefoux Hair


Offering for Benjo: All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Benjo Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Emattera: The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Emattera Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emattera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Diakollec: All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Diakollec Find 3 Bambooto Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Diakollec DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quest experience All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%.

3 Bambooto Wood


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Astirout Find 4 Araknawa Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marke DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Araknawa Leg


Offering for Eylen: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Eylen Find 7 Evil Tofu Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eylen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area.

7 Evil Tofu Wing


Offering for Dnegeleht: The quantity of Sage harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dnegeleht Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dnegeleht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Hemp Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

20 Sage


Offering for Kuri: The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kuri Find 9 Gobkool Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kuri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Gobkool Horn


Offering for Yaloop: Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area. Quest: Offering for Yaloop Find 3 Rotten Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaloop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area.

3 Rotten Meat


Offering for Fry: Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Fry Find 2 Zoth Smoke Machine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fry DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%.

2 Zoth Smoke Machine


Offering for Zellina: Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Zellina Find 15 Pike and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zellina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

15 Pike


Offering for Sephy: The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sephy Find 7 Black Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sephy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%.

7 Black Dreggon Shell


Offering for Baba: The quantity of items crafted by Hunters is increased by 25% Quest: Offering for Baba Find 4 Countrywoman Pan Fry and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Baba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line The quantity of items crafted by butchers is increased by 25%

4 Countrywoman Pan Fry


Offering for Viviantho: Experience gained in the Tainela area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viviantho Find 7 Tofu Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viviantho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%.

7 Tofu Feather


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Patawaii Find 4 Crovus Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Patawaii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Crovus Feather


Offering for Sili: The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Sili Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sili DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

40 Iron


Offering for Rikoo: The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikoo Find 2 Sabredon Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Sabredon Hair


Offering for Capt: Experience gained in the Wa Wabbit's Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Capt Find 5 Wabbit Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Capt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wabbit Dungeon is increased by 125%.

5 Wabbit Teeth


Offering for Coyo: Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Coyo Find 3 Twiggy Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Coyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Wand


Offering for Fredocigam: The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fredocigam Find 20 Hemp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fredocigam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hemp


Offering for Tchokun: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux. Quest: Offering for Tchokun Find 2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchokun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux.

2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear


Offering for Macugny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area. Quest: Offering for Macugny Find 2 Grabba Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Macugny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area.

2 Grabba Skin


Offering for Asid: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin. Quest: Offering for Asid Find 4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Asid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin.

4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair


Offering for Mitomiel: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar. Quest: Offering for Mitomiel Find 2 Bwork Archer Briefs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mitomiel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience in pants Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar.

2 Bwork Archer Briefs


Offering for Nikodeus: The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's Laboratory dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nikodeus Find 9 Kolerat Whiskers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nikodeus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's Laboratory dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Kolerat Whiskers


Offering for Miloune: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area. Quest: Offering for Miloune Find 1 Dark Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Miloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area.

1 Dark Cloak


Offering for Kacinka: Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kacinka Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kacinka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Mathru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area. Quest: Offering for Mathru Find 2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mathru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area.

2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair


Offering for Hito: The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Hito Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hito DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Pouki: Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Pouki Find 2 Barkritter Calyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pouki DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%.

2 Barkritter Calyx


Offering for Poup: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Poup Find 2 Prespic Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

2 Prespic Tail


Offering for Tilapiatsu: The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tilapiatsu Find 2 Yuara Pirate Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tilapiatsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%.

2 Yuara Pirate Shell


Offering for Otoul: All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Otoul Find 28 Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Otoul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

28 Gudgeon


Offering for Namsporp: Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Namsporp Find 4 Crocodyl Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namsporp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Our Miss Triste blessing Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights).

4 Crocodyl Scale


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Jacoula Find 18 Blue Ray and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jacoula DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dek Find 2 Poisonous Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Flouky Find 1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Flouky DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Reniator Find 2 Leurnettes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reniator DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mustasly Find 2 Grossewer Raeman Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mustasly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Raeman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Messikriss Find 1 Macerated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Messikriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by hunters from Frigost monsters who live outside the Village is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters. Quest: Offering for Annbonny Find 2 Sewer Keeper Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Annbonny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Waro Find 3 Timber Substrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Waro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Julo Find 5 Crobak Foot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Julo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters. Quest: Offering for Munir Find 2 Cheeken Cloaca and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Munir DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Vanderivz: Bonuses awarded by mounts are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Vanderivz Find 4 Rancid Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jeffarctor DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Angy: Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Angy Find 2 Draugur Chafer Jaw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Angy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

2 Draugur Chafer Jaw


Offering for Fafah: The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fafah Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fafah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Oats


Offering for Lateralus: The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Lateralus Find 2 Venerable Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lateralus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mastogob Wool


Offering for Uicuic: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Uicuic Find 2 Bad Boy Tattoo and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Uicuic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

2 Bad Boy Tattoo


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tinyrus Find 2 Moopet Stuffing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tinyrus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Troyle Find 2 Steam Crackler Heart and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troyle DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Steam Crackler Heart


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Eltux Find 20 Cobalt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Inooni Find 2 Buzta Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inooni DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ezimuos Find 2 Black Gobball Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ezimuos DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

2 Black Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area. Quest: Offering for Tiris Find 1 Sandy Castle Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sandy Castle Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Edacsak Find 2 Pingwobble Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edacsak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eltruteht Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltruteht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area. Quest: Offering for Ologar Find 4 Black Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ologar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Black Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Adam Find 1 Scratchy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Adam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossokens The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kountar Find 2 Dok Alako Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kountar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Moko Find 2 Asploda Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Ingmar Find 5 Snowdrop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ingmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Foya Find 3 Dragoturkey Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foya DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Bovjouski Find 1 Tofu Sandals and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bovjouski DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Mig Find 3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mig DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Sept Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sept DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Moowolf Lair area is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Jason Find 8 Macian Chops and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jason DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Macian Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eboren Find 4 Lousy Pig Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eboren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Lucyvan Find 2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucyvan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ryf Find 15 Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ryf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons. Quest: Offering for Sebsokk Find 3 Twiggy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebsokk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Reivax Find 2 Snowflake and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reivax DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area. Quest: Offering for Benjak Find 1 Aluminite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Grug Find 3 Pointed Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grug DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bonta Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Maxares Find 2 Sailor Knot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maxares DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Math Find 4 Tender Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Math DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Bird Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Bird Meat.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Milivar Find 1 Gingerbread Sleigh and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milivar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items. Quest: Offering for Simsof Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Simsof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fhenris Find 2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fhenris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Korri Find 1 Chocolate Gift Package and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Korri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ediva Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ediva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Cocoyuyu Find 20 Rye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cocoyuyu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Dari Find 2 Dark Treeckler Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dari DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist). Quest: Offering for Aisk Find 8 Lemon Papillote and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aisk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (baker, butcher, handyman and fishmonger).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Mazic Find 4 Golden Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mazic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources and archmonsters Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Golden Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Arouz Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Arouz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Bakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Orage Find 2 Sparo's Scarf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orage DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Thomahon Find 2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Thomahon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ling Find 12 Yew Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ling DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Sebklav Find 2 Wo Wabbit Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebklav DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals. Quest: Offering for Yvad Find 7 Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yvad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sandy Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Leszak Find 2 Beach Towel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Leszak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased. Quest: Offering for Stun Find 2 Holy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Stun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Troma Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ashvey Find 2 Dopple Mirror and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ashvey DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rojers Find 12 Silver and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rojers DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Katlestyn Find 2 Pingwinkle Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katlestyn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guigui Find 2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guigui DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Poupline Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupline DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Bubba Find 2 Family Relic and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bubba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family. Quest: Offering for Kia Find 7 Arachnee Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Yecetu Find 14 Lard Bass and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yecetu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eskarina Find 3 Pandora Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eskarina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%.

3 Pandora Hair


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Inkola Find 2 Jumpy Flea and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inkola DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Jumpy Flea


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Magikow Find 1 Bottle of Greedoburg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Magikow DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Danizzal Find 2 Warguerite Bract and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Danizzal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kestra Find 5 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kestra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Insect Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Insect Flesh.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing. Quest: Offering for Shiva Find 2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shiva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Dungeon.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Billfer Find 2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Billfer DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pierrock Find 3 Twiggy Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierrock DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Weaponsmiths (daggers, swords, hammers, shovels and axes) save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Maribri Find 10 Frosteez and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maribri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Koppapi Find 2 Ratter Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Koppapi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krala Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Lorf Find 2 Gwass Sepal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Teskirf Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teskirf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual. Quest: Offering for Tolgnas Find 4 Superior Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tolgnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Full of life Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools. Quest: Offering for Ruevas Find 6 Meat Roulade and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ruevas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from Gobballs Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Marke Find 6 Sliced Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elibah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, fishmongers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eritem Find 2 Icy Brockhard Molar and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eritem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Val Find 4 Grass Snake Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Val DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Grass Snake Skin


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area. Quest: Offering for Misdup Find 8 Wisdom Ring and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Misdup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Kimykay Find 2 Pandulum Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimykay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Pandulum Ghost Bone


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Eramas Find 30 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eramas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kilistin Find 4 Kaniger Nail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kilistin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Meash Find 5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meash DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bazukana Find 2 Mama Pingwin Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bazukana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family. Quest: Offering for Karlita Find 7 Boogranny Canine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karlita DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boogranny Canine


Offering for Edyxo: The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Edyxo Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edyxo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Copper


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duf Find 5 Passion Shigekax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: In the pink Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Guss Find 2 Healing Branch Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Soft Oak Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Tehego: Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tehego Find 3 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tehego DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Ground Meat


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eidnas Find 11 Mushroom and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eidnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain. Quest: Offering for Amirniana Find 5 Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Amirniana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Treechnid Dungeon.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Karat Find 25 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area. Quest: Offering for Atog Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atog DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bii Find 8 Bwork Beer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Kanabal: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kanabal Find 2 Leopardo Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

2 Leopardo Ghost Bone


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Tidihef: The chances of obtaining loot from Moon Beach Monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Tidihef Find 2 Kokokonut and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

2 Kokokonut


Offering for Jonat: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Jonat Find 1 Sacred Staff and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

1 Sacred Staff


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (weaponsmiths and carvers, jewellers, shoemakers, tailors and shieldsmiths) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Kitsou Nae Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%.

5 Kitsou Nae Skin


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Azra: Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove, the Abysses of Sufokia monsters, Submerged Ones). Quest: Offering for Azra Find 2 Glacial Fluid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

2 Glacial Fluid


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fishSea (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Typlanet: Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Typlanet Find 2 Gobball Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shield smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

2 Gobball Shield


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Howling Heights area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowonoké Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowonoké Hairs


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Cania Lake area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Mobbib: The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mobbib Find 2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Pandikaze Ghost Bone


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Favarez: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest. Quest: Offering for Favarez Find 2 Grilled Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

2 Grilled Kralove


Offering for Sehb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sehb Find 2 Strawberry Jelly and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

2 Strawberry Jelly


Offering for Duc: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians. Quest: Offering for Duc Find 2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duc DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians.

2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail


Offering for Tchoub: The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tchoub Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchoub DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Gold


Offering for Viti: Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viti Find 3 Maho Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viti DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%.

3 Maho Firefoux Hair


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 White Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Scheik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 White Dreggon Egg


Offering for Sylfaen: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas. Quest: Offering for Sylfaen Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylfaen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Katelruz: Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Katelruz Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katelruz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Lakha: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area. Quest: Offering for Lakha Find 2 Crackler Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lakha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area.

2 Crackler Stone


Offering for Rakrevei: The quantity of Stale Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Rakrevei Find 3 Stale Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rakrevei DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Muzzles harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Muzzle.

3 Stale Meat


Offering for Fako: Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests. Quest: Offering for Fako Find 2 Suspicious Pouch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fako DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quests and kamas Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests.

2 Suspicious Pouch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Rocky Roads area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Proff Find 3 Foxfyter Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Proff DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Road to Brakmar area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

3 Foxfyter Ear


Offering for Shinkarre: Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Shinkarre Find 1 Crystal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shinkarre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Crystal


Offering for Mylka: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mylka Find 4 Red Piwi Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mylka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%.

4 Red Piwi Feather


Offering for Franek: The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Franek Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Sage


Offering for Esthoma: For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled. Quest: Offering for Esthoma Find 2 Explosive Capsule and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Esthoma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Fairy factory For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled.

2 Explosive Capsule


Offering for Gymcitro: Experienced gained in the Temple of the Great Ougaa is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Gymcitro Find 1 Mushmunch Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gymcitro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Mushmunch Tongue


Offering for Rikku: The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikku Find 2 Light Treeckler Stump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Light Treeckler Stump


Offering for Malava: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis. Quest: Offering for Malava Find 1 Oni Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Malava DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis.

1 Oni Blood


Offering for Bo: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area. Quest: Offering for Bo Find 2 Mufafah Moustache and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area.

2 Mufafah Moustache


Offering for Bipup: The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bipup Find 15 Maple Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bipup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

15 Maple Wood


Offering for Azkatraz: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas. Quest: Offering for Azkatraz Find 5 Meatball and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azkatraz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas.

5 Meatball


Offering for Bigg: A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Bigg Find 10 Potatoes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bigg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

10 Potatoes


Offering for Bern: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bern Find 2 Medicinal Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bern DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%.

2 Medicinal Stone


Offering for Loumi: All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Loumi Find 3 Twiggy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Loumi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Twiggy Shovel


Offering for Duanaf: Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duanaf Find 1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duanaf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%.

1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace


Offering for Zebdara: The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zebdara Find 20 Malt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zebdara DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Malt


Offering for Todeb: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon. Quest: Offering for Todeb Find 1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todeb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon.

1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph


Offering for Emil: The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased. Quest: Offering for Emil Find 2 Smithy Daggers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased.

2 Smithy Daggers


Offering for Nell: Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours. Quest: Offering for Nell Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nell DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Ku: Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Ku Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

40 Nettles


Offering for Kham: The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kham Find 2 Mopy King Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kham DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%.

2 Mopy King Fabric


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Kevlatahmu Find 3 Bulbiflor Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kevlatahmu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Bulbiflor Flower


Offering for Tyrben: The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tyrben Find 12 Tin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tyrben DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Tin


Offering for Jember: Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Jember Find 2 Carbon Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jember DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%.

2 Carbon Paper


Offering for Ntamak: Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ntamak Find 1 Purple Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ntamak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Purple Cloak


Offering for Krisegis: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area. Quest: Offering for Krisegis Find 2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisegis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area.

2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Osebo: The quantity of Perch, Monkfish, Lard Bass, and Tench harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Osebo Find 12 Perch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Osebo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

12 Perch


Offering for Daza: The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Daza Find 3 Sunflower Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Daza DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%.

3 Sunflower Seed


Offering for Seyfani: Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Seyfani Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyfani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Taelstrom: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tainela area. Quest: Offering for Taelstrom Find 6 Gobbly Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Taelstrom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area.

6 Gobbly Horn


Offering for Milides: For each item crafted, Farmers have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Milides Find 10 Solid Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milides DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, bakers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

10 Solid Bread


Offering for Izmar: The quantity of Blood-Soaked Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Izmar Find 2 Blood-Soaked Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Izmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters from creatures native to Frigost Village is increased by 125%.

2 Blood-Soaked Meat


one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ani Find 2 Koalak Forester Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Koalak Forester Hair


Offering for Alikindoy: The resource protectors are 5 times more likely to appear during harvesting activities than usual. Quest: Offering for Alikindoy Find 1 Small Harvester Bag and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xandra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%.

1 Small Harvester Bag


Offering for Tiny: The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tiny Find 2 Dramanita Gill and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Dramanita Gill


Offering for Namyknof: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach Monsters family. Quest: Offering for Namyknof Find 5 Crab Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namyknof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family.

5 Crab Pincer


Offering for Elgero: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area. Quest: Offering for Elgero Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elgero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mikart: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mikart Find 2 Seed of Contention and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon.

2 Seed of Contention


Offering for Martero: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas. Quest: Offering for Martero Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Martero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Zealous Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Aris: The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Aris Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%.

10 Gold


Offering for Mendelia: The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mendelia Find 2 Harrogant Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mendelia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Frigostian loot The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%.

2 Harrogant Eye


Offering for Halden: Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Halden Find 2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Halden DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%.

2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor


Offering for Tigibon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area. Quest: Offering for Tigibon Find 2 Bulbamboo Shoot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tigibon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area.

2 Bulbamboo Shoot


Offering for Verol: The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Verol Find 10 Freyesque Orchid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Verol DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%.

10 Freyesque Orchid


Offering for Toun: A special repeatable quest is available today to the east of the Lumberjacks' Workshop in Amakna Forest. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Toun Find 1 Cawwot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jibejan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Cawwot


Offering for Teluomaj: The chances of obtaining loot in the Turtle Beach area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Teluomaj Find 2 Kokostraw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teluomaj DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Moon Beach area are increased by 100%.

2 Kokostraw


Offering for Aazimar: The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased. Quest: Offering for Aazimar Find 2 Ice Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aazimar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased.

2 Ice Wand


Offering for Blou: Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Blou Find 1 Mush Rhume Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%.

1 Mush Rhume Slobber


Offering for Yaka: Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Yaka Find 1 Field Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Field Dungeon Key


Offering for Bek: The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bek Find 12 Cherry Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

12 Cherry Wood


Offering for Pytch: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area. Quest: Offering for Pytch Find 7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pytch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area.

7 Sapphire Dreggon Shell


Offering for Seyroth: The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count. Quest: Offering for Seyroth Find 2 Bulbig Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyroth DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count.

2 Bulbig Root


Offering for Redfis: Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Redfis Find 2 Flying Dreggon Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Redfis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Flying Dreggon Skin


Offering for Lim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus. Quest: Offering for Lim Find 5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus.

5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin


Offering for Grut: The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Grut Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Atsu: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Magik Riktus family are increased by 50%. An extra challenge is generated and bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 75% against creatures in the Magik Riktus family. Quest: Offering for Atsu Find 2 Marine Conch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Slashed prices The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%.

2 Marine Conch


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Gnat Find 2 Craboral Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gnat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Craboral Pincer


Offering for Hellmut: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Hellmut Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hellmut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Azrou: Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Azrou Find 4 Scarecro Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azrou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%.

4 Scarecro Tongue


Offering for Oopah: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Oopah Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oopah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area.

40 Iron


Offering for Bouliks: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Pandala Village and the surrounding area. Quest: Offering for Bouliks Find 1 Minor Dagob and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouliks DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area.

1 Minor Dagob


Offering for Ansoh: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Ansoh Find 2 Old Kralove Sucker and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansoh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Old Kralove Sucker


one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Arak-hai Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ikoan Find 7 Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ikoan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Treechnid Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

7 Treechnid Root


Offering for Poch: The quantity of Contaminated Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Poch Find 4 Contaminated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Gobbly Legs and Gobball Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Gobball Leg.

4 Contaminated Meat


Offering for Lamarilu: Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lamarilu Find 3 Manderisha Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lamarilu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%.

3 Manderisha Skin


Offering for Rems: The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rems Find 4 Crocodyl Chief Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rems DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Chief Scale


Offering for Yanouchk: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Yanouchk Find 6 Boar Tusk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yanouchk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area.

6 Boar Tusk


Offering for Sirdal: Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Sirdal Find 7 Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sirdal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

7 Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Eiwech: The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased. Quest: Offering for Eiwech Find 2 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eiwech DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased.

2 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Alaokit: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Alaokit Find 1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alaokit DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon.

1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair


Offering for Poupik: The quantity of Kittenfish, Ediem Carp, Pike andEel harvested by Fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Poupik Find 40 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

40 Kittenfish


Offering for Lazura: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lazura Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lazura DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Unkn: Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Unkn Find 8 Gobkool Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Unkn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%.

8 Gobkool Wool


Offering for Blid: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions. Quest: Offering for Blid Find 20 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions.

20 Ash Wood


Offering for Jihelair: All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jihelair Find 1 Eco Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jihelair DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Eco Bow


Offering for Oskerine: The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Oskerine Find 10 Bauxite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oskerine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Bauxite


Offering for Pasqueoz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area. Quest: Offering for Pasqueoz Find 2 Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pasqueoz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area.

2 Mastogob Wool


Offering for Klernodie: Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Klernodie Find 2 Atomystique Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Klernodie DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%.

2 Atomystique Stone


Offering for Zuart: Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Zuart Find 2 Broken Chains and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zuart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossium experience Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

2 Broken Chains


Offering for Bouilli: The quantity of Marbled Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bouilli Find 3 Marbled Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouilli DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Dragomeat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Dragomeat.

3 Marbled Meat


Offering for Okajin: The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Okajin Find 2 Venerable Mud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Okajin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mud


Offering for Luzbel: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Astrub Meadow area. Quest: Offering for Luzbel Find 4 Evil Dandelion Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Luzbel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Evil Dandelion Flower


Offering for Titi: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area. Quest: Offering for Titi Find 5 Shrubstrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Titi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area.

5 Shrubstrate


Offering for Alucard: Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Alucard Find 2 Coralator Coccyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alucard DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%.

2 Coralator Coccyx


Offering for Gurvamon: Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Gurvamon Find 1 Wild Sunflower Oil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gurvamon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

1 Wild Sunflower Oil


Offering for Alhera: The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Alhera Find 2 Precious Zoth Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alhera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Precious Zoth Stone


Offering for Tholank: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Tholank Find 2 Gullipop Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tholank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters.

2 Gullipop Feather


Offering for Kaoly: Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kaoly Find 40 Grawn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kaoly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Pets with pep Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%.

40 Grawn


Offering for Xan: The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Xan Find 1 Elm Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%.

1 Elm Wood


Offering for Anulideven: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family. Quest: Offering for Anulideven Find 1 Blodz Uker Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Anulideven DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family.

1 Blodz Uker Skin


Offering for Lokhaan: Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lokhaan Find 2 Cromagmunk Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lokhaan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%.

2 Cromagmunk Tail


Offering for Benka: Hunters have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Benka Find 8 Astrubian Fritter and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Butchers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Astrubian Fritter


Offering for Nobozil: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas. Quest: Offering for Nobozil Find 2 Stabba Fibula and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nobozil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Stabba Fibula


Offering for Olileb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Olileb Find 5 Kitsou Nere Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olileb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%.

5 Kitsou Nere Skin


Offering for Aleb: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon. Quest: Offering for Aleb Find 4 Vampire Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aleb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and XP in the Haunted House Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon.

4 Vampire Blood


Offering for Krisdanh: Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdanh Find 2 Novice Powder and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdanh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Novice Powder


Offering for Jycedus: The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Jycedus Find 10 Edelweiss and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jycedus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

10 Edelweiss


Offering for Po: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Po Find 5 Tofu Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Po DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%.

5 Tofu Egg


Offering for Puliblak: A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Puliblak Find 3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Puliblak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Ansha: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ansha Find 2 Mature Ashes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters.

2 Mature Ashes


Offering for Meda: The quantity of Icefish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Meda Find 3 Icefish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meda DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of Frigostian fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

3 Icefish


Offering for Ju: Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ju Find 2 Suntan Lotion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%.

2 Suntan Lotion


Offering for Dramon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dramon Find 2 Trunkiblop Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dramon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon.

2 Trunkiblop Root


Offering for Zeg: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta. Quest: Offering for Zeg Find 4 Mulish Cat's Boots and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zeg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta.

4 Mulish Cat's Boots


Offering for Tix: The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tix Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Rigamix: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Rigamix Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rigamix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Matgap: The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Matgap Find 2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Matgap DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%.

2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Sab: Experience gained by fighting Moon Kanniballs is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Sab Find 2 Kanniballs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sab DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon Island Kanniballs is increased by 75%.

2 Kanniballs


Offering for Ouchim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ouchim Find 2 Juvenile Puddle and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ouchim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters.

2 Juvenile Puddle


Offering for Margarou: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area. Quest: Offering for Margarou Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Margarou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Orreip: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 6 hours in all areas. Quest: Offering for Orreip Find 2 Starfish Eyelid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orreip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Shooting stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes.

2 Starfish Eyelid


Offering for Lortecaps: Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lortecaps Find 2 Poacher's Armband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lortecaps DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%.

2 Poacher's Armband


Offering for Marjul: The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marjul Find 20 Bronze and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marjul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Bronze


Offering for Ynniw: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Ynniw Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ynniw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Pilserpus: Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pilserpus Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pilserpus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Hop


Offering for Gridoo: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area. Quest: Offering for Gridoo Find 3 Piglet Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gridoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area.

3 Piglet Leather


Offering for Theomak: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot are increased by 25% in the Vulkania forest zones. Quest: Offering for Theomak Find 2 Juvenile Smoke and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Theomak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Juvenile Smoke


Offering for Pierdem: The quantity of Mineral Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Pierdem Find 4 Mineral Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierdem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Pork Loin harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Pork Loin.

4 Mineral Meat


Offering for Guiboun: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guiboun Find 2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guiboun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%.

2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair


Offering for Mikala: Experience gained in the Bworker's Cave is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Mikala Find 2 Mama Bwork Boil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bworker Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Mama Bwork Boil


Offering for Lolzeolf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area. Quest: Offering for Lolzeolf Find 3 Mutant Tofu Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lolzeolf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area.

3 Mutant Tofu Tooth


Offering for Fizzi: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Fizzi Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fizzi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Talentyre: Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Talentyre Find 2 Harpy Pirate Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Talentyre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Harpy Pirate Scale


Offering for Noon: The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Noon Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Noon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Dyw: The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dyw Find 2 Blopshroom Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dyw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Blopshroom Flower


Offering for So: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dragon Pig's Maze area. Quest: Offering for So Find 1 Dorgan Ation Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest So DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

1 Dorgan Ation Skin


Offering for Bitkyo: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Bitkyo Find 3 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bitkyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area.

3 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Manoush: Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Manoush Find 2 Fisheralak Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Manoush DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%.

2 Fisheralak Bone


Offering for Ancestrotek: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions. Quest: Offering for Ancestrotek Find 4 Potion of Old Age and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ancestrotek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions.

4 Potion of Old Age


Offering for Vikotoru: The quantity of Nettles harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Vikotoru Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vikotoru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Flax Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

40 Nettles


Offering for Lorko: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters. Quest: Offering for Lorko Find 2 Bestial Brockhard Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters.

2 Bestial Brockhard Claw


Offering for Lucimay: The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lucimay Find 4 Bambooto Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucimay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%.

4 Bambooto Leaf


Offering for Zouzo: Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zouzo Find 1 Crowfox Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zouzo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%.

1 Crowfox Hair


Offering for Cherop: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters. Quest: Offering for Cherop Find 2 Mofette Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cherop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters.

2 Mofette Stone


Offering for Davut: The quantity of Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine, Kralove, and Grey Sea Bream harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Davut Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mud: The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Mud Find 2 Broken Trident and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mud DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%.

2 Broken Trident


Offering for Mau: All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Mau Find 1 Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mau DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Xa: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area. Quest: Offering for Xa Find 2 Dragnarok Hide and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xa DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Dragnarok Hide


Offering for Grugin: The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Grugin Find 2 Spectral Flame and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grugin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Bonta and Brakmar The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Spectral Flame


Offering for Yukin: The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yukin Find 20 Flax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yukin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Flax


Offering for Farod: Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Farod Find 2 Treecherous Bark and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Farod DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Treecherous Bark


Offering for Makss: Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Makss Find 3 Rainbow Necklace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Makss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Rainbow Necklace


Offering for Laturb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Laturb Find 2 Mastogobbly Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laturb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%.

2 Mastogobbly Ear


Offering for Nosruo: Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Nosruo Find 7 Mush Mush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nosruo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%.

7 Mush Mush Thorn


Offering for Guidys: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Guidys Find 4 Chafer Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guidys DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon.

4 Chafer Bone


Offering for Olvido: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates. Quest: Offering for Olvido Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olvido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from pirates Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Nido: The quantity of Fresh Meat picked up by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nido Find 3 Fresh Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by Kaniger, Crocodyl and Koalak hunters is increased by 125%.

3 Fresh Meat


Offering for Bodirom: The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased. Quest: Offering for Bodirom Find 2 Vor'Om Axe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bodirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased.

2 Vor'Om Axe


Offering for Djuuma: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area. Quest: Offering for Djuuma Find 3 Leopardo Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area.

3 Leopardo Hair


Offering for Foluk: The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Foluk Find 2 Kilibriss Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Djuuma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Kilibriss Down


Offering for Emp: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area. Quest: Offering for Emp Find 4 Lumberjack Hatchet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area.

4 Lumberjack Hatchet


Offering for Franho: Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Franho Find 4 Crocodyl Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Teeth


Offering for Nufrank: The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Nufrank Find 21 Obsidian and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nufrank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%.

21 Obsidian


Offering for Wasaru: The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Wasaru Find 4 Yokai Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wasaru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Yokai Firefoux Hair


Offering for Sad: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area. Quest: Offering for Sad Find 3 Quetsnakiatl Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Quetsnakiatl Feather


Offering for Dethoama: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area. Quest: Offering for Dethoama Find 2 Barbrossa's Shirt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dethoama DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area.

2 Barbrossa's Shirt


Offering for Sulp: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon. Quest: Offering for Sulp Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sulp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Moomoo: Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Moomoo Find 2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moomoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%.

2 Maho Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Kosal: The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kosal Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kosal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Chik: A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Chik Find 3 Twiggy Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Chik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Twiggy Bow


Offering for Juju: The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Juju Find 3 Prespic Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Juju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%.

3 Prespic Peak


Offering for Ounirom: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ounirom Find 3 Crab Stick and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ounirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishmongers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Crab Stick


Offering for Ketzakwet: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ketzakwet Find 2 Floramor Stamen and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ketzakwet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon.

2 Floramor Stamen


Offering for Krunsh: Experience gained in the Dark Forest is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krunsh Find 1 Dark Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krunsh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Treechnid Forest is increased by 100%.

1 Dark Treechnid Root


Offering for Kroketh: The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kroketh Find 4 Oozing Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kroketh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%.

4 Oozing Meat


Offering for Nitsougnal: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux. Quest: Offering for Nitsougnal Find 4 Soryo Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nitsougnal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux.

4 Soryo Firefoux Hair


Offering for Benjo: All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Benjo Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Emattera: The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Emattera Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emattera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Diakollec: All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Diakollec Find 3 Bambooto Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Diakollec DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quest experience All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%.

3 Bambooto Wood


Offering for Astirout: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Neutral Pandala area. Quest: Offering for Astirout Find 4 Araknawa Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marke DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Araknawa Leg


Offering for Takeza: Experience gained by mounts is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Takeza Find 3 Cottage Pie with Onion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eylen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area.

3 Cottage Pie with Onion


Offering for Dnegeleht: The quantity of Sage harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dnegeleht Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dnegeleht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Hemp Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

20 Sage


Offering for Kuri: The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kuri Find 9 Gobkool Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kuri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Gobkool Horn


Offering for Yaloop: Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area. Quest: Offering for Yaloop Find 3 Rotten Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaloop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area.

3 Rotten Meat


Offering for Fry: Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Fry Find 2 Zoth Smoke Machine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fry DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%.

2 Zoth Smoke Machine


Offering for Zellina: Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Zellina Find 15 Pike and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zellina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

15 Pike


Offering for Sephy: The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sephy Find 7 Coal Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sephy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%.

7 Coal Dreggon Shell


Offering for Baba: The quantity of items crafted by Hunters is increased by 25% Quest: Offering for Baba Find 4 Countrywoman Pan Fry and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Baba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line The quantity of items crafted by butchers is increased by 25%

4 Countrywoman Pan Fry


Offering for Viviantho: Experience gained in the Tainela area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viviantho Find 7 Tofu Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viviantho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%.

7 Tofu Feather


Offering for Patawaii: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Patawaii Find 4 Crovus Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Patawaii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Crovus Feather


Offering for Sili: The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Sili Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sili DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

40 Iron


Offering for Rikoo: The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikoo Find 2 Sabredon Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Sabredon Hair


Offering for Capt: Experience gained in the Wa Wabbit's Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Capt Find 5 Wabbit Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Capt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wabbit Dungeon is increased by 125%.

5 Wabbit Teeth


Offering for Coyo: Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Coyo Find 3 Twiggy Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Coyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Wand


Offering for Fredocigam: The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fredocigam Find 20 Hemp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fredocigam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hemp


Offering for Tchokun: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux. Quest: Offering for Tchokun Find 2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchokun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux.

2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear


Offering for Macugny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area. Quest: Offering for Macugny Find 2 Grabba Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Macugny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area.

2 Grabba Skin


Offering for Asid: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin. Quest: Offering for Asid Find 4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Asid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin.

4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair


Offering for Mitomiel: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar. Quest: Offering for Mitomiel Find 2 Bwork Archer Briefs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mitomiel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience in pants Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar.

2 Bwork Archer Briefs


Offering for Nikodeus: The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nikodeus Find 9 Kolerat Whiskers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nikodeus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Kolerat Whiskers


Offering for Miloune: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area. Quest: Offering for Miloune Find 1 Dark Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Miloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area.

1 Dark Cloak


Offering for Kacinka: Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kacinka Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kacinka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Mathru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area. Quest: Offering for Mathru Find 2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mathru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area.

2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair


Offering for Hito: The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Hito Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hito DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Pouki: Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Pouki Find 2 Barkritter Calyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pouki DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%.

2 Barkritter Calyx


Offering for Poup: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Poup Find 2 Prespic Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

2 Prespic Tail


Offering for Tilapiatsu: The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tilapiatsu Find 2 Yuara Pirate Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tilapiatsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%.

2 Yuara Pirate Shell


Offering for Otoul: All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Otoul Find 28 Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Otoul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

28 Gudgeon


Offering for Namsporp: Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Namsporp Find 4 Crocodyl Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namsporp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Our Miss Triste blessing Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights).

4 Crocodyl Scale


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Jacoula Find 18 Blue Ray and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jacoula DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dek Find 2 Poisonous Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Flouky Find 1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Flouky DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the old chapel in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Reniator Find 2 Leurnettes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reniator DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mustasly Find 2 Grossewer Raeman Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mustasly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Raeman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Messikriss Find 1 Macerated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Messikriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by hunters from Frigost monsters who live outside the Village is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters. Quest: Offering for Annbonny Find 2 Sewer Keeper Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Annbonny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Waro Find 3 Timber Substrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Waro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


Offering for Julo: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Brakmar City Walls area. Quest: Offering for Julo Find 5 Crobak Foot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Julo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters. Quest: Offering for Munir Find 2 Cheeken Cloaca and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Munir DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Jeffarctor: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Moowolf Lair. Quest: Offering for Jeffarctor Find 7 Boowolf Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jeffarctor DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

7 Boowolf Tail


Offering for Angy: Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Angy Find 2 Draugur Chafer Jaw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Angy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

2 Draugur Chafer Jaw


Offering for Fafah: The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fafah Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fafah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Oats


Offering for Lateralus: The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Lateralus Find 2 Venerable Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lateralus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mastogob Wool


Offering for Uicuic: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Uicuic Find 2 Bad Boy Tattoo and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Uicuic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

2 Bad Boy Tattoo


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tinyrus Find 2 Moopet Stuffing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tinyrus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


Offering for Vanderivz: Bonuses awarded by mounts are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Vanderivz Find 4 Rancid Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troyle DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Eltux Find 20 Cobalt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Inooni Find 2 Buzta Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inooni DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ezimuos Find 2 Black Gobball Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ezimuos DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

2 Black Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area. Quest: Offering for Tiris Find 1 Sandy Castle Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sandy Castle Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Edacsak Find 2 Pingwobble Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edacsak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eltruteht Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltruteht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Village and Dreggon Tunnels areas. Quest: Offering for Ologar Find 4 Coal Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ologar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Coal Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Adam Find 1 Scratchy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Adam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossokens The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kountar Find 2 Dok Alako Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kountar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Moko Find 2 Asploda Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Ingmar Find 5 Snowdrop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ingmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Foya Find 3 Dragoturkey Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foya DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Bovjouski Find 1 Tofu Sandals and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bovjouski DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Mig Find 3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mig DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Sept Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sept DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Moowolf Lair area is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Jason Find 8 Macian Chops and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jason DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Macian Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eboren Find 4 Lousy Pig Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eboren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Lucyvan Find 2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucyvan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ryf Find 15 Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ryf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons. Quest: Offering for Sebsokk Find 3 Twiggy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebsokk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Reivax Find 2 Snowflake and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reivax DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area. Quest: Offering for Benjak Find 1 Aluminite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Grug Find 3 Pointed Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grug DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bonta Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


Offering for Maxares: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas. Quest: Offering for Maxares Find 2 Sailor Knot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maxares DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Math Find 4 Tender Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Math DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Bird Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Bird Meat.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Milivar Find 1 Gingerbread Sleigh and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milivar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items. Quest: Offering for Simsof Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Simsof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fhenris Find 2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fhenris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Korri Find 1 Chocolate Gift Package and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Korri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ediva Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ediva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Cocoyuyu Find 20 Rye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cocoyuyu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Dari Find 2 Dark Treeckler Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dari DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist). Quest: Offering for Aisk Find 8 Lemon Papillote and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aisk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (baker, butcher, handyman and fishmonger).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Mazic Find 4 Clay Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mazic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources and archmonsters Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Clay Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Arouz Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Arouz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Bakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Orage Find 2 Sparo's Scarf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orage DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Thomahon Find 2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Thomahon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ling Find 12 Yew Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ling DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Sebklav Find 2 Wo Wabbit Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebklav DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals. Quest: Offering for Yvad Find 7 Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yvad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sandy Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Leszak Find 2 Beach Towel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Leszak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased. Quest: Offering for Stun Find 2 Holy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Stun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Troma Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ashvey Find 2 Dopple Mirror and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ashvey DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rojers Find 12 Silver and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rojers DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


Offering for Katlestyn: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Frozen Lake area. Quest: Offering for Katlestyn Find 2 Pingwinkle Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katlestyn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guigui Find 2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guigui DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Poupline Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupline DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Bubba Find 2 Family Relic and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bubba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family. Quest: Offering for Kia Find 7 Arachnee Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Yecetu Find 14 Lard Bass and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yecetu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eskarina Find 3 Pandora Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eskarina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Pandissident family is increased by 75%.

3 Pandora Hair


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Inkola Find 2 Jumpy Flea and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inkola DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Jumpy Flea


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Magikow Find 1 Bottle of Greedoburg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Magikow DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


Offering for Danizzal: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Danizzal Find 2 Warguerite Bract and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Danizzal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kestra Find 5 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kestra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Insect Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Insect Flesh.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing. Quest: Offering for Shiva Find 2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shiva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Dungeon.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Billfer Find 2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Billfer DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pierrock Find 3 Twiggy Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierrock DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Weaponsmiths (daggers, swords, hammers, shovels and axes) save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Maribri Find 10 Frosteez and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maribri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Koppapi Find 2 Ratter Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Koppapi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krala Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Lorf Find 2 Gwass Sepal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Teskirf Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teskirf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual. Quest: Offering for Tolgnas Find 4 Superior Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tolgnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Full of life Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools. Quest: Offering for Ruevas Find 6 Meat Roulade and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ruevas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from Gobballs Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Marke Find 6 Sliced Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elibah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, fishmongers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eritem Find 2 Icy Brockhard Molar and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eritem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Val Find 4 Grass Snake Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Val DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bulb Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Grass Snake Skin


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area. Quest: Offering for Misdup Find 8 Wisdom Ring and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Misdup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


Offering for Kimykay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kimykay Find 2 Pandulum Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimykay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Pandulum Ghost Bone


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Eramas Find 30 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eramas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kilistin Find 4 Kaniger Nail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kilistin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Meash Find 5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meash DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bazukana Find 2 Mama Pingwin Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bazukana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family. Quest: Offering for Karlita Find 7 Boogranny Canine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karlita DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boogranny Canine


Offering for Edyxo: The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Edyxo Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edyxo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Copper


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duf Find 5 Passion Shigekax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: In the pink Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Guss Find 2 Healing Branch Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Soft Oak Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Tehego: Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tehego Find 3 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tehego DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Ground Meat


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eidnas Find 11 Mushroom and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eidnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain. Quest: Offering for Amirniana Find 5 Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Amirniana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Treechnid Dungeon.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Karat Find 25 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area. Quest: Offering for Atog Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atog DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bii Find 8 Bwork Beer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


Offering for Vinstyl: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 35% in the Astrub Sewers zone. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Tidihef: The chances of obtaining loot from Moon Beach Monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Tidihef Find 2 Kokokonut and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

2 Kokokonut


Offering for Yalpriaf: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 100%. In addition, experience gained for all professions is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Yalpriaf Find 2 Prize Fin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience for all Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 100%. In addition, experience gained for all professions is increased by 50%.

2 Prize Fin


Offering for Jonat: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Jonat Find 1 Sacred Staff and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

1 Sacred Staff


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


Offering for Sylkauf: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Petrified Forest area. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Darkchy: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates. Quest: Offering for Darkchy Find 2 Hazwonarm Headband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

2 Hazwonarm Headband


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Pandikazes' Hideout dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Giddy Pandikaze Claw


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (weaponsmiths and carvers, jewellers, shoemakers, tailors and shieldsmiths) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


Offering for Ocarian: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Alma's Cradle area. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Kitsou Nae Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Kitsou family are increased by 75%.

5 Kitsou Nae Skin


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Azra: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove, the Abysses of Sufokia monsters, Submerged Ones, and Crocuzko Crocodyls). Quest: Offering for Azra Find 2 Glacial Fluid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

2 Glacial Fluid


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fishSea (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Yokai Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Typlanet: Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Typlanet Find 2 Gobball Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shield smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

2 Gobball Shield


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Howling Heights area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowonoké Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowonoké Hairs


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


Offering for Jay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Cania Lake area. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coast Road area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 Limestone Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

4 Limestone Dreggon Egg


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Favarez: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest. Quest: Offering for Favarez Find 2 Grilled Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

2 Grilled Kralove


Offering for Sehb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sehb Find 2 Strawberry Jelly and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

2 Strawberry Jelly


Offering for Duc: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians. Quest: Offering for Duc Find 2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duc DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians.

2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail


Offering for Tchoub: The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tchoub Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchoub DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Gold


Offering for Viti: Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viti Find 3 Maho Firefoux Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viti DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Border of Feudala area is increased by 100%.

3 Maho Firefoux Hair


Offering for Scheik: The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Scheik Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Scheik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Sylfaen: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas. Quest: Offering for Sylfaen Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylfaen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Katelruz: Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Katelruz Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katelruz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Lakha: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area. Quest: Offering for Lakha Find 2 Crackler Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lakha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area.

2 Crackler Stone


Offering for Rakrevei: The quantity of Stale Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Rakrevei Find 3 Stale Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rakrevei DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Muzzles harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Muzzle.

3 Stale Meat


Offering for Fako: Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests. Quest: Offering for Fako Find 2 Suspicious Pouch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fako DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quests and kamas Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests.

2 Suspicious Pouch


Offering for Proff: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Rocky Roads area. Quest: Offering for Proff Find 3 Foxfyter Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Proff DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Road to Brakmar area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

3 Foxfyter Ear


Offering for Shinkarre: Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Shinkarre Find 1 Crystal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shinkarre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Crystal


Offering for Mylka: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mylka Find 4 Red Piwi Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mylka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%.

4 Red Piwi Feather


Offering for Franek: The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Franek Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Sage


Offering for Esthoma: For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled. Quest: Offering for Esthoma Find 2 Explosive Capsule and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Esthoma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Fairy factory For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled.

2 Explosive Capsule


Offering for Gymcitro: Experienced gained in the Temple of the Great Ougaa is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Gymcitro Find 1 Mushmunch Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gymcitro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Mushmunch Tongue


Offering for Rikku: The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikku Find 2 Light Treeckler Stump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Light Treeckler Stump


Offering for Malava: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis. Quest: Offering for Malava Find 1 Oni Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Malava DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis.

1 Oni Blood


Offering for Bo: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area. Quest: Offering for Bo Find 2 Mufafah Moustache and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area.

2 Mufafah Moustache


Offering for Bipup: The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bipup Find 15 Maple Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bipup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

15 Maple Wood


Offering for Azkatraz: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas. Quest: Offering for Azkatraz Find 5 Meatball and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azkatraz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas.

5 Meatball


Offering for Bigg: A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Bigg Find 10 Potatoes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bigg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

10 Potatoes


Offering for Bern: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bern Find 2 Medicinal Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bern DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%.

2 Medicinal Stone


Offering for Loumi: All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Loumi Find 3 Twiggy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Loumi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Twiggy Shovel


Offering for Duanaf: Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duanaf Find 1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duanaf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%.

1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace


Offering for Zebdara: The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zebdara Find 20 Malt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zebdara DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Malt


Offering for Todeb: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon. Quest: Offering for Todeb Find 1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todeb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon.

1 Emeralda's Skeunk Autograph


Offering for Emil: The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased. Quest: Offering for Emil Find 2 Smithy Daggers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased.

2 Smithy Daggers


Offering for Nell: Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours. Quest: Offering for Nell Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nell DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Ku: Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Ku Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

40 Nettles


Offering for Kham: The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kham Find 2 Mopy King Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kham DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%.

2 Mopy King Fabric


Offering for Kevlatahmu: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Pandala Forest area. Quest: Offering for Kevlatahmu Find 3 Bulbiflor Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kevlatahmu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Bulbiflor Flower


Offering for Tyrben: The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tyrben Find 12 Tin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tyrben DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Tin


Offering for Jember: Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Jember Find 2 Carbon Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jember DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%.

2 Carbon Paper


Offering for Alikindoy: The resource protectors are 5 times more likely to appear during harvesting activities than usual. Quest: Offering for Alikindoy Find 1 Small Harvester Bag and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ntamak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Small Harvester Bag


Offering for Krisegis: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area. Quest: Offering for Krisegis Find 2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisegis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area.

2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Osebo: The quantity of Perch, Monkfish, Lard Bass, and Tench harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Osebo Find 12 Perch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Osebo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

12 Perch


Offering for Daza: The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Daza Find 3 Sunflower Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Daza DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%.

3 Sunflower Seed


Offering for Seyfani: Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Seyfani Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyfani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Taelstrom: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tainela area. Quest: Offering for Taelstrom Find 6 Gobbly Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Taelstrom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area.

6 Gobbly Horn


Offering for Milides: For each item crafted, Farmers have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Milides Find 10 Solid Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milides DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, bakers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

10 Solid Bread


Offering for Izmar: The quantity of Blood-Soaked Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Izmar Find 2 Blood-Soaked Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Izmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters from creatures native to Frigost Village is increased by 125%.

2 Blood-Soaked Meat


Offering for Ani: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Kaliptus Forest area. Quest: Offering for Ani Find 2 Koalak Forester Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Koalak Forester Hair


Offering for Xandra: Experience gains are increased by 75% with Dreggons and Dragosses. Quest: Offering for Xandra Find 7 Clay Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xandra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%.

7 Clay Dreggon Shell


Offering for Tiny: The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tiny Find 2 Dramanita Gill and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Dramanita Gill


Offering for Toun: A special repeatable quest is available today to the east of the Lumberjacks' Workshop in Amakna Forest. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Toun Find 1 Cawwot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namyknof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family.

1 Cawwot


Offering for Elgero: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area. Quest: Offering for Elgero Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elgero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mikart: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mikart Find 2 Seed of Contention and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon.

2 Seed of Contention


Offering for Martero: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas. Quest: Offering for Martero Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Martero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Zealous Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Aris: The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Aris Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%.

10 Gold


Offering for Mendelia: The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mendelia Find 2 Harrogant Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mendelia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Frigostian loot The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%.

2 Harrogant Eye


Offering for Halden: Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Halden Find 2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Halden DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%.

2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor


Offering for Tigibon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area. Quest: Offering for Tigibon Find 2 Bulbamboo Shoot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tigibon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area.

2 Bulbamboo Shoot


Offering for Verol: The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Verol Find 10 Freyesque Orchid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Verol DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%.

10 Freyesque Orchid


Offering for Jibejan: All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jibejan Find 5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jibejan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Teluomaj: The chances of obtaining loot in the Turtle Beach area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Teluomaj Find 2 Kokostraw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teluomaj DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Moon Beach area are increased by 100%.

2 Kokostraw


Offering for Aazimar: The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased. Quest: Offering for Aazimar Find 2 Ice Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aazimar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased.

2 Ice Wand


Offering for Blou: Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Blou Find 1 Mush Rhume Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%.

1 Mush Rhume Slobber


Offering for Yaka: Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Yaka Find 1 Field Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Field Dungeon Key


Offering for Bek: The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bek Find 12 Cherry Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

12 Cherry Wood


Offering for Pytch: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village and Dreggon Tunnels areas. Quest: Offering for Pytch Find 7 Slate Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pytch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area.

7 Slate Dreggon Shell


Offering for Seyroth: The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count. Quest: Offering for Seyroth Find 2 Bulbig Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyroth DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count.

2 Bulbig Root


Offering for Redfis: Experience gains are increased by 125% in Crocabulia's Lair. Quest: Offering for Redfis Find 2 Dragandrop Hide and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Redfis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Dragandrop Hide


Offering for Lim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus. Quest: Offering for Lim Find 5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus.

5 Kitsou Nufeu Skin


Offering for Grut: The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Grut Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Atsu: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Magik Riktus family are increased by 50%. An extra challenge is generated and bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 75% against creatures in the Magik Riktus family. Quest: Offering for Atsu Find 2 Marine Conch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Slashed prices The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%.

2 Marine Conch


Offering for Gnat: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Coral Beach area. Quest: Offering for Gnat Find 2 Craboral Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gnat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Craboral Pincer


Offering for Hellmut: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Hellmut Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hellmut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Azrou: Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Azrou Find 4 Scarecro Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azrou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%.

4 Scarecro Tongue


Offering for Oopah: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Oopah Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oopah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area.

40 Iron


Offering for Bouliks: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Pandala Village and the surrounding area. Quest: Offering for Bouliks Find 1 Minor Dagob and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouliks DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area.

1 Minor Dagob


Offering for Ansoh: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Ansoh Find 2 Old Kralove Sucker and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansoh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Old Kralove Sucker


Offering for Ikoan: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Arak-hai Forest area. Quest: Offering for Ikoan Find 7 Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ikoan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Treechnid Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

7 Treechnid Root


Offering for Poch: The quantity of Contaminated Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Poch Find 4 Contaminated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Gobbly Legs and Gobball Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Gobball Leg.

4 Contaminated Meat


Offering for Lamarilu: Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lamarilu Find 3 Manderisha Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lamarilu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%.

3 Manderisha Skin


Offering for Rems: The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rems Find 4 Crocodyl Chief Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rems DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Chief Scale


Offering for Yanouchk: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Yanouchk Find 6 Boar Tusk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yanouchk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area.

6 Boar Tusk


Offering for Sirdal: Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Sirdal Find 7 Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sirdal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

7 Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Eiwech: The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased. Quest: Offering for Eiwech Find 2 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eiwech DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased.

2 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Alaokit: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Alaokit Find 1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alaokit DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Kitsoune Dungeon.

1 Kitsou Nakwa Hair


Offering for Poupik: The quantity of Kittenfish, Ediem Carp, Pike andEel harvested by Fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Poupik Find 40 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

40 Kittenfish


Offering for Lazura: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lazura Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lazura DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Unkn: Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Unkn Find 8 Gobkool Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Unkn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%.

8 Gobkool Wool


Offering for Blid: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions. Quest: Offering for Blid Find 20 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions.

20 Ash Wood


Offering for Jihelair: All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jihelair Find 1 Eco Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jihelair DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Eco Bow


Offering for Oskerine: The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Oskerine Find 10 Bauxite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oskerine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Bauxite


Offering for Pasqueoz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area. Quest: Offering for Pasqueoz Find 2 Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pasqueoz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area.

2 Mastogob Wool


Offering for Klernodie: Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Klernodie Find 2 Atomystique Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Klernodie DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%.

2 Atomystique Stone


Offering for Zuart: Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Zuart Find 2 Broken Chains and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zuart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossium experience Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

2 Broken Chains


Offering for Bouilli: The quantity of Marbled Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bouilli Find 3 Marbled Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouilli DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Dragomeat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Dragomeat.

3 Marbled Meat


Offering for Okajin: The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Okajin Find 2 Venerable Mud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Okajin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mud


Offering for Luzbel: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 25% in the Astrub Meadow zone. Quest: Offering for Luzbel Find 4 Evil Dandelion Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Luzbel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Evil Dandelion Flower


Offering for Titi: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area. Quest: Offering for Titi Find 5 Shrubstrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Titi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area.

5 Shrubstrate


Offering for Alucard: Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Alucard Find 2 Coralator Coccyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alucard DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%.

2 Coralator Coccyx


Offering for Gurvamon: Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Gurvamon Find 1 Wild Sunflower Oil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gurvamon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

1 Wild Sunflower Oil


Offering for Alhera: The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Alhera Find 2 Precious Zoth Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alhera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Precious Zoth Stone


Offering for Tholank: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Tholank Find 2 Gullipop Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tholank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters.

2 Gullipop Feather


Offering for Kaoly: Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kaoly Find 40 Grawn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kaoly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Pets with pep Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%.

40 Grawn


Offering for Xan: The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Xan Find 1 Elm Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%.

1 Elm Wood


Offering for Anulideven: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family. Quest: Offering for Anulideven Find 1 Blodz Uker Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Anulideven DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family.

1 Blodz Uker Skin


Offering for Lokhaan: Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lokhaan Find 2 Cromagmunk Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lokhaan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%.

2 Cromagmunk Tail


Offering for Benka: Hunters have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Benka Find 8 Astrubian Fritter and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Butchers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Astrubian Fritter


Offering for Nobozil: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas. Quest: Offering for Nobozil Find 2 Stabba Fibula and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nobozil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Stabba Fibula


Offering for Olileb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tanukouï San's Workshop dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Olileb Find 5 Shinobuubusu Mask and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olileb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Daggero's Lair dungeon are increased by 125%.

5 Shinobuubusu Mask


Offering for Aleb: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon. Quest: Offering for Aleb Find 4 Vampire Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aleb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and XP in the Haunted House Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon.

4 Vampire Blood


Offering for Krisdanh: Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdanh Find 2 Novice Powder and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdanh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Novice Powder


Offering for Jycedus: The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Jycedus Find 10 Edelweiss and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jycedus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

10 Edelweiss


Offering for Po: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Po Find 5 Tofu Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Po DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%.

5 Tofu Egg


Offering for Puliblak: A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Puliblak Find 3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Puliblak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Ansha: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ansha Find 2 Mature Ashes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters.

2 Mature Ashes


Offering for Meda: The quantity of Icefish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Meda Find 3 Icefish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meda DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of Frigostian fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

3 Icefish


Offering for Ju: Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ju Find 2 Suntan Lotion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%.

2 Suntan Lotion


Offering for Dramon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dramon Find 2 Trunkiblop Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dramon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon.

2 Trunkiblop Root


Offering for Zeg: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta. Quest: Offering for Zeg Find 4 Mulish Cat's Boots and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zeg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta.

4 Mulish Cat's Boots


Offering for Tix: The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tix Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Rigamix: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Rigamix Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rigamix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Matgap: The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Matgap Find 2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Matgap DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%.

2 Soryo Firefoux Ghost Bone


Offering for Sab: Experience gained by fighting Moon Kanniballs is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Sab Find 2 Kanniballs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sab DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon Island Kanniballs is increased by 75%.

2 Kanniballs


Offering for Ouchim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ouchim Find 2 Juvenile Puddle and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ouchim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters.

2 Juvenile Puddle


Offering for Margarou: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area. Quest: Offering for Margarou Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Margarou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Orreip: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 6 hours in all areas. Quest: Offering for Orreip Find 2 Starfish Eyelid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orreip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Shooting stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes.

2 Starfish Eyelid


Offering for Lortecaps: Experience gained in the Terrdala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lortecaps Find 2 Titinuki Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lortecaps DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Squirming Snapper area is increased by 100%.

2 Titinuki Wand


Offering for Marjul: The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marjul Find 20 Bronze and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marjul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Bronze


Offering for Ynniw: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Ynniw Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ynniw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Pilserpus: Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pilserpus Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pilserpus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Hop


Offering for Gridoo: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area. Quest: Offering for Gridoo Find 3 Piglet Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gridoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area.

3 Piglet Leather


Offering for Theomak: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot are increased by 25% in the Vulkania forest zones. Quest: Offering for Theomak Find 2 Juvenile Smoke and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Theomak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Juvenile Smoke


Offering for Pierdem: The quantity of Mineral Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Pierdem Find 4 Mineral Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierdem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Pork Loin harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Pork Loin.

4 Mineral Meat


Offering for Guiboun: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guiboun Find 2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guiboun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%.

2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair


Offering for Mikala: Experience gained in the Bworker's Cave is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Mikala Find 2 Mama Bwork Boil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bworker Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Mama Bwork Boil


Offering for Lolzeolf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area. Quest: Offering for Lolzeolf Find 3 Mutant Tofu Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lolzeolf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area.

3 Mutant Tofu Tooth


Offering for Fizzi: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Fizzi Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fizzi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Talentyre: Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Talentyre Find 2 Harpy Pirate Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Talentyre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Harpy Pirate Scale


Offering for Noon: The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Noon Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Noon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Dyw: The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dyw Find 2 Blopshroom Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dyw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Blopshroom Flower


Offering for So: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dragon Pig's Maze area. Quest: Offering for So Find 1 Dorgan Ation Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest So DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

1 Dorgan Ation Skin


Offering for Bitkyo: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Bitkyo Find 3 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bitkyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area.

3 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Manoush: Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Manoush Find 2 Fisheralak Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Manoush DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%.

2 Fisheralak Bone


Offering for Ancestrotek: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions. Quest: Offering for Ancestrotek Find 4 Potion of Old Age and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ancestrotek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions.

4 Potion of Old Age


Offering for Vikotoru: The quantity of Nettles harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Vikotoru Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vikotoru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Flax Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

40 Nettles


Offering for Lorko: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters. Quest: Offering for Lorko Find 2 Bestial Brockhard Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters.

2 Bestial Brockhard Claw


Offering for Lucimay: The chances of obtaining loot in the Akwadala area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lucimay Find 4 Bamboo Blowgun and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucimay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Neutral Pandala area are increased by 100%.

4 Bamboo Blowgun


Offering for Zouzo: Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zouzo Find 1 Crowfox Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zouzo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%.

1 Crowfox Hair


Offering for Cherop: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters. Quest: Offering for Cherop Find 2 Mofette Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cherop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters.

2 Mofette Stone


Offering for Davut: The quantity of Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine, Kralove, and Grey Sea Bream harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Davut Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mud: The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Mud Find 2 Broken Trident and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mud DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%.

2 Broken Trident


Offering for Mau: All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Mau Find 1 Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mau DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Xa: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area. Quest: Offering for Xa Find 2 Dragnarok Hide and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xa DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Dragnarok Hide


Offering for Grugin: The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Grugin Find 2 Spectral Flame and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grugin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Bonta and Brakmar The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Spectral Flame


Offering for Yukin: The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yukin Find 20 Flax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yukin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Flax


Offering for Farod: Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Farod Find 2 Treecherous Bark and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Farod DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Treecherous Bark


Offering for Makss: Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Makss Find 3 Rainbow Necklace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Makss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Rainbow Necklace


Offering for Laturb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Laturb Find 2 Mastogobbly Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laturb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%.

2 Mastogobbly Ear


Offering for Nosruo: Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Nosruo Find 7 Mush Mush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nosruo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%.

7 Mush Mush Thorn


Offering for Guidys: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Guidys Find 4 Chafer Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guidys DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon.

4 Chafer Bone


Offering for Olvido: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates. Quest: Offering for Olvido Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olvido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from pirates Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Nido: The quantity of Fresh Meat picked up by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nido Find 3 Fresh Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by Kaniger, Crocodyl and Koalak hunters is increased by 125%.

3 Fresh Meat


Offering for Bodirom: The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased. Quest: Offering for Bodirom Find 2 Vor'Om Axe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bodirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased.

2 Vor'Om Axe


Offering for Djuuma: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Feudala area. Quest: Offering for Djuuma Find 3 Bangartifoux Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Border of Feudala area.

3 Bangartifoux Hairs


Offering for Foluk: The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Foluk Find 2 Kilibriss Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foluk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Kilibriss Down


Offering for Emp: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area. Quest: Offering for Emp Find 4 Lumberjack Hatchet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area.

4 Lumberjack Hatchet


Offering for Franho: Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Franho Find 4 Crocodyl Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Teeth


Offering for Nufrank: The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Nufrank Find 21 Obsidian and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nufrank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%.

21 Obsidian


Offering for Wasaru: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wind Dojo are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Wasaru Find 4 Aerodynamic Pelt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wasaru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Firefoux Dungeon are increased by 125%.

4 Aerodynamic Pelt


Offering for Sad: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area. Quest: Offering for Sad Find 3 Quetsnakiatl Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Quetsnakiatl Feather


Offering for Dethoama: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area. Quest: Offering for Dethoama Find 2 Barbrossa's Shirt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dethoama DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area.

2 Barbrossa's Shirt


Offering for Sulp: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon. Quest: Offering for Sulp Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sulp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Moomoo: Experience gained by fighting the Mist Army is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Moomoo Find 2 Jiangshi-Nobi Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moomoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%.

2 Jiangshi-Nobi Bone


Offering for Kosal: The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kosal Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kosal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Chik: A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Chik Find 3 Twiggy Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Chik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Twiggy Bow


Offering for Juju: The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Juju Find 3 Prespic Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Juju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%.

3 Prespic Peak


Offering for Ounirom: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ounirom Find 3 Crab Stick and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ounirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishmongers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Crab Stick


Offering for Ketzakwet: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ketzakwet Find 2 Floramor Stamen and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ketzakwet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon.

2 Floramor Stamen


Offering for Krunsh: Experience gained in the Dark Forest is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krunsh Find 1 Dark Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krunsh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Treechnid Forest is increased by 100%.

1 Dark Treechnid Root


Offering for Kroketh: The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kroketh Find 4 Oozing Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kroketh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%.

4 Oozing Meat


Offering for Nitsougnal: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux. Quest: Offering for Nitsougnal Find 4 Gingerocket Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nitsougnal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux.

4 Gingerocket Skin


Offering for Benjo: All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Benjo Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Emattera: The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Emattera Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emattera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Diakollec: All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Diakollec Find 3 Bambooto Stalk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Diakollec DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quest experience All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%.

3 Bambooto Stalk


Offering for Astirout: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Akwadala area. Quest: Offering for Astirout Find 4 Kwapa Water and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marke DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Neutral Pandala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Kwapa Water


Offering for Eylen: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Eylen Find 7 Evil Tofu Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eylen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area.

7 Evil Tofu Wing


Offering for Dnegeleht: The quantity of Sage harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dnegeleht Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dnegeleht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Hemp Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

20 Sage


Offering for Kuri: The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kuri Find 9 Gobkool Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kuri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Gobkool Horn


Offering for Yaloop: Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area. Quest: Offering for Yaloop Find 3 Rotten Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaloop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area.

3 Rotten Meat


Offering for Fry: Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Fry Find 2 Zoth Smoke Machine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fry DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%.

2 Zoth Smoke Machine


Offering for Zellina: Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Zellina Find 15 Pike and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zellina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

15 Pike


Offering for Sephy: The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sephy Find 7 Coal Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sephy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%.

7 Coal Dreggon Shell


Offering for Baba: The quantity of items crafted by Hunters is increased by 25% Quest: Offering for Baba Find 4 Countrywoman Pan Fry and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Baba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line The quantity of items crafted by butchers is increased by 25%

4 Countrywoman Pan Fry


Offering for Viviantho: Experience gained in the Tainela area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viviantho Find 7 Tofu Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viviantho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%.

7 Tofu Feather


Offering for Patawaii: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Patawaii Find 4 Crovus Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Patawaii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Crovus Feather


Offering for Sili: The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Sili Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sili DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

40 Iron


Offering for Rikoo: The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikoo Find 2 Sabredon Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Sabredon Hair


Offering for Capt: Experience gained in the Wa Wabbit's Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Capt Find 5 Wabbit Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Capt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wabbit Dungeon is increased by 125%.

5 Wabbit Teeth


Offering for Coyo: Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Coyo Find 3 Twiggy Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Coyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Wand


Offering for Fredocigam: The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fredocigam Find 20 Hemp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fredocigam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hemp


Offering for Tchokun: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux. Quest: Offering for Tchokun Find 2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchokun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux.

2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear


Offering for Macugny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area. Quest: Offering for Macugny Find 2 Grabba Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Macugny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area.

2 Grabba Skin


Offering for Asid: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin. Quest: Offering for Asid Find 4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Asid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin.

4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair


Offering for Mitomiel: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar. Quest: Offering for Mitomiel Find 2 Bwork Archer Briefs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mitomiel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience in pants Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar.

2 Bwork Archer Briefs


Offering for Nikodeus: The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nikodeus Find 9 Kolerat Whiskers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nikodeus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Kolerat Whiskers


Offering for Miloune: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area. Quest: Offering for Miloune Find 1 Dark Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Miloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area.

1 Dark Cloak


Offering for Kacinka: Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kacinka Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kacinka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Mathru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area. Quest: Offering for Mathru Find 2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mathru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area.

2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair


Offering for Hito: The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Hito Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hito DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Pouki: Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Pouki Find 2 Barkritter Calyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pouki DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%.

2 Barkritter Calyx


Offering for Poup: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Poup Find 2 Prespic Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

2 Prespic Tail


Offering for Tilapiatsu: The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tilapiatsu Find 2 Yuara Pirate Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tilapiatsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%.

2 Yuara Pirate Shell


Offering for Otoul: All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Otoul Find 28 Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Otoul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

28 Gudgeon


Offering for Namsporp: Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Namsporp Find 4 Crocodyl Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namsporp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Our Miss Triste blessing Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights).

4 Crocodyl Scale


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Jacoula Find 18 Blue Ray and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jacoula DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dek Find 2 Poisonous Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Flouky Find 1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Flouky DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the old chapel in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Reniator Find 2 Leurnettes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reniator DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mustasly Find 2 Grossewer Raeman Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mustasly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Raeman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Messikriss Find 1 Macerated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Messikriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by hunters from Frigost monsters who live outside the Village is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters. Quest: Offering for Annbonny Find 2 Sewer Keeper Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Annbonny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Waro Find 3 Timber Substrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Waro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


Offering for Julo: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Brakmar City Walls area. Quest: Offering for Julo Find 5 Crobak Foot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Julo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters. Quest: Offering for Munir Find 2 Cheeken Cloaca and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Munir DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Jeffarctor: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Moowolf Lair. Quest: Offering for Jeffarctor Find 7 Boowolf Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jeffarctor DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

7 Boowolf Tail


Offering for Angy: Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Angy Find 2 Draugur Chafer Jaw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Angy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

2 Draugur Chafer Jaw


Offering for Fafah: The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fafah Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fafah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Oats


Offering for Lateralus: The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Lateralus Find 2 Venerable Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lateralus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mastogob Wool


Offering for Vanderivz: Bonuses awarded by mounts are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Vanderivz Find 4 Rancid Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Uicuic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tinyrus Find 2 Moopet Stuffing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tinyrus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


Offering for Troyle: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Tears of Ouronigride area. Quest: Offering for Troyle Find 2 Steam Crackler Heart and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troyle DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Steam Crackler Heart


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Eltux Find 20 Cobalt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Inooni Find 2 Buzta Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inooni DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ezimuos Find 2 Black Gobball Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ezimuos DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

2 Black Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area. Quest: Offering for Tiris Find 1 Sandy Castle Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sandy Castle Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Edacsak Find 2 Pingwobble Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edacsak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eltruteht Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltruteht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Village and Dreggon Tunnels areas. Quest: Offering for Ologar Find 4 Coal Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ologar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Coal Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Adam Find 1 Scratchy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Adam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossokens The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kountar Find 2 Dok Alako Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kountar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Moko Find 2 Asploda Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Ingmar Find 5 Snowdrop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ingmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Foya Find 3 Dragoturkey Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foya DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Bovjouski Find 1 Tofu Sandals and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bovjouski DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Mig Find 3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mig DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Sept Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sept DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Moowolf Lair area is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Jason Find 8 Macian Chops and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jason DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Macian Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eboren Find 4 Lousy Pig Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eboren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Lucyvan Find 2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucyvan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ryf Find 15 Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ryf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons. Quest: Offering for Sebsokk Find 3 Twiggy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebsokk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Reivax Find 2 Snowflake and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reivax DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area. Quest: Offering for Benjak Find 1 Aluminite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Grug Find 3 Pointed Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grug DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bonta Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


Offering for Maxares: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas. Quest: Offering for Maxares Find 2 Sailor Knot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maxares DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Math Find 4 Tender Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Math DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Bird Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Bird Meat.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Milivar Find 1 Gingerbread Sleigh and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milivar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items. Quest: Offering for Simsof Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Simsof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fhenris Find 2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fhenris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Korri Find 1 Chocolate Gift Package and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Korri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


a star appears every 15 minutes. Quest: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 20% in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga zones: a star appears every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ediva Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ediva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Cocoyuyu Find 20 Rye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cocoyuyu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Dari Find 2 Dark Treeckler Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dari DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist). Quest: Offering for Aisk Find 8 Lemon Papillote and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aisk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (baker, butcher, handyman and fishmonger).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Mazic Find 4 Clay Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mazic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources and archmonsters Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Clay Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Arouz Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Arouz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Bakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Orage Find 2 Sparo's Scarf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orage DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Thomahon Find 2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Thomahon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ling Find 12 Yew Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ling DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Sebklav Find 2 Wo Wabbit Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebklav DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals. Quest: Offering for Yvad Find 7 Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yvad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sandy Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Leszak Find 2 Beach Towel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Leszak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased. Quest: Offering for Stun Find 2 Holy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Stun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Troma Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ashvey Find 2 Dopple Mirror and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ashvey DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rojers Find 12 Silver and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rojers DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


Offering for Katlestyn: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Frozen Lake area. Quest: Offering for Katlestyn Find 2 Pingwinkle Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katlestyn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guigui Find 2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guigui DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Poupline Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupline DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Bubba Find 2 Family Relic and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bubba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family. Quest: Offering for Kia Find 7 Arachnee Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Yecetu Find 14 Lard Bass and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yecetu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting Kozaru is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eskarina Find 3 Ino-Naru Bracelet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eskarina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting the Undried is increased by 75%.

3 Ino-Naru Bracelet


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Inkola Find 2 Jumpy Flea and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inkola DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Jumpy Flea


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Magikow Find 1 Bottle of Greedoburg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Magikow DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


Offering for Danizzal: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Danizzal Find 2 Warguerite Bract and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Danizzal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kestra Find 5 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kestra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Insect Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Insect Flesh.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing. Quest: Offering for Shiva Find 2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shiva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Dungeon.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Billfer Find 2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Billfer DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pierrock Find 3 Twiggy Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierrock DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Weaponsmiths (daggers, swords, hammers, shovels and axes) save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Maribri Find 10 Frosteez and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maribri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Koppapi Find 2 Ratter Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Koppapi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krala Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Lorf Find 2 Gwass Sepal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Teskirf Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teskirf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual. Quest: Offering for Tolgnas Find 4 Superior Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tolgnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Full of life Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools. Quest: Offering for Ruevas Find 6 Meat Roulade and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ruevas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from Gobballs Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Marke Find 6 Sliced Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elibah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, fishmongers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eritem Find 2 Icy Brockhard Molar and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eritem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Valley of the Lady of the Water dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Val Find 4 Cucumber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Val DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area are increased by 125%.

4 Cucumber


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area. Quest: Offering for Misdup Find 8 Wisdom Ring and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Misdup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


Offering for Kimykay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kimykay Find 2 Tsukinochi Crescent and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimykay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Tsukinochi Crescent


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Eramas Find 30 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eramas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kilistin Find 4 Kaniger Nail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kilistin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Meash Find 5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meash DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bazukana Find 2 Mama Pingwin Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bazukana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family. Quest: Offering for Karlita Find 7 Boogranny Canine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karlita DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boogranny Canine


Offering for Edyxo: The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Edyxo Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edyxo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Copper


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duf Find 5 Passion Shigekax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience Points All characters' experience gains are increased by 100% as quest rewards.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Guss Find 2 Healing Branch Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Soft Oak Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tehego DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eidnas Find 11 Mushroom and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eidnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain. Quest: Offering for Amirniana Find 5 Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Amirniana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Treechnid Dungeon.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Karat Find 25 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area. Quest: Offering for Atog Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atog DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bii Find 8 Bwork Beer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


Offering for Vinstyl: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 35% in the Astrub Sewers zone. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Kanabal: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Mount Tombs area. Quest: Offering for Kanabal Find 2 Madura Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

2 Madura Eye


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Tidihef: The chances of obtaining loot from Moon Beach Monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Tidihef Find 2 Kokokonut and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

2 Kokokonut


Offering for Jonat: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Jonat Find 1 Sacred Staff and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

1 Sacred Staff


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


Offering for Sylkauf: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Petrified Forest area. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Darkchy: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates. Quest: Offering for Darkchy Find 2 Hazwonarm Headband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

2 Hazwonarm Headband


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Wind Dojo dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Kurookin Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wind Dojo dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Kurookin Fabric


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon keepers is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained from professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Weapon Smiths and Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


Offering for Ocarian: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Alma's Cradle area. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tanuki family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Ishibig Pak Rocky Fist and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moor monsters are increased by 75%.

5 Ishibig Pak Rocky Fist


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Azra: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove, the Abysses of Sufokia monsters, Submerged Ones, and Crocuzko Crocodyls). Quest: Offering for Azra Find 2 Glacial Fluid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

2 Glacial Fluid


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fishSea (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Mount Tombs area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Kaokurimono and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Kaokurimono


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 Limestone Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

4 Limestone Dreggon Egg


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Howling Heights area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowonoké Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowonoké Hairs


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


Offering for Jay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Cania Lake area. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coast Road area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Mobbib: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mist Army family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mobbib Find 2 Drumurai Breastplate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Drumurai Breastplate


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Favarez: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest. Quest: Offering for Favarez Find 2 Grilled Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

2 Grilled Kralove


Offering for Sehb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sehb Find 2 Strawberry Jelly and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

2 Strawberry Jelly


Offering for Duc: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians. Quest: Offering for Duc Find 2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duc DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Bearbarians.

2 Mellifluous Bearbarian Tail


Offering for Tchoub: The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tchoub Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchoub DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Gold harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Gold


Offering for Viti: Experience gained in the Feudala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viti Find 3 Boombardier Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viti DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Feudala area is increased by 100%.

3 Boombardier Hairs


Offering for Scheik: The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Scheik Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Scheik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Sylfaen: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas. Quest: Offering for Sylfaen Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylfaen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Kawaii River and Madrestam Harbour areas.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Katelruz: Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Katelruz Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katelruz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Peat Bog monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Lakha: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area. Quest: Offering for Lakha Find 2 Crackler Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lakha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Crackler Mountain area.

2 Crackler Stone


Offering for Rakrevei: The quantity of Stale Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Rakrevei Find 3 Stale Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rakrevei DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Muzzles harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Muzzle.

3 Stale Meat


Offering for Fako: Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests. Quest: Offering for Fako Find 2 Suspicious Pouch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fako DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quests and kamas Kamas gained are increased by 100% for all quests.

2 Suspicious Pouch


Offering for Proff: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Rocky Roads area. Quest: Offering for Proff Find 3 Foxfyter Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Proff DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Road to Brakmar area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

3 Foxfyter Ear


Offering for Shinkarre: Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Shinkarre Find 1 Crystal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shinkarre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Miners save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Crystal


Offering for Mylka: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mylka Find 4 Red Piwi Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mylka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Piwi family are increased by 75%.

4 Red Piwi Feather


Offering for Franek: The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Franek Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of plants harvested by alchemists of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Sage


Offering for Esthoma: For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled. Quest: Offering for Esthoma Find 2 Explosive Capsule and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Esthoma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Fairy factory For every Fairywork crafted, characters have a 25% chance of creating a second one, as well as a 10% change of keeping their ingredients. The amount of Explosive Capsules dropped by Bwork Magi is also doubled.

2 Explosive Capsule


Offering for Gymcitro: Experienced gained in the Temple of the Great Ougaa is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Gymcitro Find 1 Mushmunch Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gymcitro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Fungus Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Mushmunch Tongue


Offering for Rikku: The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikku Find 2 Light Treeckler Stump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tree Keeholo monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Light Treeckler Stump


Offering for Malava: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis. Quest: Offering for Malava Find 1 Oni Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Malava DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Onis.

1 Oni Blood


Offering for Bo: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area. Quest: Offering for Bo Find 2 Mufafah Moustache and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Grassy Plains area.

2 Mufafah Moustache


Offering for Bipup: The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bipup Find 15 Maple Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bipup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Bombu, Oliviolet and Maple harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

15 Maple Wood


Offering for Azkatraz: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas. Quest: Offering for Azkatraz Find 5 Meatball and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azkatraz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Frigost Village and Icefields areas.

5 Meatball


Offering for Bigg: A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Bigg Find 10 Potatoes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bigg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near Amakna Castle. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

10 Potatoes


Offering for Bern: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bern Find 2 Medicinal Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bern DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Wild Canyon area are increased by 100%.

2 Medicinal Stone


Offering for Loumi: All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Loumi Find 3 Twiggy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Loumi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Turquoise Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Twiggy Shovel


Offering for Duanaf: Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duanaf Find 1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duanaf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Scaraleaf Plain area is increased by 100%.

1 Green Scaraleaf Carapace


Offering for Zebdara: The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zebdara Find 20 Malt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zebdara DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Malt harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Malt


Offering for Alikindoy: The resource protectors are 5 times more likely to appear during harvesting activities than usual. Quest: Offering for Alikindoy Find 1 Small Harvester Bag and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todeb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeunk's Hideout dungeon.

1 Small Harvester Bag


Offering for Emil: The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased. Quest: Offering for Emil Find 2 Smithy Daggers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Astrub is increased.

2 Smithy Daggers


Offering for Nell: Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours. Quest: Offering for Nell Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nell DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Gobbowl Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use them, you'll receive Gobbagums of various flavours.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Ku: Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Ku Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ku DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Plants harvested by alchemists will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

40 Nettles


Offering for Kham: The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kham Find 2 Mopy King Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kham DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mopy Kings are increased by 150%.

2 Mopy King Fabric


Offering for Kevlatahmu: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Plantala area. Quest: Offering for Kevlatahmu Find 3 Flowistil Pistil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kevlatahmu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pandala Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Flowistil Pistil


Offering for Tyrben: The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Tyrben Find 12 Tin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tyrben DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Tin and Silicate harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Tin


Offering for Jember: Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Jember Find 2 Carbon Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jember DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting temple Dopples is increased by 75%.

2 Carbon Paper


Offering for Ntamak: Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ntamak Find 1 Purple Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ntamak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Tailors have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Purple Cloak


Offering for Krisegis: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area. Quest: Offering for Krisegis Find 2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisegis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowfoux Caverns area.

2 Yokai Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Osebo: The quantity of Perch, Monkfish, Lard Bass, and Tench harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Osebo Find 12 Perch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Osebo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

12 Perch


Offering for Toun: A special repeatable quest is available today to the east of the Lumberjacks' Workshop in Amakna Forest. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Toun Find 1 Cawwot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Daza DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Field Dungeon are increased by 125%.

1 Cawwot


Offering for Seyfani: Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Seyfani Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyfani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area is increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Taelstrom: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tainela area. Quest: Offering for Taelstrom Find 6 Gobbly Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Taelstrom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Gobball Breeding Station area.

6 Gobbly Horn


Offering for Milides: For each item crafted, Farmers have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Milides Find 10 Solid Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milides DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, bakers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

10 Solid Bread


Offering for Izmar: The quantity of Blood-Soaked Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Izmar Find 2 Blood-Soaked Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Izmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters from creatures native to Frigost Village is increased by 125%.

2 Blood-Soaked Meat


Offering for Ani: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Kaliptus Forest area. Quest: Offering for Ani Find 2 Koalak Forester Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ani DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kaliptus Forest area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Koalak Forester Hair


Offering for Xandra: Experience gains are increased by 75% with Dreggons and Dragosses. Quest: Offering for Xandra Find 7 Clay Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xandra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Dreggons is increased by 75%.

7 Clay Dreggon Shell


Offering for Tiny: The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tiny Find 2 Dramanita Gill and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Petrified Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Dramanita Gill


Offering for Namyknof: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach Monsters family. Quest: Offering for Namyknof Find 5 Crab Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namyknof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Beach monsters family.

5 Crab Pincer


Offering for Elgero: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area. Quest: Offering for Elgero Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elgero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mikart: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mikart Find 2 Seed of Contention and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Blacksmith Dungeon.

2 Seed of Contention


Offering for Martero: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas. Quest: Offering for Martero Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Martero DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Zealous Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 200% in all areas.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Aris: The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Aris Find 10 Gold and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of ores harvested by miners of all levels is increased by 100%.

10 Gold


Offering for Mendelia: The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mendelia Find 2 Harrogant Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mendelia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Frigostian loot The chances of obtaining loot from Count Harebourg, his four lieutenants and all their creatures are increased by 75%.

2 Harrogant Eye


Offering for Halden: Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Halden Find 2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Halden DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Snowfoux is increased by 75%.

2 Kami Snowfoux Incisor


Offering for Tigibon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Plantala area. Quest: Offering for Tigibon Find 2 Bambooto Stalk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tigibon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Pandala Forest area.

2 Bambooto Stalk


Offering for Verol: The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Verol Find 10 Freyesque Orchid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Verol DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Freyesque Orchids harvested by alchemists is increased by 150%.

10 Freyesque Orchid


Offering for Jibejan: All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jibejan Find 5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jibejan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Almond Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Almond Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Teluomaj: The chances of obtaining loot in the Turtle Beach area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Teluomaj Find 2 Kokostraw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teluomaj DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Moon Beach area are increased by 100%.

2 Kokostraw


Offering for Aazimar: The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased. Quest: Offering for Aazimar Find 2 Ice Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aazimar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Frigost Village is increased.

2 Ice Wand


Offering for Blou: Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Blou Find 1 Mush Rhume Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fungus Cavern area is increased by 100%.

1 Mush Rhume Slobber


Offering for Yaka: Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Yaka Find 1 Field Dungeon Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Handymen have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Field Dungeon Key


Offering for Bek: The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bek Find 12 Cherry Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Cherry Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

12 Cherry Wood


Offering for Pytch: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village and Dreggon Tunnels areas. Quest: Offering for Pytch Find 7 Slate Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pytch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dreggon Village area.

7 Slate Dreggon Shell


Offering for Seyroth: The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbushes are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Seyroth Find 2 Bulbush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Seyroth DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Bulbigs are increased by 150%. Sadly, Bulbig Brotha doesn't count.

2 Bulbush Thorn


Offering for Redfis: Experience gains are increased by 125% in Crocabulia's Lair. Quest: Offering for Redfis Find 2 Dragandrop Hide and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Redfis DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experienced gained in the Dreggon Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Dragandrop Hide


Offering for Lim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Spitfoux. Quest: Offering for Lim Find 5 Spitfoux Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 250% against Kitsou Nufeus.

5 Spitfoux Skin


Offering for Grut: The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Grut Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Wheat harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Atsu: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Magik Riktus family are increased by 50%. An extra challenge is generated and bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 75% against creatures in the Magik Riktus family. Quest: Offering for Atsu Find 2 Marine Conch and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Slashed prices The fees charged for using Zaaps, bank accounts and markets are all reduced by 50%.

2 Marine Conch


Offering for Gnat: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Coral Beach area. Quest: Offering for Gnat Find 2 Craboral Pincer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gnat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coral Beach area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Craboral Pincer


Offering for Hellmut: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Hellmut Find 2 Snailmet Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hellmut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tree Keeholo Foliage area are increased by 100%.

2 Snailmet Slobber


Offering for Azrou: Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Azrou Find 4 Scarecro Tongue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azrou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Field Plants is increased by 75%.

4 Scarecro Tongue


Offering for Oopah: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Oopah Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oopah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area.

40 Iron


Offering for Bouliks: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area. Quest: Offering for Bouliks Find 1 Minor Dagob and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouliks DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Pandala Village area.

1 Minor Dagob


Offering for Ansoh: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lair of the Giant Kralove dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Ansoh Find 2 Old Kralove Sucker and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansoh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Madrestam Harbour area.

2 Old Kralove Sucker


Offering for Ikoan: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Arak-hai Forest area. Quest: Offering for Ikoan Find 7 Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ikoan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Treechnid Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

7 Treechnid Root


Offering for Poch: The quantity of Contaminated Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Poch Find 4 Contaminated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poch DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Gobbly Legs and Gobball Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Gobball Leg.

4 Contaminated Meat


Offering for Lamarilu: Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lamarilu Find 3 Manderisha Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lamarilu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Minotoror Island area is increased by 100%.

3 Manderisha Skin


Offering for Rems: The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rems Find 4 Crocodyl Chief Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rems DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Crocodyl Chiefs are increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Chief Scale


Offering for Yanouchk: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Yanouchk Find 6 Boar Tusk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yanouchk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Amakna Forest area.

6 Boar Tusk


Offering for Sirdal: Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Sirdal Find 7 Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sirdal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Alchemists have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

7 Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Eiwech: The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased. Quest: Offering for Eiwech Find 2 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eiwech DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in Amakna Village and Forest is increased.

2 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Alaokit: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in Tanukouï San's Workshop. Quest: Offering for Alaokit Find 1 Magic Tanuki Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alaokit DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Agony V'Helley area.

1 Magic Tanuki Hairs


Offering for Poupik: The quantity of Kittenfish, Ediem Carp, Pike andEel harvested by Fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Poupik Find 40 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

40 Kittenfish


Offering for Lazura: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lazura Find 2 Solfatara Residue and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lazura DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Tears of Ouronigride area are increased by 100%.

2 Solfatara Residue


Offering for Unkn: Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Unkn Find 8 Gobkool Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Unkn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobkools and Cave Gobballs is increased by 200%.

8 Gobkool Wool


Offering for Blid: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions. Quest: Offering for Blid Find 20 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Blid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all harvesting professions.

20 Ash Wood


Offering for Jihelair: All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Jihelair Find 1 Eco Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jihelair DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Plum Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Eco Bow


Offering for Oskerine: The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Oskerine Find 10 Bauxite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Oskerine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bauxite harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

10 Bauxite


Offering for Pasqueoz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area. Quest: Offering for Pasqueoz Find 2 Mastogob Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pasqueoz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Icefields area.

2 Mastogob Wool


Offering for Klernodie: Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Klernodie Find 2 Atomystique Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Klernodie DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Tears of Ouronigride area is increased by 100%.

2 Atomystique Stone


Offering for Zuart: Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Zuart Find 2 Broken Chains and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zuart DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossium experience Experience gained from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

2 Broken Chains


Offering for Bouilli: The quantity of Marbled Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bouilli Find 3 Marbled Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bouilli DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Dragomeat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Dragomeat.

3 Marbled Meat


Offering for Okajin: The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Okajin Find 2 Venerable Mud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Okajin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Vulkania monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Venerable Mud


Offering for Luzbel: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 25% in the Astrub Meadow zone. Quest: Offering for Luzbel Find 4 Evil Dandelion Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Luzbel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Meadow area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Evil Dandelion Flower


Offering for Titi: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area. Quest: Offering for Titi Find 5 Shrubstrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Titi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Gobball Corner area.

5 Shrubstrate


Offering for Alucard: Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Alucard Find 2 Coralator Coccyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alucard DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Grotto Hesque is increased by 125%.

2 Coralator Coccyx


Offering for Gurvamon: Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Gurvamon Find 1 Wild Sunflower Oil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gurvamon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Cereals harvested by farmers will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

1 Wild Sunflower Oil


Offering for Alhera: The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Alhera Find 2 Precious Zoth Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Alhera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Zoth Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Precious Zoth Stone


Offering for Tholank: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Tholank Find 2 Gullipop Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tholank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Frigost Village monsters.

2 Gullipop Feather


Offering for Kaoly: Fertile Rhineetles of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Kaoly Find 40 Grawn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kaoly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Pets with pep Pet and petsmount bonuses are increased by 100%.

40 Grawn


Offering for Xan: The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Xan Find 1 Elm Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Aspen, Holy Bamboo and Elm wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 200%.

1 Elm Wood


Offering for Anulideven: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family. Quest: Offering for Anulideven Find 1 Blodz Uker Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Anulideven DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Pig family.

1 Blodz Uker Skin


Offering for Lokhaan: Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lokhaan Find 2 Cromagmunk Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lokhaan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Lonesome Pine Trails area is increased by 100%.

2 Cromagmunk Tail


Offering for Benka: Hunters have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Benka Find 8 Astrubian Fritter and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Butchers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

8 Astrubian Fritter


Offering for Nobozil: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas. Quest: Offering for Nobozil Find 2 Stabba Fibula and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nobozil DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Snowy Forest and Sakai Plain areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Stabba Fibula


Offering for Olileb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Tanukouï San's Workshop dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Olileb Find 5 Shinobuubusu Mask and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olileb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Damadrya's Bamboo Grove dungeon are increased by 125%.

5 Shinobuubusu Mask


Offering for Aleb: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon. Quest: Offering for Aleb Find 4 Vampire Blood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aleb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and XP in the Haunted House Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 125% in the Haunted House dungeon.

4 Vampire Blood


Offering for Krisdanh: Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdanh Find 2 Novice Powder and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdanh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Vulkania monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Novice Powder


Offering for Jycedus: The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Jycedus Find 10 Edelweiss and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jycedus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Edelweiss and Pandkin Seeds harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

10 Edelweiss


Offering for Po: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Po Find 5 Tofu Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Po DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tofu family are increased by 75%.

5 Tofu Egg


Offering for Puliblak: A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Puliblak Find 3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Puliblak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today just south of the Bonta gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Bontarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Ansha: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ansha Find 2 Mature Ashes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ansha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Vulkania monsters.

2 Mature Ashes


Offering for Meda: The quantity of Icefish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Meda Find 3 Icefish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meda DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of Frigostian fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

3 Icefish


Offering for Ju: Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ju Find 2 Suntan Lotion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area is increased by 100%.

2 Suntan Lotion


Offering for Dramon: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dramon Find 2 Trunkiblop Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dramon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Royal Rainbow Blop Lair dungeon.

2 Trunkiblop Root


Offering for Zeg: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta. Quest: Offering for Zeg Find 4 Mulish Cat's Boots and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zeg DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in Bonta.

4 Mulish Cat's Boots


Offering for Tix: The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tix Find 40 Wheat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of cereals harvested by farmers of all levels is increased by 100%.

40 Wheat


Offering for Rigamix: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Rigamix Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rigamix DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Matgap: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Tombs area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Matgap Find 2 Kapokaza and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Matgap DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Nolifis Island area are increased by 100%.

2 Kapokaza


Offering for Sab: Experience gained by fighting Moon Kanniballs is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Sab Find 2 Kanniballs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sab DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon Island Kanniballs is increased by 75%.

2 Kanniballs


Offering for Ouchim: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters. Quest: Offering for Ouchim Find 2 Juvenile Puddle and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ouchim DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Vulkania monsters.

2 Juvenile Puddle


Offering for Margarou: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area. Quest: Offering for Margarou Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Margarou DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Amkana Forest area.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Orreip: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 6 hours in all areas. Quest: Offering for Orreip Find 2 Starfish Eyelid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orreip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Shooting stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in all areas: one star will appear every 30 minutes.

2 Starfish Eyelid


Offering for Lortecaps: Experience gained in the Terrdala area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lortecaps Find 2 Titinuki Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lortecaps DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Terrdala area is increased by 100%.

2 Titinuki Wand


Offering for Marjul: The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marjul Find 20 Bronze and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marjul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Bronze harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Bronze


Offering for Ynniw: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Ynniw Find 2 Minokid Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ynniw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mino family are increased by 75%.

2 Minokid Horn


Offering for Pilserpus: Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pilserpus Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pilserpus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Farmers have a 10% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Hop


Offering for Gridoo: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area. Quest: Offering for Gridoo Find 3 Piglet Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gridoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Lousy Pig Plain area.

3 Piglet Leather


Offering for Theomak: Experience gains and chances of obtaining loot are increased by 25% in the Vulkania forest zones. Quest: Offering for Theomak Find 2 Juvenile Smoke and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Theomak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Vulkanian Forest areas: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Juvenile Smoke


Offering for Pierdem: The quantity of Mineral Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Pierdem Find 4 Mineral Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierdem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Pork Loin harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Pork Loin.

4 Mineral Meat


Offering for Guiboun: The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guiboun Find 2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guiboun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Mount Scauldron area are increased by 100%.

2 Torpid Bearbarian Hair


Offering for Mikala: Experience gained in the Bworker's Cave is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Mikala Find 2 Mama Bwork Boil and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mikala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bworker Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Mama Bwork Boil


Offering for Lolzeolf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area. Quest: Offering for Lolzeolf Find 3 Mutant Tofu Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lolzeolf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Ingalsses' Fields area.

3 Mutant Tofu Tooth


Offering for Fizzi: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Fizzi Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fizzi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Dreggon Dungeon.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Talentyre: Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Talentyre Find 2 Harpy Pirate Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Talentyre DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Alma's Cradle monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Harpy Pirate Scale


Offering for Noon: The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Noon Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Noon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Walnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Dyw: The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dyw Find 2 Blopshroom Flower and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dyw DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Blop Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Blopshroom Flower


Offering for So: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dragon Pig's Maze area. Quest: Offering for So Find 1 Dorgan Ation Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest So DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dragon Pig's Maze area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

1 Dorgan Ation Skin


Offering for Bitkyo: Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area. Quest: Offering for Bitkyo Find 3 Sesame Seed Bread and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bitkyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen have a 15% chance of keeping their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Forest area.

3 Sesame Seed Bread


Offering for Manoush: Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Manoush Find 2 Fisheralak Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Manoush DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Enchanted Lakes area is increased by 100%.

2 Fisheralak Bone


Offering for Ancestrotek: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions. Quest: Offering for Ancestrotek Find 4 Potion of Old Age and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ancestrotek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all professions.

4 Potion of Old Age


Offering for Vikotoru: The quantity of Nettles harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Vikotoru Find 40 Nettles and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vikotoru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Flax Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

40 Nettles


Offering for Lorko: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters. Quest: Offering for Lorko Find 2 Bestial Brockhard Claw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Fangs of Glass monsters.

2 Bestial Brockhard Claw


Offering for Lucimay: The chances of obtaining loot in the Akwadala area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Lucimay Find 4 Bamboo Blowgun and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucimay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Aerdala are increased by 100%.

4 Bamboo Blowgun


Offering for Zouzo: Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Zouzo Find 1 Crowfox Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zouzo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Lord Crow's Library is increased by 125%.

1 Crowfox Hair


Offering for Cherop: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters. Quest: Offering for Cherop Find 2 Mofette Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cherop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Tears of Ouronigride monsters.

2 Mofette Stone


Offering for Davut: The quantity of Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine, Kralove, and Grey Sea Bream harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Davut Find 15 Shiny Sardine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davut DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of medium-sized sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Shiny Sardine


Offering for Mud: The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Mud Find 2 Broken Trident and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mud DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lousy Pig Shepherds are increased by 150%.

2 Broken Trident


Offering for Mau: All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Mau Find 1 Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mau DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ebony Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Xa: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area. Quest: Offering for Xa Find 2 Dragnarok Hide and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Xa DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Dragnarok Hide


Offering for Grugin: The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Grugin Find 2 Spectral Flame and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grugin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Bonta and Brakmar The experience points awarded for completing alignment quests and city order quests are increased by 100%. What's more, a special repeatable quest is available today inside the militias of Bonta and Brakmar. It is available to aligned players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Spectral Flame


Offering for Yukin: The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yukin Find 20 Flax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yukin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Flax harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Flax


Offering for Farod: Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Farod Find 2 Treecherous Bark and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Farod DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Petrified Forest monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Treecherous Bark


Offering for Makss: Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Makss Find 3 Rainbow Necklace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Makss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Jewellers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Rainbow Necklace


Offering for Laturb: The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Laturb Find 2 Mastogobbly Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laturb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Icefields area are increased by 100%.

2 Mastogobbly Ear


Offering for Nosruo: Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Nosruo Find 7 Mush Mush Thorn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nosruo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in Brouce Boulgoure's Clearing is increased by 100%.

7 Mush Mush Thorn


Offering for Guidys: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Guidys Find 4 Chafer Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guidys DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Skeleton Dungeon.

4 Chafer Bone


Offering for Olvido: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates. Quest: Offering for Olvido Find 20 Walnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Olvido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from pirates Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be pirates.

20 Walnut Wood


Offering for Nido: The quantity of Fresh Meat picked up by hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nido Find 3 Fresh Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nido DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by Kaniger, Crocodyl and Koalak hunters is increased by 125%.

3 Fresh Meat


Offering for Bodirom: The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased. Quest: Offering for Bodirom Find 2 Vor'Om Axe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bodirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Brakmar is increased.

2 Vor'Om Axe


Offering for Djuuma: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Feudala area. Quest: Offering for Djuuma Find 3 Bangartifoux Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aucun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Feudala area.

3 Bangartifoux Hairs


Offering for Foluk: The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Foluk Find 2 Kilibriss Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Djuuma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Grassy Plains monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Kilibriss Down


Offering for Emp: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area. Quest: Offering for Emp Find 4 Lumberjack Hatchet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Countryside area.

4 Lumberjack Hatchet


Offering for Franho: Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Franho Find 4 Crocodyl Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Franho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Crocodyls is increased by 150%.

4 Crocodyl Teeth


Offering for Nufrank: The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Nufrank Find 21 Obsidian and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nufrank DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Dolomite and Obsidian harvested by miners is increased by 175%.

21 Obsidian


Offering for Wasaru: The chances of obtaining loot in the Wind Dojo are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Wasaru Find 4 Aerodynamic Pelt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wasaru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in Kanigrula's Hideout are increased by 125%.

4 Aerodynamic Pelt


Offering for Sad: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area. Quest: Offering for Sad Find 3 Quetsnakiatl Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Labyrinth of the Minotoror area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

3 Quetsnakiatl Feather


Offering for Dethoama: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area. Quest: Offering for Dethoama Find 2 Barbrossa's Shirt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dethoama DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Otomai's Ark area.

2 Barbrossa's Shirt


Offering for Sulp: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon. Quest: Offering for Sulp Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sulp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Moomoo: Experience gained by fighting the Mist Army is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Moomoo Find 2 Jiangshi-Nobi Bone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moomoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pandala ghosts is increased by 75%.

2 Jiangshi-Nobi Bone


Offering for Kosal: The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kosal Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kosal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Oak Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Chik: A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Chik Find 3 Twiggy Bow and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Chik DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the fountain in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Twiggy Bow


Offering for Juju: The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Juju Find 3 Prespic Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Juju DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Milicluster area are increased by 100%.

3 Prespic Peak


Offering for Ounirom: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Ounirom Find 3 Crab Stick and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ounirom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishmongers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Crab Stick


Offering for Ketzakwet: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ketzakwet Find 2 Floramor Stamen and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ketzakwet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Tynril Lab dungeon.

2 Floramor Stamen


Offering for Krunsh: Experience gained in the Dark Forest is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krunsh Find 1 Dark Treechnid Root and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krunsh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Treechnid Forest is increased by 100%.

1 Dark Treechnid Root


Offering for Kroketh: The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Kroketh Find 4 Oozing Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kroketh DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat harvested by hunters of all levels is increased by 100%.

4 Oozing Meat


Offering for Nitsougnal: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Firefoux. Quest: Offering for Nitsougnal Find 4 Gingerocket Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nitsougnal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Hard-Head Stubbyobs.

4 Gingerocket Skin


Offering for Benjo: All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Benjo Find 10 Ediem Carp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Golden Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

10 Ediem Carp


Offering for Takeza: Experience gained by mounts is increased by 200%. Quest: Offering for Takeza Find 3 Cottage Pie with Onion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Emattera DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Tears of Ouronigride monsters are increased by 75%.

3 Cottage Pie with Onion


Offering for Diakollec: All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Diakollec Find 3 Bambooto Stalk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Diakollec DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Quest experience All experience given as a reward for quests is increased by 100%.

3 Bambooto Stalk


Offering for Astirout: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Akwadala area. Quest: Offering for Astirout Find 4 Kwapa Water and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marke DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Akwadala area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

4 Kwapa Water


Offering for Eylen: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Eylen Find 7 Evil Tofu Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eylen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Evil Forest area.

7 Evil Tofu Wing


Offering for Dnegeleht: The quantity of Sage harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Dnegeleht Find 20 Sage and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dnegeleht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Hemp Flowers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

20 Sage


Offering for Kuri: The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kuri Find 9 Gobkool Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kuri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the the Koolich Cavern dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Gobkool Horn


Offering for Yaloop: Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area. Quest: Offering for Yaloop Find 3 Rotten Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yaloop DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Lonesome Pine Trails area.

3 Rotten Meat


Offering for Fry: Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Fry Find 2 Zoth Smoke Machine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fry DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Zoths is increased by 75%.

2 Zoth Smoke Machine


Offering for Zellina: Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Zellina Find 15 Pike and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Zellina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Fish of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

15 Pike


Offering for Sephy: The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Sephy Find 7 Coal Dreggon Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sephy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot on the Dreggon Peninsula are increased by 100%.

7 Coal Dreggon Shell


Offering for Baba: The quantity of items crafted by Hunters is increased by 25% Quest: Offering for Baba Find 4 Countrywoman Pan Fry and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Baba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line The quantity of items crafted by butchers is increased by 25%

4 Countrywoman Pan Fry


Offering for Viviantho: Experience gained in the Tainela area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Viviantho Find 7 Tofu Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Viviantho DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cradle area is increased by 100%.

7 Tofu Feather


Offering for Patawaii: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Desolation of Sidimote area. Quest: Offering for Patawaii Find 4 Crovus Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Patawaii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Sidimote Moors area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Crovus Feather


Offering for Sili: The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Sili Find 40 Iron and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sili DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Iron harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

40 Iron


Offering for Rikoo: The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Rikoo Find 2 Sabredon Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rikoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Lonesome Pine Trail monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Sabredon Hair


Offering for Capt: Experience gained in the Wa Wabbit's Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Capt Find 5 Wabbit Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Capt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wabbit Dungeon is increased by 125%.

5 Wabbit Teeth


Offering for Coyo: Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Coyo Find 3 Twiggy Wand and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Coyo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Carvers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Wand


Offering for Fredocigam: The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fredocigam Find 20 Hemp and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fredocigam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hemp harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hemp


Offering for Tchokun: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux. Quest: Offering for Tchokun Find 2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tchokun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Snowfoux.

2 Soryo Snowfoux Ear


Offering for Macugny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area. Quest: Offering for Macugny Find 2 Grabba Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Macugny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Snowy Forest area.

2 Grabba Skin


Offering for Asid: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin. Quest: Offering for Asid Find 4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Asid DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive an Al Howin's Treat or be turned into a Little Borbkin.

4 Bwork Magus Beard Hair


Offering for Mitomiel: Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar. Quest: Offering for Mitomiel Find 2 Bwork Archer Briefs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mitomiel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience in pants Experience gained by fighting monsters and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 50% for all adventurers wearing a pair of pants, briefs or similar.

2 Bwork Archer Briefs


Offering for Nikodeus: The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Nikodeus Find 9 Kolerat Whiskers and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nikodeus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Brumen Tinctorias's LaboRATory dungeon are increased by 125%.

9 Kolerat Whiskers


Offering for Miloune: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area. Quest: Offering for Miloune Find 1 Dark Cloak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Miloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Amakna Village area.

1 Dark Cloak


Offering for Kacinka: Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kacinka Find 2 Counterfeit Royal Seal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kacinka DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Bandits and Dark Craftsmen is increased by 75%.

2 Counterfeit Royal Seal


Offering for Mathru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area. Quest: Offering for Mathru Find 2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mathru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Permafrost Port area.

2 Woolly Bow Meow Hair


Offering for Hito: The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Hito Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Hito DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Chestnut Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Pouki: Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Pouki Find 2 Barkritter Calyx and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pouki DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Dark Jungle area is increased by 100%.

2 Barkritter Calyx


Offering for Poup: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Poup Find 2 Prespic Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

2 Prespic Tail


Offering for Tilapiatsu: The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Tilapiatsu Find 2 Yuara Pirate Shell and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tilapiatsu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Alma's Cradle area are increased by 100%.

2 Yuara Pirate Shell


Offering for Otoul: All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Otoul Find 28 Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Otoul DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Orchid Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

28 Gudgeon


Offering for Namsporp: Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Namsporp Find 4 Crocodyl Scale and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Namsporp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Our Miss Triste blessing Our Miss Triste is waiting by the fountain in Amakna Village to give adventurers ugly-overs. Her blessing will transform you into a Crocodyl (a temporary effect which will disappear when you enter a fight) and leave you Butt Ugly (bonus of 50 Power and 10 fixed damage for 15 fights).

4 Crocodyl Scale


Offering for Jacoula: The quantity of Blue Ray, Sickle-Hammerhead Shark, Cod, and Swordfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Jacoula Find 18 Blue Ray and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jacoula DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of giant sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

18 Blue Ray


Offering for Dek: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Dek Find 2 Poisonous Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dek DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Brakmar Rat Dungeon.

2 Poisonous Slobber


Offering for Flouky: The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Flouky Find 1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Flouky DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from hostile Dragoturkeys are increased by 75%.

1 Ginger Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Reniator: A special repeatable quest is available today near the old chapel in Astrub. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Reniator Find 2 Leurnettes and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reniator DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the statue of the god Sram in Astrub. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Leurnettes


Offering for Mustasly: Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mustasly Find 2 Grossewer Raeman Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mustasly DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Sewer monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Grossewer Raeman Skin


Offering for Messikriss: The quantity of lvl. 100+ meat picked up by hunters is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Messikriss Find 1 Macerated Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Messikriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of meat picked up by hunters from Frigost monsters who live outside the Village is increased by 150%.

1 Macerated Meat


Offering for Annbonny: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters. Quest: Offering for Annbonny Find 2 Sewer Keeper Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Annbonny DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Sewer monsters.

2 Sewer Keeper Leg


Offering for Waro: Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Waro Find 3 Timber Substrate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Waro DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Lumberjacks save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Timber Substrate


Offering for Julo: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Brakmar City Walls area. Quest: Offering for Julo Find 5 Crobak Foot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Julo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Brakmar City Walls area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

5 Crobak Foot


Offering for Munir: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters. Quest: Offering for Munir Find 2 Cheeken Cloaca and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Munir DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Tree Keeholo monsters.

2 Cheeken Cloaca


Offering for Jeffarctor: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Moowolf Lair. Quest: Offering for Jeffarctor Find 7 Boowolf Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jeffarctor DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Canidae Dungeon.

7 Boowolf Tail


Offering for Angy: Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Angy Find 2 Draugur Chafer Jaw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Angy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Cemetery of the Tortured area is increased by 100%.

2 Draugur Chafer Jaw


Offering for Fafah: The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fafah Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fafah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Oats harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Oats


Offering for Vanderivz: Fertile Dragoturkeys of all varieties will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Vanderivz Find 4 Rancid Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lateralus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Mastogobs are increased by 75%.

4 Rancid Meat


Offering for Uicuic: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area. Quest: Offering for Uicuic Find 2 Bad Boy Tattoo and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Uicuic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Passage to Brakmar area.

2 Bad Boy Tattoo


Offering for Tinyrus: Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tinyrus Find 2 Moopet Stuffing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tinyrus DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Kimbo's Canopy dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Moopet Stuffing


Offering for Troyle: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Tears of Ouronigride area. Quest: Offering for Troyle Find 2 Steam Crackler Heart and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troyle DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Tears of Ouronigride area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Steam Crackler Heart


Offering for Eltux: The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Eltux Find 20 Cobalt and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Cobalt harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Cobalt


Offering for Inooni: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Inooni Find 2 Buzta Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inooni DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowy Forest area are increased by 100%.

2 Buzta Ear


Offering for Ezimuos: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Ezimuos Find 2 Black Gobball Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ezimuos DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Gobball Dungeon.

2 Black Gobball Leather


Offering for Tiris: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area. Quest: Offering for Tiris Find 1 Sandy Castle Key and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Sufokia area.

1 Sandy Castle Key


Offering for Edacsak: Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Edacsak Find 2 Pingwobble Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edacsak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Pingwins is increased by 75%.

2 Pingwobble Skin


Offering for Eltruteht: The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eltruteht Find 20 Oak Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eltruteht DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of wood harvested by lumberjacks of all levels is increased by 100%.

20 Oak Wood


Offering for Ologar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Village and Dreggon Tunnels areas. Quest: Offering for Ologar Find 4 Coal Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ologar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Dreggon Tunnels area.

4 Coal Dreggon Egg


Offering for Adam: The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Adam Find 1 Scratchy Shovel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Adam DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Kolossokens The quantity of tokens won from Kolossium fights is increased by 100%.

1 Scratchy Shovel


Offering for Kountar: The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Kountar Find 2 Dok Alako Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kountar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Koalaks are increased by 75%.

2 Dok Alako Fabric


Offering for Moko: Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Moko Find 2 Asploda Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Moko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sakai Plain and Snowy Forest areas is increased by 100%.

2 Asploda Eye


Offering for Ingmar: The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%. Quest: Offering for Ingmar Find 5 Snowdrop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ingmar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Snowdrops harvested by alchemists is increased by 175%.

5 Snowdrop


Offering for Foya: All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Foya Find 3 Dragoturkey Teeth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Foya DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ivory Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

3 Dragoturkey Teeth


Offering for Bovjouski: Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Bovjouski Find 1 Tofu Sandals and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bovjouski DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Shoemakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

1 Tofu Sandals


Offering for Mig: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Mig Find 3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mig DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Brakmar gate. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

3 Brakmarian Intercity-Express Potion


Offering for Sept: Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Sept Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sept DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Ores of all types will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Copper


Offering for Jason: Experience gained in the Moowolf Lair area is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Jason Find 8 Macian Chops and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jason DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Canidae Dungeon is increased by 125%.

8 Macian Chops


Offering for Eboren: The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eboren Find 4 Lousy Pig Leather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eboren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Lousy Pig Plain area are increased by 100%.

4 Lousy Pig Leather


Offering for Lucyvan: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Lucyvan Find 2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lucyvan DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Kwismas monsters.

2 Scarlet Kwismas Wrapping Paper


Offering for Ryf: The quantity of Kralove, Grey Sea Bream, Blue Ray, and Sickle-Hammerhead Shark harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ryf Find 15 Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ryf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

15 Kralove


Offering for Sebsokk: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons. Quest: Offering for Sebsokk Find 3 Twiggy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebsokk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in all dungeons.

3 Twiggy Sword


Offering for Reivax: The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Reivax Find 2 Snowflake and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Reivax DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Kwismas monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Snowflake


Offering for Benjak: Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area. Quest: Offering for Benjak Find 1 Aluminite and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Benjak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Harvesters and craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Porco Territory area.

1 Aluminite


Offering for Grug: Experience gained in the Heroes' Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Grug Find 3 Pointed Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Grug DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Bonta Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

3 Pointed Tooth


Offering for Maxares: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas. Quest: Offering for Maxares Find 2 Sailor Knot and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maxares DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Pirate Boat and Castaway Island areas: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Sailor Knot


Offering for Math: The quantity of Tender Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Math Find 4 Tender Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Math DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Bird Meat harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Bird Meat.

4 Tender Meat


Offering for Milivar: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters. Quest: Offering for Milivar Find 1 Gingerbread Sleigh and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Milivar DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Kwismas monsters.

1 Gingerbread Sleigh


Offering for Simsof: Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items. Quest: Offering for Simsof Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Simsof DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Surprise gifts Kwismas Gifts have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll receive resources or random items.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Fhenris: The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Fhenris Find 2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fhenris DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Royal Pingwin's Excavation dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Shaman Pingwin Beard Hair


Offering for Korri: Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Korri Find 1 Chocolate Gift Package and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Korri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kwismas monsters is increased by 75%.

1 Chocolate Gift Package


a star appears every 15 minutes. Quest: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 20% in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga zones: a star appears every 15 minutes. Quest: Offering for Ediva Find 4 Kwismas Gift and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ediva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Kwismas Haven, Land and Taiga areas: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

4 Kwismas Gift


Offering for Cocoyuyu: The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Cocoyuyu Find 20 Rye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cocoyuyu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Rye and Rice harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Rye


Offering for Dari: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Dari Find 2 Dark Treeckler Seed and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dari DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dark Jungle area are increased by 100%.

2 Dark Treeckler Seed


Offering for Aisk: Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (Farmer, Hunter, Handyman, Fisherman, and Alchemist). Quest: Offering for Aisk Find 8 Lemon Papillote and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Aisk DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gains are increased by 50% for all craftsmen who can make consumables (baker, butcher, handyman and fishmonger).

8 Lemon Papillote


Offering for Mazic: Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Mazic Find 4 Clay Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mazic DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources and archmonsters Archmonsters will appear 200% more quickly than usual. Resources of all types will appear 100% more quickly than usual.

4 Clay Dreggon Egg


Offering for Arouz: Farmers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Arouz Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Arouz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Bakers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Oats


Offering for Orage: Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Orage Find 2 Sparo's Scarf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orage DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Otomai's Ark monsters is increased by 75%.

2 Sparo's Scarf


Offering for Thomahon: The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Thomahon Find 2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Thomahon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Fangs of Glass monsters are increased by 75%.

2 Gluttonous Brockhard Tail


Offering for Ling: The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Ling Find 12 Yew Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ling DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Yew Wood and Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

12 Yew Wood


Offering for Sebklav: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Sebklav Find 2 Wo Wabbit Hair and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sebklav DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Repeatable quest A special repeatable quest is available today near the Bakers' Workshop in Amakna Village. It is available to players of level 10 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest.

2 Wo Wabbit Hair


Offering for Yvad: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals. Quest: Offering for Yvad Find 7 Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yvad DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Forest animals.

7 Boar Snout


Offering for Leszak: Experience gained in the Sandy Castle is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Leszak Find 2 Beach Towel and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Leszak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Sand Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Beach Towel


Offering for Stun: The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased. Quest: Offering for Stun Find 2 Holy Sword and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Stun DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Item quality The quality of items crafted in the city of Bonta is increased.

2 Holy Sword


Offering for Troma: All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Troma Find 2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Troma DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Emerald Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Golden Dragoturkey Wing


Offering for Ashvey: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ashvey Find 2 Dopple Mirror and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ashvey DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dopple Training area are increased by 100%.

2 Dopple Mirror


Offering for Rojers: The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Rojers Find 12 Silver and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rojers DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Silver harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

12 Silver


Offering for Katlestyn: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Frozen Lake area. Quest: Offering for Katlestyn Find 2 Pingwinkle Feather and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Katlestyn DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Frozen Lake area: one star will appear every 15 minutes.

2 Pingwinkle Feather


Offering for Guigui: Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Guigui Find 2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guigui DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Asparah Gorge area is increased by 100%.

2 Yomi Snowfoux Malleolus


Offering for Poupline: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Poupline Find 2 Ouassingue Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Poupline DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Putrid Peat Bog area.

2 Ouassingue Slobber


Offering for Bubba: The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Bubba Find 2 Family Relic and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bubba DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Family Relic


Offering for Kia: An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family. Quest: Offering for Kia Find 7 Arachnee Leg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kia DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against creatures in the Arachnee family.

7 Arachnee Leg


Offering for Yecetu: The quantity of Pike, Eel, Perch, and Monkfish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Yecetu Find 14 Lard Bass and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yecetu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of large river fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 150%.

14 Lard Bass


Offering for Eskarina: Experience gained by fighting Kozaru is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eskarina Find 3 Ino-Naru Bracelet and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eskarina DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting the Undried is increased by 75%.

3 Ino-Naru Bracelet


Offering for Inkola: The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Inkola Find 2 Capoei Rat Shorts and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inkola DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Bonta Rat Dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Capoei Rat Shorts


Offering for Magikow: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area. Quest: Offering for Magikow Find 1 Bottle of Greedoburg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Magikow DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Edge of the Evil Forest area.

1 Bottle of Greedoburg


Offering for Danizzal: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Danizzal Find 2 Warguerite Bract and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Danizzal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Dark Jungle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Warguerite Bract


Offering for Kestra: The quantity of Ground Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Kestra Find 5 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kestra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Insect Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Insect Flesh.

5 Ground Meat


Offering for Shiva: The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Clearing. Quest: Offering for Shiva Find 2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Shiva DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Greedy Perceptors The loot generated by Perceptors is increased by 300% in the Soft Oak Dungeon.

2 Short-Tempered Dark Treechnid Bud


Offering for Billfer: Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Billfer Find 2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Billfer DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Primitive Cemetery area is increased by 100%.

2 Koalak Gravedigger Shinbone


Offering for Pierrock: Smiths save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Pierrock Find 3 Twiggy Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Pierrock DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Weaponsmiths (daggers, swords, hammers, shovels and axes) save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Twiggy Hammer


Offering for Maribri: The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Maribri Find 10 Frosteez and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maribri DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Frosteez harvested by farmers is increased by 150%.

10 Frosteez


Offering for Koppapi: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Koppapi Find 2 Ratter Tail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Koppapi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon.

2 Ratter Tail


Offering for Krala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Krala Find 11 Gobball Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Gobball Corner area are increased by 100%.

11 Gobball Wool


Offering for Lorf: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area. Quest: Offering for Lorf Find 2 Gwass Sepal and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Lorf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Dark Jungle area.

2 Gwass Sepal


Offering for Teskirf: The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Teskirf Find 15 Wild Mint and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Teskirf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Wild Mint Leaves harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Wild Mint


Offering for Tolgnas: Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual. Quest: Offering for Tolgnas Find 4 Superior Mini Healing Potion and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tolgnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Full of life Health Points are regenerated 300% more quickly than usual (outside of fights), and heals with consumables are 100% more effective than usual.

4 Superior Mini Healing Potion


Offering for Ruevas: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools. Quest: Offering for Ruevas Find 6 Meat Roulade and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ruevas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from Gobballs Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all creatures considered to be in the Gobball family, including Mastogobs and Gobkools.

6 Meat Roulade


Offering for Marke: For each item crafted, Fishermen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Marke Find 6 Sliced Gudgeon and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elibah DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, fishmongers have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

6 Sliced Gudgeon


Offering for Eritem: Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Eritem Find 2 Icy Brockhard Molar and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eritem DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Fangs of Glass area is increased by 100%.

2 Icy Brockhard Molar


Offering for Val: The chances of obtaining loot in the Valley of the Lady of the Water dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Val Find 4 Cucumber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Val DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Astrub Rocky Inlet area are increased by 125%.

4 Cucumber


Offering for Misdup: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area. Quest: Offering for Misdup Find 8 Wisdom Ring and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Misdup DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Scaraleaf Plain area.

8 Wisdom Ring


Offering for Kimykay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Nolifis Island area. Quest: Offering for Kimykay Find 2 Tsukinochi Crescent and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimykay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Nolifis Island area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

2 Tsukinochi Crescent


Offering for Eramas: The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Eramas Find 30 Ash Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eramas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ash Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 125%.

30 Ash Wood


Offering for Kilistin: Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Kilistin Find 4 Kaniger Nail and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kilistin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Kanigers is increased by 150%.

4 Kaniger Nail


Offering for Meash: All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Meash Find 5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meash DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Ginger Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

5 Ginger Dragoturkey Peak


Offering for Bazukana: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bazukana Find 2 Mama Pingwin Down and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bazukana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frozen Lake area are increased by 100%.

2 Mama Pingwin Down


Offering for Karlita: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family. Quest: Offering for Karlita Find 7 Boogranny Canine and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karlita DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Boowolf family.

7 Boogranny Canine


Offering for Edyxo: The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Edyxo Find 20 Copper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Edyxo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Copper harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

20 Copper


Offering for Duf: Anybody affected by the Chocrosis Curse will see experience gained by fighting monsters increase by 100%. Quest: Offering for Duf Find 5 Passion Shigekax and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Duf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience Points All characters' experience gains are increased by 100% as quest rewards.

5 Passion Shigekax


Offering for Guss: Experience gained in the Soft Oak Clearing is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Guss Find 2 Healing Branch Leaf and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Guss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Soft Oak Dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Healing Branch Leaf


Offering for Tehego: Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tehego Find 3 Ground Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tehego DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Hunters save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

3 Ground Meat


Offering for Eidnas: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Eidnas Find 11 Mushroom and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Eidnas DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mushroom family are increased by 75%.

11 Mushroom


Offering for Amirniana: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Ancestral Domain. Quest: Offering for Amirniana Find 5 Treechnid Bud and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Amirniana DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Treechnid Dungeon.

5 Treechnid Bud


Offering for Karat: The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Karat Find 25 Kittenfish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Karat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of fish harvested by fishermen of all levels is increased by 100%.

25 Kittenfish


Offering for Atog: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area. Quest: Offering for Atog Find 2 Air Pikoko Rump and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Atog DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Tree Keeholo Trunk area.

2 Air Pikoko Rump


Offering for Bii: Experience gained in the Gisgoul area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Bii Find 8 Bwork Beer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bii DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Gisgoul, the Devastated Village area is increased by 100%.

8 Bwork Beer


Offering for Ludobel: The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Ludobel Find 2 Dragostess Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ludobel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Dreggons' Sanctuary area are increased by 100%.

2 Dragostess Skin


Offering for Rumo: Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Rumo Find 20 Oats and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Rumo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources Resources will reappear 150% more quickly than usual in the Cania Fields area.

20 Oats


Offering for Vinstyl: Experience gains and the chances of obtaining loot are increased by 35% in the Astrub Sewers zone. Quest: Offering for Vinstyl Find 4 Tofu Beak and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Vinstyl DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Astrub Deep Tunnels area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

4 Tofu Beak


Offering for Kanabal: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Mount Tombs area. Quest: Offering for Kanabal Find 2 Madura Eye and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kanabal DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Nolifis Island area.

2 Madura Eye


Offering for Krisdip: Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Krisdip Find 3 Minoskito Skin and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Krisdip DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting creatures in the Mino family is increased by 75%.

3 Minoskito Skin


Offering for Tiko: The quantity of Bloody Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tiko Find 3 Bloody Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tiko DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Wabbit Legs harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Wabbit Leg.

3 Bloody Meat


Offering for Tidihef: The chances of obtaining loot from Moon Beach Monsters are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Tidihef Find 2 Kokokonut and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tidihef DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moon plants and Moon turtles are increased by 75%.

2 Kokokonut


Offering for Fitsef: Trikortritt Surprises have been added to monster loot. When you use one, you'll either receive a Karnaval Doughnut or find yourself in a Too Faux Tofu outfit. Quest: Offering for Fitsef Find 8 Grawn Fritters and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jonat DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Brakmar area.

8 Grawn Fritters


Offering for Meluze: Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Meluze Find 2 Adventurer Skull and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Meluze DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Agony V'Helley area is increased by 100%.

2 Adventurer Skull


Offering for Marifriss: The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Marifriss Find 3 Hornbeam Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marifriss DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Hornbeam Wood and Dark Bamboo Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

3 Hornbeam Wood


Offering for Sylkauf: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Petrified Forest area. Quest: Offering for Sylkauf Find 2 Fistulina Volva and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sylkauf DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Petrified Forest area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Fistulina Volva


Offering for Darkchy: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates. Quest: Offering for Darkchy Find 2 Hazwonarm Headband and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Darkchy DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Moon pirates.

2 Hazwonarm Headband


Offering for Marilez: The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Marilez Find 2 Stunted Rat Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Marilez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Frigost Village area are increased by 100%.

2 Stunted Rat Fabric


Offering for Tella: Experience gained in the Wind Dojo dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tella Find 2 Kurookin Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tella DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Wind Dojo dungeon is increased by 125%.

2 Kurookin Fabric


Offering for Davkaz: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family. Quest: Offering for Davkaz Find 7 Wabbit Paw and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Davkaz DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against creatures in the Wabbit family.

7 Wabbit Paw


Offering for Totot: The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Totot Find 20 Hop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Totot DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Hops harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Hop


Offering for Inndo: All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Inndo Find 2 Dragoturkey Milk and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Inndo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Indigo Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

2 Dragoturkey Milk


Offering for Laetux: An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area. Quest: Offering for Laetux Find 2 Miremop Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Laetux DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against monsters in the Bottomless Peat Bog area.

2 Miremop Tooth


Offering for Tajonoo: Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Tajonoo Find 20 Breaded Fish and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tajonoo DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Fishermen save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

20 Breaded Fish


Offering for Maemon: Experience gained by fighting dungeon keepers is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Maemon Find 2 Staff Bonely and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Maemon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Metamunch experience Experience gained by fighting dungeon bosses is increased by 100%.

2 Staff Bonely


Offering for Todobai: The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Todobai Find 15 Five-Leaf Clover and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Todobai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to pick The quantity of Five-Leaf Clovers harvested by alchemists is increased by 125%.

15 Five-Leaf Clover


Offering for Cycloune: The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cycloune Find 2 Plain Boar Snout and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cycloune DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Plains Boars are increased by 150%.

2 Plain Boar Snout


Offering for Orete: Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Orete Find 2 Zoth Girl's Toy and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Orete DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Zoth Village area is increased by 100%.

2 Zoth Girl's Toy


Offering for Wish: Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights). Quest: Offering for Wish Find 1 Emerald Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Wish DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saint Potrick blessing Ayerish Kaffee is waiting near the Amakna Village Inn for adventurers who want to join him for a drink. His blessing will temporarily put you in the Bulbanauze state (which will disappear when a fight is launched) as well as the Barstud state (bonus of 5% + 10 on all resistances for 15 fights).

1 Emerald Stone


Offering for Ninefi: Experience gained in the professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Smiths, Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%. Quest: Offering for Ninefi Find 1 Birming Hammer and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ninefi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Profession experience Experience gained from professions related to weapon and equipment crafting (Weapon Smiths and Carvers, Jewellers, Shoemakers, Tailors, and Artificers) is increased by 50%.

1 Birming Hammer


Offering for Icleen: The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Icleen Find 15 Manganese and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Icleen DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of ore The quantity of Manganese harvested by miners is increased by 150%.

15 Manganese


Offering for Elosi: The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Elosi Find 2 Drilla Stone and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Elosi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Sakai Abandoned Mine dungeon are increased by 125%.

2 Drilla Stone


Offering for Cebeyon: Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Cebeyon Find 6 Gobball Slobber and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Cebeyon DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Gobballs is increased by 150%.

6 Gobball Slobber


Offering for Konala: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers. Quest: Offering for Konala Find 3 Pointed Stone Fragment and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Konala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Plain Cracklers.

3 Pointed Stone Fragment


Offering for Perviom: All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual. Quest: Offering for Perviom Find 20 Chestnut Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Perviom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Generation of resources All types of wood will reappear 100% more quickly than usual.

20 Chestnut Wood


Offering for Socren: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area. Quest: Offering for Socren Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Socren DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Cania Fields area.

20 Barley


Offering for Fala: The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Fala Find 2 Maho Snowfoux Wool and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Fala DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Snowfoux Caverns area are increased by 100%.

2 Maho Snowfoux Wool


Offering for Dees: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area. Quest: Offering for Dees Find 2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Dees DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Bearbarian Hive area.

2 Apewicubic Bearbarian Ear


Offering for Sha: The quantity of Maggoty Meat harvested by Hunters is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Sha Find 4 Maggoty Meat and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of game The quantity of Larva Flesh harvested by hunters is increased by 125%. This bonus applies to all varieties of Larva Flesh.

4 Maggoty Meat


Offering for Clynt: An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs. Quest: Offering for Clynt Find 2 Mastogob Warrior Horn and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Clynt DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Extra challenge An extra challenge is generated for fights against Mastogobs.

2 Mastogob Warrior Horn


Offering for Ocarian: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Alma's Cradle area. Quest: Offering for Ocarian Find 2 Vigi Pirate Fabric and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Ocarian DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Alma's Cradle area: one star will appear every 10 minutes.

2 Vigi Pirate Fabric


Offering for Mahadine: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Tanuki family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mahadine Find 5 Ishibig Pak Rocky Fist and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mahadine DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Moor monsters are increased by 75%.

5 Ishibig Pak Rocky Fist


Offering for Kimbru: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon. Quest: Offering for Kimbru Find 2 Emerald Larva Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Kimbru DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Larva Dungeon.

2 Emerald Larva Tooth


Offering for Azra: Experience gains and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove, the Abysses of Sufokia monsters, Submerged Ones, and Crocuzko Crocodyls). Quest: Offering for Azra Find 2 Glacial Fluid and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Azra DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot and experience from marine creatures Experience gained and the chances of dropping loot are increased by 75% against all monsters considered to be marine creatures (beach monsters, Crabs, Coralators, Craborals, Moon Turtles, Gullipops, Giant Kralove).

2 Glacial Fluid


Offering for Yamato: The quantity of small river fishSea (Gudgeon, Trout, Kittenfish, Ediem Carp) and small sea fish (Grawn, Crab Surimi, Breaded Fish, Shiny Sardine) harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Yamato Find 16 Crab Surimi and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Yamato DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of fish The quantity of small river fish and small sea fish harvested by fishermen is increased by 125%.

16 Crab Surimi


Offering for Jebedai: Experience gained in the Mount Tombs area is increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Jebedai Find 2 Kaokurimono and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jebedai DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Nolifis Island area is increased by 100%.

2 Kaokurimono


Offering for Typlanet: Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items. Quest: Offering for Typlanet Find 2 Gobball Shield and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Typlanet DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Artificers save 10% of their ingredients when they craft items.

2 Gobball Shield


Offering for Tasmalin: Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Tasmalin Find 1 Crackler's Gold Tooth and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Tasmalin DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained in the Crackler Dungeon is increased by 125%.

1 Crackler's Gold Tooth


Offering for Itourp: The chances of obtaining loot in the Howling Heights area are increased by 100%. Quest: Offering for Itourp Find 7 Boowonoké Hairs and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Itourp DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Eltneg Wood area are increased by 100%.

7 Boowonoké Hairs


Offering for Bensom: The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%. Quest: Offering for Bensom Find 20 Barley and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bensom DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty to harvest The quantity of Barley harvested by farmers is increased by 125%.

20 Barley


Offering for Enaibi: Experience gained by fighting Moon Beach Monsters is increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Enaibi Find 2 Green Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Enaibi DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Experience points Experience gained by fighting Moon turtles and Moon plants is increased by 75%.

2 Green Carapace


Offering for Mak: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon. Quest: Offering for Mak Find 2 Scaratos Carapace and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mak DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 200% in the Inner Labyrinth of the Minotoror dungeon.

2 Scaratos Carapace


Offering for Nunu: All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby. Quest: Offering for Nunu Find 1 Ash Manger and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Nunu DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Dragoturkey breeding All varieties of Crimson Dragoturkey will give birth to one extra baby.

1 Ash Manger


Offering for Jay: The reward bonus on groups of monsters increases every 3 hours in the Cania Lake area. Quest: Offering for Jay Find 9 Piece of Coco Blop and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Jay DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Lucky stars Stars will appear on monster groups more quickly than usual in the Coast Road area: one star will appear every 5 minutes.

9 Piece of Coco Blop


Offering for Mobbib: The chances of obtaining loot from creatures in the Mist Army family are increased by 75%. Quest: Offering for Mobbib Find 2 Drumurai Breastplate and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mobbib DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot from Pandala ghosts are increased by 75%.

2 Drumurai Breastplate


Offering for Gorzarel: The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%. Quest: Offering for Gorzarel Find 8 Kaliptus Wood and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Gorzarel DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Plenty of wood The quantity of Ebony Wood and Kaliptus Wood harvested by lumberjacks is increased by 150%.

8 Kaliptus Wood


Offering for Bunty: Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters. Quest: Offering for Bunty Find 2 Zoth Pipe and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Bunty DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Increased challenges Bonuses gained by completing challenges are increased by 150% against Zoth Village monsters.

2 Zoth Pipe


Offering for Mascha: For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one. Quest: Offering for Mascha Find 1 Ash Slapper and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Mascha DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Production line For each item crafted, handymen have a 25% chance of creating a second one.

1 Ash Slapper


Offering for Favarez: Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest. Quest: Offering for Favarez Find 2 Grilled Kralove and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Favarez DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Saved ingredients Craftsmen save 15% of their ingredients when they craft items in the Astrub area, as well as in the fields and in Astrub Forest.

2 Grilled Kralove


Offering for Etnop: A special repeatable quest is available today near the Masqueraider Temple. It is available to players of level 20 or higher and is not attached to the offering quest. Quest: Offering for Etnop Find 4 Limestone Dreggon Egg and take the offering to Antyklime Ax WAKFU quest Sehb DOFUS Touch bonuses and quests Bonus: Loot The chances of obtaining loot in the Jelly Peninsula area are increased by 100%.

4 Limestone Dreggon Egg